The Vanishing Throne: Bk II of the Falconer Trilogy by Elizabeth May -Apr 2016 LTER

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The Vanishing Throne: Bk II of the Falconer Trilogy by Elizabeth May -Apr 2016 LTER

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

mei 19, 2016, 10:36 pm

Very Excited to receive my first ever Early Reviews Book. I've never reviewed a book before & hope I did on ok job of it.

The Vanishing Throne by Elizabeth May

Lady Aileana Kameron's life was a faery tale...right up until the moment she learned that the Fae are all too real, the moment her mother's heart is ripped from her chest by a dark faery, the moment her life changed forever.
Driven by grief & rage, nightly, with the help & instruction of the mysterious faery Kiaran MacKay, she seeks revenge on the dark beings that prey on her beloved city. When Aileana learns she is a Falconer, a line of female warriors born with a gift for killing the Fae, she also learns that as the last Falconer it is up to her to save the world from being overrun by an army of vicious Faeries. As book one of the Falconer Trilogy draws to a close she is drawn into a desperate battle to reseal the Fae portal & keep her world, & those she loves, safe. For Aileana one moments hesitation leaves her fate & the fate of her world balanced, quite literally, on the edge of a knife.
The Vanishing Throne picks up in the aftermath of the Battle. Defeated, Imprisoned, & Tortured Aileana receives help from an unlikely source in escaping the evil faery Lonnrach. She returns to find 3 years have past and the world she was supposed to have saved destroyed. With the help of old friends, new allies, & the enigmatic faery she loves she must fight to overcome her guilt, her fears, and death itself to gain her full powers and become the person who can save them all, the person she was born to be.. the Falconer.
The Vanishing Throne, book two in the Falconer Trilogy, by Elizabeth May is a Dark, Steampunk, Faery Tale. The second part of this exciting epic blends seamlessly with the cliff hanger ending of part one, getting you quickly up to speed & back in the action. It pulls you recklessly back up the cliff only to drop you off the edge once again at the ending, leaving you anxiously awaiting book 3.
Be Warned this is no stereotypical light & sparkly fairy tale, these are the cruel, unfeeling, & destructive creatures of Scottish Lore. Happy endings are not guaranteed. Neither is Aileana, an outcast from society, a inventor of mechanical weapons, a grieving young woman, & a rage filled assassin, your typical heroine. Making for, in my opinion, a much more interesting & complex read.
Within the pages of this paranormal world I was delight to find, action, drama, tragedy, comedy, & romance. The full spectrum of life, not just a narrow glimpse. There is also, so far, a refreshing lack of the much overused "love triangle" dilemma. Aileana's only got eyes for her sexy faery & who can blame her. I myself am smitten with Derrick, Aileana's honey loving, pixie companion who cracks me up with his every line.
So, if you like paranormal adventures, Scottish Lore, Steampunk mechanicals, & a fierce hearted but flawed heroine who never gives up I think you will find this book & the Series as enjoyable as I do.