Looking for a book title of a story (possibly a series), set in space, with a blind protagonist

Oorspronkelijk bericht onderwerp: Old (ish) book I don't remember

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Looking for a book title of a story (possibly a series), set in space, with a blind protagonist

mei 18, 9:26 am

The story, set up in space, revolves around a main protagonist, who loses his eye sight, potentially while in jail. He gets special glasses, allowing him to see what others, nearby, see (including animals).

At one point he gets lost in space, however finds a new way of space travel.


mei 18, 11:41 am

>1 alourie: Hi! I'm afraid I don't know the name of the book, but you're more likely to connect with someone who might if you give your thread a descriptive title. You can request a title change at https://www.librarything.com/topic/349163. (Please don't start a duplicate thread.) Also be sure to check out our tips for posting. Good luck!

title change requests: https://www.librarything.com/topic/349163
Posting tips: https://www.librarything.com/topic/329521

mei 19, 2:02 am

>2 amanda4242: Thank you amanda4242, posted the request on the linked thread.

mei 19, 11:06 pm

What year was it read? Old(ish) tells nothing.

mei 19, 11:07 pm

Was it adult fiction? May be worth mentioning that too ...

mei 23, 6:31 pm

I recognise it, and have a copy on my physical shelves, but cannot immediately remember the tile or author, but will look for it. There is a dog called Seymour, and a woman named Helen.

mei 23, 10:34 pm

Nightwalk? The cover has a guy with some kind of goggles on the front, and the summary mentions a dog.

mei 24, 7:54 am

>7 keachachu: that is certainly the one I am thinking of, and the cover is the one I have