Green Mountain Book Award
Uitgereikt door Vermont Department of Libraries
Andere Namen: Green Mountain Book Award Nominee (Engels)
285 Werken 893,749 boeken 42,900 Besprekingen 4.0
The purpose of the Green Mountain Book Award program is to encourage Vermont's young adults in grades 9-12 to become enthusiastic and discriminating readers.
The committee's goal is to offer a toon meer diverse annual list of books of good literary quality that:
engage high school students,
reflects the interests of high school students,
represents a variety of genres, formats, and viewpoints,
and to make that list available to young adults through both school and public libraries. toon minder
The committee's goal is to offer a toon meer diverse annual list of books of good literary quality that:
engage high school students,
reflects the interests of high school students,
represents a variety of genres, formats, and viewpoints,
and to make that list available to young adults through both school and public libraries. toon minder
Winner 18
Nominee 285
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