Boekprijzen voor porterble

Prijzen toegekend aan boeken in porterble's bibliotheek

Samenvatting: 78 prijzen en onderscheidingen

10 non-fiction книг, рекомендованных журналу Slon

100 книг non-fiction от The Prime Russian Magazine

200 best non-fiction books according to Afisha Magazine

25 Books Every Christian Should Read: A Guide to the Essential Spiritual Classics

501 Must-Read Books (Emma Beare, 2006)

70 iconic Indian books

AAR Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion

ALA Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults

Alex Award Best Books

APA Book Prize


Audie Award

Australian Christian Literature Awards

Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction

Besides the Bible: 100 Books That Have, Should, or Will Create Christian Culture

Black-Eyed Susan Book Award

Booklist Editor's Choice: Adult Books

Booklist Editor's Choice: Adult Books for Young Adults

Books of the Decade: The 50 books that defined the decade

Bruno Kreisky Prize for Best Political Book

Business Week Best Book of the Year

Business Week Bestseller

A Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan

Christian Book Award

Christian Science Monitor Best Book

Christianity Today Book Awards

Christianity Today's Books of the Century

Christianity Today's Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals

Classics of Science Fiction

David Easton Award

Eric Hoffer Book Award

The Flume: NH Teen Reader's Choice Award

A Best Book of the Year

Gateway Readers Award

GEO Magazine Recommendation

Georgia Peach Book Award for Teen Readers

Governor General's Literary Award

Green Mountain Book Award

Guardian First Book Award

The Guardian's 100 Best Nonfiction Books of All-Time

HarperCollins 100 Best Spiritual Books of the Century

Heartland Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature

Hugo Award

IACP Cookbook Award

Independent Publisher Book Awards

J. I. Staley Prize

Kentucky Bluegrass Award

Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year

Lincoln Award: Illinois Teen Readers' Choice Award