Afbeelding van de auteur.

Margaret Drabble

Auteur van The Red Queen

62+ Werken 12,889 Leden 268 Besprekingen Favoriet van 41 leden

Over de Auteur

Margaret Drabble was born on June 5, 1939 in Sheffield, England. She attended The Mount School in York and Newnham College, Cambridge University. After graduation, she joined the Royal Shakespeare Company at Stratford during which time she understudied for Vanessa Redgrave. She is a novelist, toon meer critic, and the editor of the fifth edition of The Oxford Companion to English Literature. Her works include A Summer Bird Cage; The Millstone, which won the John Llewelyn Rhys Prize in 1966; Jerusalem the Golden, which won James Tait Black Prize in 1967; and The Witch of Exmoor. She also received the E. M. Forster award and was awarded a Society of Authors Travelling Fellowship in the 1960s and the Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1980. (Bowker Author Biography) toon minder


Werken van Margaret Drabble

The Red Queen (2004) 948 exemplaren, 42 besprekingen
De molensteen (1965) 937 exemplaren, 25 besprekingen
The Oxford Companion to English Literature (1985) — Redacteur — 822 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
De lichtende weg (1987) 821 exemplaren, 11 besprekingen
The Peppered Moth (2000) 725 exemplaren, 15 besprekingen
The Seven Sisters (2002) 703 exemplaren, 22 besprekingen
The Needle's Eye (1972) 455 exemplaren, 7 besprekingen
The Witch of Exmoor (1996) 452 exemplaren, 11 besprekingen
Van nature nieuwsgierig (1989) 445 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
De ijstijd (1977) 428 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The Dark Flood Rises (2016) 410 exemplaren, 22 besprekingen
A Summer Bird-cage (1963) 403 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
The Waterfall (1969) 398 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature (1990) — Redacteur — 389 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
The Realms of Gold (1975) 385 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
The Sea Lady (2006) 384 exemplaren, 10 besprekingen
The Gates of Ivory (1991) 376 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
De open poort (1967) 375 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
Het middenstuk (1980) 349 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
The Garrick Year (1964) 337 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
The Pure Gold Baby (2013) 297 exemplaren, 17 besprekingen
The Pattern in the Carpet: A Personal History with Jigsaws (2009) 259 exemplaren, 15 besprekingen
A Writer's Britain: Landscape in Literature (1979) 161 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The Oxford Companion to English Literature (2006) 142 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
The Oxford Companion to English Literature (1995) 118 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Arnold Bennett: A Biography (1974) 91 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
At the Pond: Swimming at the Hampstead Ladies' Pond (2019) 68 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Angus Wilson: A Biography (1995) 65 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
The Gifts of War (2011) 22 exemplaren
The Forward Book of Poetry 1994 (1993) 20 exemplaren
The Genius of Thomas Hardy (1976) 11 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Wordsworth (1966) 11 exemplaren
Great Poets of the 20th Century: Sylvia Plath (2008) — Voorwoord — 9 exemplaren
London Consequences (1972) 6 exemplaren
Le Milieu de la Vie 1 exemplaar
Mühlstein (2024) 1 exemplaar
Crossing the Alps 1 exemplaar
Sığ Sularda 1 exemplaar
Safe as Houses (1990) 1 exemplaar
Hassan's Tower 1 exemplaar
Stækkede vinger (2001) 1 exemplaar
Loistava tilaisuus 1 exemplaar
La Mer toujours recommencée (2008) 1 exemplaar
Tornado Pratt 1 exemplaar
THE MILLSTONE 1 exemplaar

