Conachair's 3 in 1 Challenge for 2012

Discussie(BOMBS) Books Off My Book Shelves 2012 Challenge

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Conachair's 3 in 1 Challenge for 2012

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

dec 30, 2011, 11:48 am

This year (2011) my off the shelves challenge was designed to get some old books read, so I limited myself to pre 2010 books. I barely made it and acquired a whole bunch of new books which still want to be read. So this year my main goal is to reduce the number of books on my TRB list and I hope to have fewer books to read at the end of the year. My current list stands at 158.

I have designed a three part challenge for 2012.

I want to reduce my TBR list and hope to read at least 50 books that are on the TBR list right now (or on the TBR shelve if I forgot to put them on the list). Everything on the list/shelve as of January 1st 2012 goes.

2.) old BOMBSs:

I still want to clear my old books, but I am reducing the number to a more manageable 10 for this year.

3.) non fiction books:

The goal is to read at lead 5 of the non fiction books lying around.

dec 30, 2011, 2:23 pm

Do you count the non-fiction and old ones within the 50 or not?

dec 30, 2011, 4:25 pm

Yes, definitely if they are on the list. It's basically 50 books of which 10 should be pre 2010 and 5 non-fiction. I am not sure what I will do if I get to the 50 before finishing the others, I am hoping it won't come to that.

Bewerkt: jan 1, 2013, 12:18 pm

Progress report:

1.) Wizard's First Rule; Terry Goodkind finished 12.1.12 764 pages
2.) Stone of Tears; Terry Goodkind finished 22.1.12 979 pages
3.) Blood of the Fold ; Terry Goodkind finished 25.1.12 623 pages
4.) Temple of the Winds; Terry Goodkind finished 29.1.12 528 pages

5.) Soul of the Fire ; Terry Goodkind finished 4.2.12 508 pages
6.) Faith of the Fallen ; Terry Goodkind finished 7.2.12 785 pages
7.) The Pillars of Creation ; Terry Goodkind finished 11.2.12 725 pages
8.) Naked Empire ; Terry Goodkind finished 19.2.12 667 pages
9.) Chainfire ; Terry Goodkind finished 29.2.12 748 pages

10.) Phantom ; Terry Goodkind finished 7.3.12 587 pages
11.) Die Ordensburg des Wüstenplaneten; Frank Herbert finished 13.3.12 656 pages (old)
12.) La Desperada ; Patricia Burroughs finished 13.3.12 421 pages (ebook)
13.) Confessor ; Terry Goodkind finished 13.3.12 772 pages (Kindle Edition)
14.) The Omen Machine ; Terry Goodkind 17.3.12 527 pages (Kindle Edition)
15.) Law of Nines ; Terry Goodkind 20.3.12 514 pages (Kindle Edition)
16.) Debt of Bones ; Terry Goodkind 22.3.12 160 pages

17.) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass; Lewis Carroll finished 27.3.12 282 pages (old)

18.) Chronicles of the Vikings; R.I. Page finished 12.5.12 240 pages (non-fic)
19.) Wolf Hall; Hilary Mantel finished 26.5.12 640 pages

20.) Bare Bones ; Kathy Reichs finished 14.6.12 320 pages
21.) Monday Mourning ; Kathy Reichs finished 17.6.12 416 pages
22.) Cross Bones ; Kathy Reichs finished 20.6.12 496 pages
23.) Break No Bones ; Kathy Reichs finished 25.6.12 480 pages
24.) Bones to Ashes Kathy Reichs finished 29.6.12 435 pages

25.) Devil Bones ; Kathy Reichs finished 2.7.12 387 pages
26.) 206 Bones ; Kathy Reichs finished 12.7.12
27.) Mortal Remains ; Kathy Reichs finished 19.7.12

28. On the Ruin of Britain; Gildas finished 14.8.12 139 pages (non- fic)

29. The Winter King; Bernard Cornwell finished 11.9.12
30. Enemy of God ; Bernard Cornwell finished 25.9.12 473 pages

31. Robin Hood; Rosemary Sutcliff finished 8.10.12 239 pages (old)
32. Excalibur ; Bernard Cornwell finished 29.10.12 477 pages

33. Frankenstein ; Mary Shelley finished 12.11.12 (old)
34. Sharpe's Tiger ; Bernard Cornwell finished 14.11.12
35. Sharpe's Triumph ; Bernard Cornwell finished 23.11.12
36. Sharpe's Fortress ; Bernard Cornwell finished 25.11.12
37. Sharpe's Trafalgar ; Bernard Cornwell finished 29.11.12

plus Magna Bloody Carta does not qualify for BOMBS, but goes into the non-fiction category

38.) Sharpe's Prey; Bernard Cornwell finished 1.12.12
39.) Sharpe's Rifles ; Bernard Cornwell finished 4.12.12
40.) Sharpe's Havoc ; Bernard Cornwell finished 6.12.12
41.) Sharpe's Eagle ; Bernard Cornwell finished 10.12.12
42.) Sharpe's Gold ; Bernard Cornwell finished 13.12.12
43. ) Sharpe's Escape ; Bernard Cornwell finished 20.12.12
44.) Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde & The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables ; R.L. Stevenson finished 21.12.12 (old)
45.) Sharpe's Fury ; Bernard Cornwell
46. )Sharpe's Battle ; Bernard Cornwell finished 27.12.12
47.) Sharpe's Company ; Bernard Cornwell finished 29.12.12

jan 13, 2012, 5:52 am

First BOMB diffused. Taking into account the size of this book I didn't expect it to be the first one I finish. This puts my TBR list at 157 (once I move the next book to the currently reading list), which is -1 :-).

