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door Sharon M. Draper (Auteur)

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8473126,781 (3.33)12
Romiette, an African-American girl, and Julio, a Hispanic boy, discover that they attend the same high school after falling in love on the Internet, but are harrassed by a gang whose members object to their interracial dating.
Auteurs:Sharon M. Draper (Auteur)
Info:McGraw Hill (2001), Edition: unknown, 320 pages

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Romiette and Julio door Sharon M. Draper

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1-5 van 30 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Like Shakespeare's famous star-crossed lovers, Romiette Cappelle and Julio Montague face strong opposition to their budding romance. In their case, a dangerous gang's disapproval of their interracial relationship puts the two in mortal peril.
  EricaW23 | Jul 25, 2019 |
To be honest, I had low expectations, but I thought the romance might be cute.
"It's hard to know what to be afraid of when you don't even know what the threat is."
Okay, you need to have some suspension of disbelief when reading this story. Romiette seems really young in her first journal entry. I'm not saying there aren't light-hearted, juvenile sixteen-year-olds, but are African kings and presidents really out here visiting her mom's pan-African boutique? This was before Facebook was even popular, so how in the world would they know about the store? Also, why was Ben so gracious and friendly after Julio gave him a bloody nose? Like it would've been better if they started on the wrong foot but learned they were wrong about each other.

Nitpick: Why the heck is brown-golden skin and fried chicken in the same sentence when Julio is describing Romiette. Yes, he realizes how trifling that simile is, but why even put it in there? I have never read she was pale like mayonnaise in a story. -_-
Julio's dad is also Liam Neeson. A group of drunk black guys in a truck killed his high school sweetheart, so he has hated black people ever since.

Anyway, Romiette and Julio is definitely more plot-driven than character-driven with too much telling and not enough showing. I like the bite-sized chapters, but they consist of mostly dull dialogue. The most interesting character to me is Destiny, and I'm not being biased. The story is also dated with chat rooms and VCRs. I was going to laugh if they had AOL dialup internet, but alas they did not.

The part when Romiette and Julio shared their dreams about each other was really cute.
"Romiette you are my dream.
Julio, my dreams are sometimes terrifying.

I will protect you.

From my dreams?

Maybe I will be there for you in your dreams" (pg 93)
Overall, it's not really worth reading in 2019 and there wasn't enough romance. ( )
  DestDest | Mar 19, 2019 |
This is the third time Romiette and Julio has been on the Battle of the Books list since I have been a coach. After reading it for the 3rd time I still realize why middle school girls as well as boys like this story. It is about relationships, home life, school and the gang element adds the suspense. Sharon M. Draper does a really good job of foreshadowing with Romiette's reocurring dream.
It would be easy for us, "The Grownups" to dismiss Julio and Romiette's love as high school puppy love, but one set of the parents mentioned that their love started as 16 year olds so that does happen and lasts. We have all seen it.
I found Nannette a bit unbelievable as I think public outcry would override an uncle "upstairs." But is added comic relief so to speak.
I wanted to know what happened to the 5 gang members who were arrested as well as what effect the whole thing had on the Devildogs and their influence at school and in the community.
I really liked how Sharon M. Draper pulled the public together despite the fact the relationship was between a Hispanc boy an an African American boy. ( )
  jothebookgirl | Jan 3, 2017 |
Story was okay, but I just don't like Sharon Draper's writing. ( )
  mtlkch | Jun 21, 2016 |
Narrated by Sisi Aisha Johnson. Julio is new to a Cleveland high school and misses his native Texas. Romiette is the daughter of a news anchorman and an owner of an Afrocentric boutique. They meet online in a chat room and soon realize that they attend the same high school. When they first meet for lunch, it is strong attraction at first sight. The two begin to hang out together, to the anger of the Devil Dogs gang members who don't approve of black Romiette being with a "foreigner." Veiled threats by the Devil Dogs frighten but don't dissuade the couple. An attempt to beat the Devil Dogs at their own game goes awry when the gang kidnaps the two and leaves them in the middle of the lake during a nighttime thunderstorm.
  Salsabrarian | Feb 2, 2016 |
1-5 van 30 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
[A] good read for any adolescent.
toegevoegd door Katya0133 | bewerkJournal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Arina Zonnenberg
The two main characters are likable but bland, and in a book so concerned with contemporary ethical instruction, their gender roles come far too directly from the 16th century.
toegevoegd door Katya0133 | bewerkNew York Times Book Review, Simon Rodberg
Draper has created Julio's parents and Romiette's mother with sensitivity and has given readers a pair of intriguing, unusual protagonists with the sort of real thoughts and feelings that will make this interracial story satisfying despite its stylistic problems.
toegevoegd door Katya0133 | bewerkBooklist, Holly Koelling
Draper gives a realistic portrayal of the interactions among high school students as well as their relationships with their parents.
toegevoegd door Katya0133 | bewerkSchool Library Journal, Jane Halsall

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Romiette, an African-American girl, and Julio, a Hispanic boy, discover that they attend the same high school after falling in love on the Internet, but are harrassed by a gang whose members object to their interracial dating.

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