Friends of Houston Public Library Book, what did you get?


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Friends of Houston Public Library Book, what did you get?

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Bewerkt: mei 20, 2008, 11:57 am

Care to share what you got?

I love this book sale. My wife and I came home with 27 books. The main lesson I learned is that if you are looking for contemporary fiction, go straight to the paperback section and look at the trade paperbacks. Most of the fiction hardbacks are bestsellers or obscure. But the trade paperbacks have lots of fairly new, good quality fiction books, including some from 2007.

You can find my books by searching for the tag "from HPL Book Sale" in my library, or by clicking here

My Favorite pick-ups:
The Lizard Cage, Karen Connelly
The Country of Men, Hisham Matar
Returning to Earth, Jim Harrison
Brick Lane Monica Ali
Women Hollering Creek, Sandra Cisneros
The English Patient, Michael Ondaatje
Empire Falls, Richard Russo

Edited to fix link

mei 17, 2008, 4:11 pm

I think I came home with about the same number for me, plus another 10 or so for my mom. My favorites:

Jack Ruby's Kitchen Sink, because I've been looking for this for a while
Blink, because I was NEVER going to get that on BookMooch
The Camel Bookmobile
Bring on the Girls! by P.G. Wodehouse
Freddy and Fredericka, because I lent it to a friend and probably am not going to get it back :)
Is There a Nutmeg in the House? by Elizabeth David

mei 19, 2008, 2:35 pm

Didn't make it to the library sale, but I blew a respectable portion of my "Bush Bucks" at Murder by the Book on:

Bill Crider:
--Murder Among the OWLS
--A Mammoth Murder
--Winning Can be Murder
--Of All Sad Words
--Cursed to Death

and the new Susan Wittig Albert: Nightshade

As you all can see, I'm a nutcase for Texas mystery writers...

mei 20, 2008, 11:47 am

This was my first time at this book sale, and I was very glad that unlike the "Friends of Fondren" book sales I've been to, there was some subject organization involved!

I went Friday after work (buying a membership at the door), got about 15 books, and then returned for bag day on Sunday with a friend, where I got about 10 more and he got about 20. My best finds were some specialized Spanish-language dictionaries, and a bunch of books from those "Current Controversies" or "Opposing Viewpoints" series ... the kind I used to use in high school to research controversial topics for debates or papers on things like the death penalty or euthanasia. I love those series! I was pleasantly surprised how many relatively current (mostly 2006) travel guides were available there for just $1 on all days. I'm used to shelling out about $10 at Half Price books for those.

I also got an earful from some lady randomly telling me her life story, a lighter wallet after check-out, and a work-out for my biceps (I foolishly took the bus there the first night)!

Thanks to Bestine for letting me know about the sale in the first place here on LT!

mei 20, 2008, 7:42 pm

Indeed. I missed it, partly - ok, largely - on account of visiting Cambridge, Mass. in late April, and what that did to my reading goals and budget. But I bought my own pile of two-and-three-dollar donated books at the Bryn Mawr bookstore, one day (among other things, including a birthday). So I feel a little in the spirit of the thing. Dchaikin, you especially did enviably, with that line-up; though I must doff my hat to the Elizabeth David in carlym's.

Murder by the Book and I need some time together. Soon.

Er.... when I've read a few more of those beauties, lying all unread.... In books, at least, I have a roving eye.

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