Gerelateerde werken

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Owls Do Cry (1957) — Introductie, sommige edities470 exemplaren, 9 besprekingen
Women & Fiction: Short Stories By and About Women (1975) — Medewerker — 367 exemplaren, 7 besprekingen
Stories (1978) — Introductie — 366 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
Cocksure (1968) — Nawoord, sommige edities282 exemplaren, 5 besprekingen
Mortification: Writers' Stories of Their Public Shame (2003) — Medewerker — 282 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
The Juniper Tree (1985) — Voorwoord, sommige edities276 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
Erotica: Women's Writing from Sappho to Margaret Atwood (1990) — Medewerker — 169 exemplaren
Poor Cow (1967) — Introductie, sommige edities150 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
The Penguin Book of Women's Humour (1996) — Medewerker — 120 exemplaren
The Penguin Book of Modern Women's Short Stories (1990) — Medewerker — 100 exemplaren
Wuthering Heights and Poems (1991) — Introductie, sommige edities99 exemplaren
Living with Shakespeare: Essays by Writers, Actors, and Directors (2013) — Medewerker — 88 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
Choice Words: Writers on Abortion (2020) — Medewerker — 75 exemplaren
Simonetta Perkins (1925) — Voorwoord, sommige edities51 exemplaren
The Guardian Review Book of Short Stories (2011) — Auteur — 50 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
The Undiscovered Country (1970) — Voorwoord, sommige edities29 exemplaren
Into the Widening World: International Coming-of-Age Stories (1995) — Medewerker — 28 exemplaren
The Shakespeare circle : an alternative biography (2015) — Medewerker — 26 exemplaren
Slightly Foxed 71: Jocelin's Folly (2021) — Medewerker — 23 exemplaren
Slightly Foxed 59: Manhattan Moments (2018) — Medewerker — 19 exemplaren
Slightly Foxed 66: Underwater Heaven (2020) — Medewerker — 19 exemplaren
Slightly Foxed 49: Murder at the Majestic (2016) — Medewerker — 18 exemplaren
Collision: Stories From the Science of CERN (2023) — Medewerker — 13 exemplaren
A Love Letter to Europe: An Outpouring of Sadness and Hope (2019) — Medewerker — 5 exemplaren
A Day to Remember to Forget (1971) — Introductie, sommige edities3 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Birds of Prey: Seven Sardonic Stories (2010) — Introductie — 2 exemplaren


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Algemene kennis

Officiële naam
Holroyd, Dame Margaret Drabble
Land (voor op de kaart)
England, UK
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, UK
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, UK
York, Yorkshire, England, UK
London, England, UK
The Mount, York
University of Cambridge (Newnham College)
Holroyd, Michael (husband)
Byatt, A. S. (sister)
Langdon, Helen (sister)
Swift, Joe (son)
Swift, Rebecca (1) (daughter)
Royal Shakespeare Company (1960-1963)
American Academy of Arts and Letters (Foreign Honorary, Literature, 2002)
Prijzen en onderscheidingen
Order of the British Empire (Commander ∙ 1980)
DLitt (hc ∙ University of Cambridge ∙ 2006)
E. M. Forster Award (1973)
Order of the British Empire (Dame Commander ∙ 2008)
Fellow, Royal Society of Literature
PFD, Drury House
Korte biografie
MARGARET DRABBLE is the author of The Sea Lady, The Seven Sisters, The Peppered Moth, and The Needle's Eye, among other novels. For her contributions to contemporary English literature, she was made a Dame of the British Empire in 2008.

Drabble has famously been engaged in a long-running feud with her novelist sister, A.S. Byatt, over the alleged appropriation of a family tea-set in one of her novels. The pair seldom see each other and each does not read the books of the other.




