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Gejaagd door de wind (1936)

door Margaret Mitchell

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23,729446151 (4.27)1278
Classic Literature. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Literature, Margaret Mitchell's great novel of the South is one of the most popular books ever written. Within six months of its publication in 1936, Gone With the Wind had sold a million copies. To date, it has been translated into 25 languages, and more than 28 million copies have been sold. Here are the characters that have become symbols of passion and desire: darkly handsome Rhett Butler and flirtatious Scarlett O'Hara. Behind them stand their gentler counterparts: Ashley Wilkes and Melanie Hamilton. As the lives and affairs of these absorbing characters play out against the tumult of the Civil War, Gone With the Wind reaches dramatic heights that have swept generations of fans off their feet. Having lived in Atlanta for many years, narrator Linda Stephens has an authentic ear for the dialects of that region. Get ready to hear Gone With the Wind exactly as it was written: every word beautifully captured in a spectacular unabridged audio production.… (meer)
  1. 90
    The Wind Done Gone door Alice Randall (lquilter, petersonvl)
    lquilter: This work was rewritten to tell the other side of Gone With the Wind, the story that Mitchell elided with her romanticized view of racism and slavery and its "happier when they were slaves" survivors. The Mitchell estate chose to sue for copyright infringement, but lost because the court recognized that this work is an important critical commentary on Gone with the Wind, and the beliefs that animated the original.… (meer)
  2. 50
    Forever Amber door Kathleen Winsor (avalon_today)
    avalon_today: They are both scandalous women. It’s a love hate relationship.
  3. 30
    Jubilee door Margaret Walker (lquilter)
    lquilter: Jubilee is the true story of the author's great grandmother, a woman born to slavery as the daughter of a slave and a white slave-owner. She acted as servant to her white sister, and was a witness to antebellum life, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.
  4. 42
    Trots en vooroordeel door Jane Austen (StarryNightElf)
  5. 10
    Oh, Kentucky! door Betty Layman Receveur (blonderedhead)
    blonderedhead: Strong female heroine in a sweeping, romantic and exciting historical fiction novel. I loved both books...and think others might, too.
  6. 11
    Oorlog en Vrede door Leo Tolstoy (GCPLreader, fulner)
    GCPLreader: melodrama in the midst of war and the invasion (and burning!) of a major city
    fulner: rich people sit around and talk about war as if it didn't matter
  7. 00
    Ver weg van het stadsgewoel door Thomas Hardy (Lapsus_Linguae)
    Lapsus_Linguae: Both main heroines are strong-willed independent women who take up entrepreneurship.
  8. 11
    A Skeptic's Luck door A.D. Morel (A.D.Morel)
    A.D.Morel: There's this feeling of longing, that she will not quite get there, yet we are passionately rooting for the main character, we go through her travails with her.
  9. 00
    The Wind Is Never Gone: Sequels, Parodies and Rewritings of Gone with the Wind door M. Carmen Gomez-galisteo (Prinzipessa, Prinzipessa)
    Prinzipessa: This book explains Gone with the Wind and analyzes its sequels, parodies as well as the fan fiction stories based on Gone With the Wind.
  10. 00
    Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows door Balli Kaur Jaswal (fulner)
    fulner: The amount of similarities between the girls of antebellum South in Gone with the Wind and the Indian girls in Erotic Stories for Punjabi widows is striking.
  11. 00
    De Erfenis van de Zussen door Katherine Webb (tesskrose)
  12. 00
    Heart of the West door Penelope Williamson (theshadowknows)
    theshadowknows: These books share a similar epic, sweeping feel in bringing to life a lost and fading ideal (the American frontier in Heart of the West and the old, genteel south in Gone with the Wind.)
  13. 00
    The Winds of Tara: The Saga Lives On door Katherine Pinotti (veracity)
    veracity: 'Winds of Tara' is an unauthorised sequel to 'Gone with the Wind'.
  14. 01
    My Name is Mary Sutter door Robin Oliveira (BookshelfMonstrosity)
  15. 57
    Scarlett : het vervolg op Margaret Mitchell's Gejaagd door de wind door Alexandra Ripley (Nyxn)
  16. 02
    Katherine door Anya Seton (avalon_today)
    avalon_today: Its about having to deal with a very strong, charismatic man. *Sigh*
  17. 13
    Rhett : de weg naar Scarlett door Donald McCaig (mrstreme)
Elevenses (193)
1930s (123)
BitLife (120)
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De best-seller aller tijden: „Gejaagd door de wind" — met uitzondering van de Bijbel het meest verkochte boek ter wereld! Het is de boeiende en ontroerende roman over Scarlett O'Hara, de verwende dochter van een rijke katoenplanter. - Eén keer trouwt ze uit koppigheid en een tweede keer uit berekening. Jarenlang jaagt ze achter de verkeerde man aan. Maar als een tijger vecht zij voor haar bezit gedurende de Amerikaanse burgeroorlog. „Niemand, die plezier heeft in lezen, kan zich de weelde veroorloven dit boek ongelezen te laten," schreef de New York Times. 37 jaar geleden werd deze trilogie verfilmd met Vivian Leigh, Clark Gable en Leslie Howard in de hoofdrollen en nog steeds wordt deze film overal ter wereld gevraagd. „Gejaagd door de wind" is nog steeds miljoenen waard! ( )
  Besselina | Aug 24, 2013 |
This is beyond a doubt one of the most remarkable first novels produced by an American writer. It is also one of the best.
toegevoegd door Shortride | bewerkThe New York Times Book Review, J. Donald Adams (betaal website) (Jul 5, 1936)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (24 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Mitchell, Margaretprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Auterinen, MaijaliisaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Beheim-Schwarzbach, MartinVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Conroy, PatVoorwoordSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Roldanus, Willem Jacob AarlandVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Stahl, BenIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Stephens, LindaVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
אריוך, ג.VertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

