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Found (Missing) door Margaret Peterson…
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Found (Missing) (editie 2008)

door Margaret Peterson Haddix

Reeksen: The Missing (1)

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3,6591513,594 (3.96)66
When thirteen-year-olds Jonah and Chip, who are both adopted, learn they were discovered on a plane that appeared out of nowhere, full of babies with no adults on board, they realize that they have uncovered a mystery involving time travel and two opposing forces, each trying to repair the fabric of time.… (meer)
Titel:Found (Missing)
Auteurs:Margaret Peterson Haddix
Info:Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing (2008), Hardcover, 320 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Found door Margaret Peterson Haddix

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Engels (145)  Frans (1)  Duits (1)  Alle talen (147)
1-5 van 147 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I can see why kids like these books, they are mysterious and feel real. DNF ( )
  mslibrarynerd | Jan 13, 2024 |
Jonah thinks he's just a normal adopted kid until he uncovers some secrets about his past. Where did he really come? What's it got to do with the FBI? Would he be better off not knowing?

I felt a little meh abut the writing and characters, but the plot pulled me through. Haddix knows how to keep you turning pages.

This definitely reads like the first in a series. The ending is only partially satisfying, so you'll really want to pick up the second book fast. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
This is a no rating book for me. I didn’t abandon it but I forced myself to keep reading and then started skimming.

I seem to have lost my taste for most ya books. This one didn’t do it for me. There is nothing wrong with the writing and many of my students loved it. For me there was nothing hooking me and compelling me to read more. Again this seems to be common for me these days with ya.
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
This is the first book I've read by this popular author. It was fast-paced, suspenseful, and a really fun read. It's the first book of a series, so there is a lot of set-up and most questions are left unanswered by the end of the book. There are some cliches and stereotypes used in the place of strong character development - for example, the "bad" or "mean" kids were described as the group of kids wearing torn jeans and black hooded sweatshirts. Come on, I was wearing ripped up jeans and black sweatshirt as I was reading and I am a very nice person! That was the worst stereotype, and I don't know if the author honestly assumes that kids wearing that type of clothing are mean, but luckily kids know better so hopefully readers can overlook that horrible stereotype and enjoy the interesting plot, which involves adoption, identity, government conspiracy... and I won't say more in case I give anything away! ( )
  kamlibrarian | Dec 23, 2022 |
This book is REALLY slow till the ending. After that I had to read more. ( )
  kenna2001 | Jan 25, 2021 |
1-5 van 147 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Gr 4–8—Haddix's latest science fiction series starts off with a bang in this nail-biter. A plane arrives at an airline gate unnoticed by radar and most personnel. There are no flight attendants, no pilot, in fact no adults at all, but there are 36 passengers—each seat is inhabited by an infant. Thirteen years later in Ohio, teenage adoptees Jonah and his friend Chip begin receiving ominous messages declaring that they are among "the missing" and that someone is coming to find them. Frightened yet intrigued, the boys begin a search for their real identities with the help of Jonah's younger sister. Their search leads them to a discovery that strains credulity and leads them into danger greater than they ever imagined possible. The story is driven by an exciting plot rather than extensive character development, and the teens act independently of the adults, who appear as "bad guys" or are basically useless. If used in a classroom, the revelation of the babies' identities can be used to kick off a history lesson or two. This book's exciting premise and cliff-hanger ending will leave readers on the edge of their seats and begging for more.—Heather M. Campbell, Philip S. Miller Library, Castle Rock, CO
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

toegevoegd door sriches | bewerkSchool Library Journal, Reed Business Informatin
Starred Review. In a tantalizing opener to a new series, Haddix (the Shadow Children series) taps into a common childhood fantasy—that you are really the offspring of royalty or famous people, and were somehow adopted by an ordinary family—and one-ups it by adding in time travel. As the novel begins, a brand-new airline employee experiences an event that she is later told never to talk about: a plane carrying 36 babies, and no one else, not even a pilot, shows up without warning at a nearby gate. Fast-forward 13 years, and two 13-year-old friends, Chip and Jonah, are receiving mysterious notes, with messages like You are one of the missing and Beware! They're coming back to get you. Only then does Chip learn that he, like Jonah, is adopted. Joined by Jonah's sister, Katherine, the boys investigate and discover that the FBI was involved with their adoptions. These smart kids show initiative and do a great job using familiar technology (camera phones, photo-editing programs, etc.) to get information and track down other adoptees. By book's end they are trapped by some shady characters; learn that they are among the most famous missing children in history (e.g., Virginia Dare, the 15th-century English princes in the Tower); and get sent back in time. Readers will be hard-pressed to wait for the next installment. Ages 8-12. (Apr.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

toegevoegd door sriches | bewerkPublishers Weekly, Reed Business Information

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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

When thirteen-year-olds Jonah and Chip, who are both adopted, learn they were discovered on a plane that appeared out of nowhere, full of babies with no adults on board, they realize that they have uncovered a mystery involving time travel and two opposing forces, each trying to repair the fabric of time.

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Gemiddelde: (3.96)
0.5 1
1 3
1.5 3
2 27
2.5 5
3 123
3.5 45
4 223
4.5 34
5 181

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