Peper- en zoutvlinder (biston betularia), the peppered moth
Baukis | 14 andere besprekingen | Mar 16, 2022 |
Te lezen als je zelf niet meer die fitte bie van 40 bent. Intrigerend boek over ouder worden, herinneringen, vriendschapsbanden aanknopen en aanhalen, gemiste kansen. Niet erg opbeurend op het eerste zicht, maar met veel verborgen draden en connecties. Rode draad is de tocht van Aeneas (Virgilius boek 6), een tocht die deels hernomen wordt door de 'zeven zussen = bijeengewaaide vrouwen: schoolvriendinnen, dorps- en stadsgenoten met als kern het groepje oudere vrouwen die het Latijn en meer bepaald Virgilius terug oppikken in Londen). Het tweede deel van het boek, de Italiaanse reis is het mooiste en meest hoopvolle deel. Knappe pen, die Drabble, maar dat wisten we al langer. Een aanrader voor een beperkt publiek, ideaal leesclubboek.… (meer)
Baukis | 21 andere besprekingen | Aug 10, 2021 |
You should not read this if you are approaching the age of 60, 70 or 80. And actually, perhaps you should not read this if you are younger. Because the gloominess of aging and approaching death are omnipresent in this book. Margaret Drabble (76 when she wrote this) has woven a whole network of characters around the 70 year old Fran Stubbs, both in the United Kingdom and in the Canary Islands, because those islands are apparently have become the Florida of the older Brit.

Protagonist Fran is an interesting figure: she is a very active senior, one who, against all odds, continues to tour hyperactively as a prospector of housing facilities for older people. She constantly muses about the physical and mental decline, the approaching end and the different ways in which peers deal with it. “Inspection of evolving models or residential care and care homes for the elderly have made aware of the infinitely clever and complex and inhumane delays and devices we create to avoid and deny death, to avoid fulfilling our destiny and arriving at our destination. And the result, in so many cases, has been that we arrive in good spirits, as we say our last farewells and greet the afterlife, but senseless, incontinent, demented, medicated into amnesia, aphasia, indignity. Old fools, who didn't have the courage to have that last whiskey and set their bed on fire with a last cigarette.”

It is striking that Drabble does not really deliver a story with a plot: she jumps back and forth between the characters, lets them experience all kinds of rather unpleasant things, and makes them constantly worry about more or less the same concerns. It is striking that the characters throughout the novel sometimes literally formulate the same reflections over and over again, as if Drabble wanted to give us a realistic view of the repetitive in older life. It is only at the very end that a few, unfortunately rather predictable, tragic developments follow shortly after each other. Also stylistically Drabble dares to vary a lot with sometimes nice dialogues, some long descriptive passages, a few action scenes, a lot of worrying, and occasional passages in which the author addresses the reader directly. And then there is of course the geographical jump between the UK and the Canary Islands, with even a short digression to the Western Sahara.

Beware: it is not that this book is drenched in gloom; the tone regularly is very light-hearted, somewhat rippling and even ironic-sarcastic. But the whole novel lacks some editing; Drabble constantly introduces new characters, extensive tourist and historical digressions on places in the UK and in the Canary Islands, and she also repeatedly refers to very current issues such as global warming and the refugee crisis. In my opinion, with that very diverse cocktail she drowns her central theme. I also noticed that all her figures come from the upper middle class and have a professional background in the academic, artistic and literary world; that naturally limits the scope of this novel a lot.

Yet the figure of Fran, with her many contradictory feelings, appeals: she still lives as an active fifty something (she drives recklessly with her car, and intentionally moves into a residential tower in a marginal neighbourhood), but at the same time she has fits of desperation ("let there be light, oh Lord, let there be light") but suppresses them. Throughout the novel, the reality of inexorably aging confronts her with the facts of reality, but she continues to fight against it. “She's got to keep going. There is nothing else to do. You keep going until you can go any further. And you can't count on the perfect death, at the end of the run.” In moments of doubt, she continues to hope to put down a great show: “Maybe, at the end, what we need most, in order to make a good exit, is applause. Applause, in a showy part. Going out bravely”

In short, even though this novel drowns in just a little too many storylines and elaborations, it still contains quite a lot of valuable stuff to consider. So maybe it is good that you read this when you approach 60, 70 or 80, or maybe even before. Do not say that you have not been warned.
… (meer)
bookomaniac | 21 andere besprekingen | Oct 8, 2019 |
Op mij kwam dit boek gedateerd over. De psychologie sprak me niet aan. Ik moest het wel uitlezen omdat ik in de vakantie niks anders bij me had.
Monica10 | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 9, 2007 |



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