Boekprijzen voor tarnik

Prijzen toegekend aan boeken in tarnik's bibliotheek

Samenvatting: 75 prijzen en onderscheidingen

100 der besten Romane von den großen Erzählern des 20. Jahrhunderts

100 main Russian books of the 21st century according to Polk

1000 Books to Read Before You Die

1001 böcker du måste läsa innan du dör

20 academic books that shaped modern Britain

365 Books by Women Authors

5 книг Постнауки

500 Must Read Books

AATSEEL Book Prize

American Academy of Arts and Letters Award


ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award for Music Writing

Audie Award

Austrian Scholarly Book of the Year

Booklist Editor's Choice: Adult Books

Canon de la narrativa universal del siglo XX

Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Commonwealth Club of California Book Awards

Council for European Studies Book Award

Cundill History Prize

Davis Center Book Prize in Political and Social Studies

Distinguished Publication Award, Ohio Academy of History

Dublin Literary Award

The Economist Best Books

Grinzane Cavour Prize

The Guardian 1000 Novels Everyone Must Read

Gustav Ranis International Book Prize

Harenberg Buch der 1000 Bücher

Herbert Baxter Adams Prize

International Sociological Association: 1000 most influential books in Sociology

Jan Michalski Prize for Literature

Julia Ward Howe Book Award

Leipziger Buchpreis zur Europäischen Verständigung

Lionel Trilling Book Award

Longman - History Today Picture Research Prize

Magnesia Litera-prijs

Meilleur livre étranger

Minnesota Book Awards

Moscow Times Book of the Year

The Most Iconic Books Set in 150 Countries Around the World

NAISA Best First Book Award

National Academies Communication Award

National Bestseller

National Book Critics Circle Award

NDR Kultur Sachbuchpreis

The New York Times Best Books of the Year

New York Times bestseller

Otto Kinkeldey Award

Pacific Coast Branch Book Award

PEN/Martha Albrand Award for the Art of the Memoir