Wyoming Indian Paintbrush Award
Uitgereikt door Wyoming Library Association (WLA)
584 Werken 1,445,916 boeken 36,602 Besprekingen 4.1
The Indian Paintbrush Book Award is an award given annually to books nominated and voted on by children in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades in Wyoming. The award was first given in 1986. The toon meer award is sponsored by the Wyoming Library Association and the Wyoming State Reading Council. toon minder
Winner 39
First runner-up 37
Second runner-up 36
Nominee 584
The Indian Paintbrush Book Award is an award given annually to books nominated and voted on by children in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades in Wyoming. The award was first given in 1986. The award is sponsored by the Wyoming Library Association and the Wyoming State Reading Council. (English, Door lid geschreven)14 books considered in 1994 per official site. Any error is in the original.
(English, Technisch/ondubbelzinnig maken bericht)URL: https://www.wyla.org/page-18164
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