jan 22, 2012, 5:59 am

Books are evil :-) I was really exhausted yesterday from all the exam prep I have been doing lately and felt really tired all day. I stopped working at some point, because I just didn't have the concentration at sat down to read. When I went to bed I had 100+ pages of my book left and took it to bed with me. I got caught up in it and when I finally finished it I realized it was about 20 min past midnight. Brilliant move to get caught up reading if you really need some decent sleep :-)

jan 22, 2012, 1:50 pm

Yes, books really are sneaky. They do that to me too - generally when I can't afford the loss of sleep. ;)

jan 30, 2012, 5:17 am

So, managed to read 4 books this month and added only 2, which means I reduced my TBR pile by 2. Considering the fact that all books were in the 500-900 pages range this seems like quite an achievement.

jan 30, 2012, 6:44 pm

I think it's a huge achievement too, Conachair.

feb 1, 2012, 1:47 pm

Any time you can take more books away than you add is a huge achievement. ;)

Bewerkt: feb 8, 2012, 6:15 am

A cold isn't good for anything, except that being in bed sick gives you a chance to plough through a 700 page book within about 3 days.

mrt 1, 2012, 6:37 am

I managed to dispose of 5 books this month, and added two. That brings my TBR pile down to 154 (something is wrong with the math, but my to read list says 154).

I know I will probably slow down this month, since the book I just started is the last in the Sword of Truth series that I actually have, and I intend to get the last ones and finish the series before moving on to other BOMBS.

I also need to start working on the old and non-fiction books.

mrt 1, 2012, 1:25 pm

Catching up with your progress a bit late, I have to ask how you liked Wizard's First Rule? I have this sitting on my shelf as well and ma be moving it higher, if it sounds good enough ;)

mrt 2, 2012, 10:22 am

I had to think a bit about how to answer that question, since I find it difficult to judge the book by itself. I pretty much look at it both in the context of the whole series and compared to the TV series.

I got the books when I fell in love with the TV series about a year ago. These books were part of the reason why I changed the rules of this challenge this year, because I kept putting them off because I felt I should not invest so much time in book of this length that were not part of my challenge.

First of all I have to say, judging by the comments I have read this series seems to be a case of love it or hate it, I have seen plenty of reviews either way. So all I can give is my personal opinion and experience with this series.

At first I was quite confused with Wizard's First Rule because I had the TV series in mind, and while both share some basic plot developments and characters, they also differ quite substantially in other parts. Overall I felt that the book took longer to get to the point sometimes, but that might have been because I already knew where the plot was headed. I also think that I would have been frustrated by some things being only hinted at for so long had I not know what the hints were about from the TV series. I was wondering if someone reading the book without that knowledge would get confused.

There are some things that annoy me about the writing in the whole series. Goodkind has a way of dumping information on you at times. Most often it is something that was mentioned previously. I found the way this information gets dumped on you boring sometimes. If it was stuff from previous books I could understand the need for it, but sometimes it is stuff from the same book, which made me think "yes, I read the book, thank you!" in places.

Overall I enjoy the story which makes me forgiving towards the flaws I see in the writing. I love the fact that the later books explore some of the things I would have loved to have seen in the TV series.

And I know that when I am finished with the series I will go back and watch the TV series again with new eyes.

Bewerkt: mrt 13, 2012, 2:41 pm

I finally managed to finish up my first pre 2010 book. I had bought the whole Dune series years ago, but never managed to finish it. So last year I decided to give it another try.

I raced through the first two books, but afterwards things started to slow down. Each book seemed more and more difficult to get through. I think it took me about 3 months to get through this last one. I kept reading other stuff because I just could not focus on this.

I have finally come to the confusion that I just don't get this series and that I am okay with that. You can't love everything, right?


I seem to be finishing books today :-) Got another one done, and I checked, it's a December ER book which means it qualifies as a BOMB.

mrt 19, 2012, 3:32 pm

Just saw your message on my thread. CONGRATULATIONS!

mrt 19, 2012, 4:07 pm

:-) Thank you, feels good, doesn't it?

mrt 19, 2012, 7:09 pm

Yes it feels great. But I'm also feeling more than a little bereft.

mrt 19, 2012, 7:52 pm

Congratulations, Conachair! (Also saw your message on riverwillow's thread.) :)

apr 30, 2012, 6:50 am

Slow moth for BOMBS. I had to catch up on a couple of ER books instead. But I did manage to get one done, which also was a pre 2010 book, so big step there.

mei 30, 2012, 10:25 am

For some reason I only read 2 books this month. Luckily they were both BOMBS, and one even was the first non-fiction book I finished this year. The bad new is that due to a major find on Bookmooch of books I have been looking for for a while, as well as a couple of birthday presents I added 9 books to the pile this month, thereby eliminating all the progress I had made so far.

okt 9, 2012, 6:19 am

I guess I need to pick up speed. It's already October and I haven't even reached half way. This is going to be interesting.

Robin Hood was a strange experience. I used to be one of my favourite books when I was a kid. Reading it now, however was painful in some places. The language felt stilted and weird. I am not quite sure if this is a problem of the book itself or of the German translation, since this book is from the time before I started reading in English.

okt 16, 2012, 5:34 am

Oh, I remember those books you loved as a child and decide to reread as an adult. It can do things to your head. I reread The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas and I felt like I was reading an entirely different book. As a child I enjoyed all of the adventure, but as an adult I began to see the satire and political enigmas. Surprising.

jan 1, 2013, 12:00 pm

So, three parts to the challenge and I failed in all three of them. Well, at least I am consistent, and I have plenty to consider in formulating the new challenge.

BUT, I managed to reduce my to read pile from 158 to 142 so I succeeded where the spirit of the challenge is concerned, I guess that's something.