Onderdeel van de uitgeversreeks(en)

Gallimard, Folio (54/66-740/741/742)
rororo (1027-1032)

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Ein Mensch ist in seinem Leben wie Gras/er blühet wie eine Blume auf dem Felde;/wenn der Wind darüber geht, so ist sie nimmer da,/ und ihre Stätte kennet sie nicht mehr. Psalm 103
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To J. R. M.
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Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm, as the Tarleton twins were.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. (Scarlett)
I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies. (Prissy)
After all, tomorrow is another day.
My dear, I don't give a damn.
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This LT work is for Margaret Mitchell's original 1936 novel, Gone with the Wind. Please distinguish it both from partial copies of the work (one or another volume from a 2, 3 or 4-volume set) and from the 1939 movie version of the same name. Thank you.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (3)

Classic Literature. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Literature, Margaret Mitchell's great novel of the South is one of the most popular books ever written. Within six months of its publication in 1936, Gone With the Wind had sold a million copies. To date, it has been translated into 25 languages, and more than 28 million copies have been sold. Here are the characters that have become symbols of passion and desire: darkly handsome Rhett Butler and flirtatious Scarlett O'Hara. Behind them stand their gentler counterparts: Ashley Wilkes and Melanie Hamilton. As the lives and affairs of these absorbing characters play out against the tumult of the Civil War, Gone With the Wind reaches dramatic heights that have swept generations of fans off their feet. Having lived in Atlanta for many years, narrator Linda Stephens has an authentic ear for the dialects of that region. Get ready to hear Gone With the Wind exactly as it was written: every word beautifully captured in a spectacular unabridged audio production.

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

Deze roman is één van de grootste bestsellers aller tijden. Ook de speelfilm was in de hele wereld een groot succes. Geniet van het leven van Scarlett O'Hara, met haar charme en bekoorlijkheid, haar markante persoonlijkheid en haar intrigerende romance met de onstuimige, maar cynische Rhett Butler. Dit alles tegen de boeiende historische achtergrond van de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog, zich afspelend in het tot de verbeelding sprekende zuidelijke deel van de Verenigde Staten waar de katoen rijpt.
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