Boekenreeksen voor miabmi1960

Reeksen waartoe boeken in miabmi1960's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 53 reeksen


The Analyst

Las aventuras del Capitán Riley

Babylon Rising

Baztan Trilogy

Bevilacqua y Chamorro

Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Carmen Hidalgo

Cathedral of the Sea


The Cemetery of Forgotten Books

The Century Trilogy

Cole Trilogy

Cycle of the Absurd

Dave Gurney

Detective Galileo

Detective Galileo - English pub order

Down trilogy

Une enquête de Lola Jost et Ingrid Diesel

Ensaio sobre a cegueira

Erica Falck & Patrik Hedström



Frank McCourt's Memoirs

Galcerán de Born

Gerlof Davidsson | Oland Quartet

Hanne Wilhelmsen

Harry Hole

Hercule Poirot

Historia de la literatura

Inspector Erlendur

Inspectora Elena Blanco

Kingsbridge {Chronological Order}

Kingsbridge {Publication Order}

Kurt Wallander

Languedoc Trilogy

Laurie Montgomery and Jack Stapleton

Madeleine Karno

Marcus Goldman


Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children

Montglane Service

The One Hundred Year Old Man

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Rebecka Martinsson

Sigrid Ødegård

St. Oswald's

To Kill a Mockingbird

Trilogy of Fog

Trilogía Reina Roja

Ulysses Vidal

White City Trilogy

Will Piper