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Yeah, Nah!: A celebration of life and the words that make us who we are

door William McInnes

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1211,660,891 (4.5)2
Have you ever bunged it on? Behaved like a drongo? Added mayo to a story? Lost your Reg Grundies? Join bestselling storyteller William McInnes as he offers his own take on our colourful and colloquial way with words. From the simpler times of childhood to today's testing (and unprecedented!) times, or when we're wasting time, enjoying sporting times or hitting the big time, Australians have a turn of phrase for every situation. Our love of plain speaking communicates the essence of the thing to our mates, to those in the know - and to those who should know better. Part memoir, part manifesto, this warm, witty, poignant and laugh-out-loud funny collection will have you thinking about what you say, how you say it and what that really says about us as a nation.… (meer)
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A tail-end baby boomer better known for his on screen presence, William McInnes is a talented author and a natural storyteller. This is part memoir is both funny and insightful- a biographical trip told through the author’s own experiences. His laconic voice and easy style added greatly to my enjoyment of this collection of conversations on a broad range of subjects related to communication. Warm, nostalgic, funny and undeniably Australian. There are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, but also a respectful celebration of an Australia that sadly seems to be fading into the past. ( )
  Jawin | May 7, 2024 |
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Have you ever bunged it on? Behaved like a drongo? Added mayo to a story? Lost your Reg Grundies? Join bestselling storyteller William McInnes as he offers his own take on our colourful and colloquial way with words. From the simpler times of childhood to today's testing (and unprecedented!) times, or when we're wasting time, enjoying sporting times or hitting the big time, Australians have a turn of phrase for every situation. Our love of plain speaking communicates the essence of the thing to our mates, to those in the know - and to those who should know better. Part memoir, part manifesto, this warm, witty, poignant and laugh-out-loud funny collection will have you thinking about what you say, how you say it and what that really says about us as a nation.

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