Afbeelding van de auteur.

Chinua Achebe (1930–2013)

Auteur van Een wereld valt uiteen

55+ Werken 28,950 Leden 582 Besprekingen Favoriet van 44 leden
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Over de Auteur

Albert Chinualumogu Achebe was born on November 16, 1930 in Ogidi, Nigeria. He studied English, history and theology at University College in Ibadan from 1948 to 1953. After receiving a second-class degree, he taught for a while before joining the Nigeria Broadcasting Service in 1954. He was toon meer working as a broadcaster when he wrote his first two novels, and then quit working to devote himself to writing full time. Unfortunately his literary career was cut short by the Nigerian Civil War. During this time he supported the ill-fated Biafrian cause and served abroad as a diplomat. He and his family narrowly escaped assassination. After the civil war, he abandoned fiction for a period in favor of essays, short stories, and poetry. His works include Things Fall Apart, Arrow of God, No Longer at Ease, A Man of the People, Anthills of the Savannah, and There Was a Country. He also wrote four children's books including Chike and the River and How the Leopard Got His Claws. In 2007, he won the Man Booker International Prize for his "overall contribution to fiction on the world stage." He also worked as a professor of literature in Nigeria and the United States. He died following a brief illness on March 21, 2013 at the age of 82. (Bowker Author Biography) toon minder
Fotografie: Photograph by Stuart C. Shapiro; used by permission


Werken van Chinua Achebe

Een wereld valt uiteen (1958) 20,935 exemplaren, 436 besprekingen
Weerzien met vreemden (1960) 1,534 exemplaren, 25 besprekingen
Pijl van God (1964) 1,298 exemplaren, 24 besprekingen
Verlaten tempel van de macht (1987) 1,128 exemplaren, 15 besprekingen
Een zoon van zijn volk roman (1966) 871 exemplaren, 14 besprekingen
Things Fall Apart / No Longer At Ease / Arrow of God (1988) 451 exemplaren, 7 besprekingen
There Was A Country: A Personal History of Biafra (2012) 351 exemplaren, 12 besprekingen
Things Fall Apart [Norton Critical Edition] (1958) 304 exemplaren, 5 besprekingen
Hoe meisjes oorlog voeren (1972) 283 exemplaren
The Education of a British-Protected Child: Essays (2009) 240 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
Home and Exile (2001) 217 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays (1988) 200 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Afrika indruk Afrikaanse verhalen (1985) — Redacteur; Medewerker — 147 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Chike and the River (1966) 144 exemplaren, 9 besprekingen
Africas Tarnished Name (2018) 134 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Collected Poems (1969) 103 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
How the Leopard Got His Claws (1972) 93 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
An Image of Africa / The Trouble with Nigeria (2010) 74 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
The Trouble with Nigeria (1984) 64 exemplaren
Heinemann Book of Contemporary African Short Stories (1992) — Redacteur — 57 exemplaren
Beware Soul Brother (1972) 53 exemplaren
Morning yet on creation day: Essays (1975) 34 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
OCR GCSE Story Collection (2002) 21 exemplaren
The Drum (1977) 13 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
The Flute: A Children's Story (1977) 8 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Dead Men's Path 4 exemplaren
Civil Peace 2 exemplaren
Už nikdy klid 2 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Vengeful Creditor [short story] (2016) 2 exemplaren
The world of the Ogbanje (1986) 2 exemplaren
Human Mine Sweeper 1 exemplaar
Things fall apart 1 exemplaar

Gerelateerde werken

The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction (1983) — Medewerker — 1,141 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
De staat van Afrika (2008) — Voorwoord — 359 exemplaren, 10 besprekingen
Vertel mij (2004) — Medewerker — 346 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
The Art of the Tale: An International Anthology of Short Stories (1986) — Medewerker — 341 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The World's Greatest Short Stories (2006) — Medewerker — 277 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Under African Skies: Modern African Stories (1997) — Medewerker — 94 exemplaren
Rotten English: A Literary Anthology (2007) — Medewerker — 76 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
The Anchor Book of Modern African Stories (2002) — Voorwoord — 54 exemplaren
One World of Literature (1992) — Medewerker — 24 exemplaren
African Literature: an anthology of criticism and theory (2007) — Medewerker — 23 exemplaren
Currents in Fiction (1974) — Medewerker — 20 exemplaren
AQA Anthology (2002) — Auteur, sommige edities19 exemplaren
Wonders: Writings and Drawings for the Child in Us All (1980) — Medewerker — 19 exemplaren
An African Quilt: 24 Modern African Stories (2012) — Medewerker — 17 exemplaren
Masters of British Literature, Volume B (2007) — Medewerker — 17 exemplaren
African Rhapsody: Short Stories of the Contemporary African Experience (1994) — Voorwoord, sommige edities16 exemplaren


Algemene kennis

Officiële naam
Achebe, Albert Chinụalụmọgụ
Ogidi, Anambra State, Nigeria
Ogidi, Anambra State, Nigeria Protectorate
Plaats van overlijden
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Ogidi, Nigeria
Nekede, Nigeria
Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria
Oba, Nigeria
Lagos, Nigeria
Enugu, Nigeria (toon alle 12)
Aba, Biafra
Nsukku, Nigeria
Nneobi, Nigeria
Annandale, New York, USA
Massachusetts, USA
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
University College, Ibadan, Nigeria
University of London
short-story writer
school teacher
Okigbo, Christopher (friend)
Anambra State University of Technology
Bard College
Brown University
Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation
Prijzen en onderscheidingen
Booker Prize (2007)
Visiting professorship (University of Massachusetts-Amherst ∙ University of Connecticut ∙ UCLA)
Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels (2002)
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Honorary Fellowship.
Nigerian National Merit Award
Korte biografie
Chinua Achebe was born in Nigeria in 1930. He was raised in the large village of Ogidi, one of the first centers of Anglican missionary work in Eastern Nigeria, and was a graduate of University College, Ibadan.

His early career in radio ended abruptly in 1966, when he left his post as Director of External Broadcasting in Nigeria during the national upheaval that led to the Biafran War. He was appointed Senior Research Fellow at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and began lecturing widely abroad.

From 1972 to 1976, and again in 1987 to 1988, Mr. Achebe was Professor of English at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and also for one year at the University of Connecticut, Storrs.

Cited in the London Sunday Times as one of the "1,000 Makers of the Twentieth Century" for defining "a modern African literature that was truly African" and thereby making "a major contribution to world literature," Chinua Achebe published novels, short stories, essays and children's books. [adapted from Things Fall Apart, c1959, 1994 printing Anchor Books Ed.]

Mr. Achebe received numerous honors from around the world including more than twenty honorary doctorates from universities in England, Scotland, the United States, Canada, and Nigeria.

Latterly Mr. Achebe lived with his wife in Annandale, New York, where they both taught at Bard College. They had four children.



AFRICAN NOVEL CHALLENGE JULY 2023 - ACHEBE / OKRI in 75 Books Challenge for 2023 (augustus 2023)
Things Fall Apart Chapters 18-25/END in Geeks who love the Classics (februari 2022)
Things Fall Apart Chapters 9-17 in Geeks who love the Classics (februari 2022)
Things Fall Apart Chapters 1-8 in Geeks who love the Classics (januari 2022)
Things Fall Apart Jan-March 2022 Housekeeping Items in Geeks who love the Classics (januari 2022)
November 2020: Chinua Achebe in Monthly Author Reads (december 2020)


Weer een prachtige vertelling van Achebe: net als in Things fall apart neemt hij de tijd om zijn verhaal mooi uitgesponnen te vertellen, en dwingt ons zo in het Afrikaanse ritme te komen. In dit boek staat de ondergang van de priester-chef Ezeulu centraal. Het slot van het verhaal wordt nogal vlug afgewikkeld, met nog een korte epiloog die het verhaal iets ruimer opentrekt en het geheel situeert in de overname van de macht door de Britse kolonisator.
bookomaniac | 23 andere besprekingen | Jun 7, 2012 |
Vrij kort, neutraal relaas van het leven in een dorp van de Ibo-stam (Nigeria), tijdsvak aanvankelijk onbepaald. Hoofdfiguur Okonkwo lijkt op weg om op eigen verdienste een man van aanzien te worden, maar door ongeluk, en uiteindelijk door de komst van de blanke kolonisator (dus eind 19de eeuw) stort zijn wereld in. Mooie evocatie van het stamleven, volgens de oude gebruiken; en schets van de overgang naar een koloniaal regime. Opvallend is de onthechte beschrijving, geen aanklacht, hoewel je onvermijdelijk toch een zekere sympathie met de hoofdfiguur en het "oude "leven krijgt, ondanks de donkere, wrede kanten die door Achebe niet onvermeld worden gelaten.… (meer)
bookomaniac | 435 andere besprekingen | Aug 3, 2011 |


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