Auteurswolk voor kthornton

Mario Acevedo(1) Douglas Adams(7) Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie(2) Dante Alighieri(2) Monica Ali(1) Kevin J. Anderson(3) Pamela Anderson(1) Wayne Anderson(1) Piers Anthony(14) John Arcudi(2) Jon Armstrong(2) Neal Asher(9) Margaret Atwood(4) Lloyd Axworthy(1) Gary Backlund(1) Joel Bakan(1) Nicholson Baker(3) R. Scott Bakker(1) Shauna Singh Baldwin(1) Tony Ballantyne(3) J. G. Ballard(5) Iain Banks(2) Iain Banks(11) Iain M. Banks(10) Robert J. Bannon(1) Nick Bantock(5) Muriel Barbery(1) Clive Barker(1) Andrea Barrett(1) Mel Bartholomew(1) Judy Fong Bates(1) L. Frank Baum(2) Stephen Baxter(3) Ishmael Beah(1) Greg Bear(7) Brian Michael Bendis(1) Gregory Benford(5) John Berendt(2) Elizabeth Berg(1) David Bergen(1) Karen Berger(1) Alexander Besher(1) Alfred Bester(1) Ted Bishop(1) Benjamin Black(1) Holly Black(2) Haden Blackman(2) Giles Blunt(1) Foulsham Books(1) Charley Boorman(1) Ben Bova(1) Marilyn Bowering(1) William Boyd(1) Darin Bradley(1) Marion Zimmer Bradley(1) Gene Brewer(1) André Brink(1) Anita Brookner(1) Max Brooks(2) Terry Brooks(3) Dan Brown(5) Eric Brown(1) Sally Brown(1) Matthew David Brozik(1) Bill Bryson(5) Lois McMaster Bujold(1) Editors of Storey Publishing's Country Wisdom Bulletins(1) John Burdett(3) James Burke(2) William S. Burroughs(1) Stephen Bury(1) Georgia Byng(1) Ian Caldwell(1) Steven Callahan(1) Gerald Caplan(1) Orson Scott Card(2) John le Carré(5) Alan Castle(1) Michael Chabon(2) Jack Chalker(3) Jack L. Chalker(9) Arthur C. Clarke(3) Austin Clarke(1) Jeremy Clarke(1) Susanna Clarke(1) John Clute(1) Harlan Coben(1) Jonathan Coe(1) J. M. Coetzee(1) Adrian Cole(8) Nick Cole(1) Eoin Colfer(2) Wilkie Collins(1) John Connolly(1) Josh Conviser(1) James S. A. Corey(1) Patricia Cornwell(8) Douglas Coupland(5) Gil Courtemanche(1) Michael Crichton(13) Justin Cronin(1) Rick Curtis(1) Clive Cussler(1) Roméo Dallaire(1) Dan(1) Achmat Dangor(1) Mark Z. Danielewski(2) Maurice G. Dantec(1) Caris Davis(2) David Day(1) Jeffrey Deaver(1) Ramsay Derry(1) Julian Dibbell(1) Philip K. Dick(5) Tony DiTerlizzi(3) Cory Doctorow(3) Stephen Donaldson(5) Stephen Donaldson(5) Stephen R. Donaldson(2) Emma Donoghue(2) Roddy Doyle(4) Peter Dragicevich(1) Dugald A. Steer(1) Gwynne Dyer(1) Shirin Ebadi(1) Umberto Eco(5) E. R. Eddison(4) David Louis Edelman(1) Åke Edwardson(1) Dave Eggers(1) Will Elliott(1) Bret Easton Ellis(1) Warren Ellis(4) James Ellroy(1) Ben Elton(2) Garth Ennis(5) Anne Enright(1) Kjell Eriksson(1) Jeffrey Eugenides(1) Diana Evans(1) Philip José Farmer(6) M.A.C. Farrant(1) Raymond E. Feist(12) Ian Ferguson(1) Mark J. Ferrari(1) Jasper Fforde(1) Timothy Findley(1) Ian Fleming(6) David Foster(1) Al Franken(1) Brian and Terry Jones Froud(1) Stephen Fry(2) Alexandra Fuller(1) Neil Gaiman(17) Kuki Gallmann(1) Joel Garreau(1) Bill Gaston(1) Elizabeth George(8) Camilla Gibb(1) Gary Gibson(1) William Gibson(9) Ian Gill(1) David Gilmour(1) Robert Girardi(1) Joyce Glasner(1) Douglas Glover(1) Robert Goddard(11) Peter Godwin(2) Jay M. Gordon(1) Al Gore(1) Ann Granger(1) David Grann(1) Charles Grant(1) Rob Grant(2) Günter Grass(1) Alasdair Gray(3) Philippa Gregory(1) Paul Grey(1) Guy Grieve(1) Austin Grossman(1) Lev Grossman(2) Pia Guerra(1) David Gurr(1) David Guterson(1) Mark Haddon(1) Joe Haldeman(5) Peter Hamilton(1) Peter F. Hamilton(16) W.A. Harbinson(4) Lyndon Hardy(3) Daoud Hari(1) M. John Harrison(1) Thomas Harris(1) Hervie Haufler(1) James Havoc(1) John Twelve Hawks(1) Robert A. Heinlein(5) Brian Herbert(4) Roger Highfield(1) Charlie Higson(1) Joe Hill(2) Reginald Hill(1) Russell Hoban(1) Dick Hobson(1) John Hodge(1) Barbara Hodgson(2) Corinne Hofmann(1) Chuck Hogan(1) Pauline Holdstock(1) Jerry Hopkins(1) Nalo Hopkinson(1) Nick Hornby(1) Alexandra Horowitz(2) Anthony Horowitz(2) Khaled Hosseini(1) Michel Houellebecq(1) Derek C. Hutchinson(1) Aldous Huxley(1) Carlton Mellick III(6) Ian Irvine(2) Kazuo Ishiguro(1) P. D. James(1) Alejandro Jodorowsky(5) Iris Johansen(2) Geoff Johns(3) Peter Johnson(1) Steven Johnson(1) Jones/Kiyooka(1) Thierry Jonquet(1) Walter M. Miller, Jr.(1) Norton Juster(1) Richard Kadrey(3) Lloyd Kahn(1) James Kakalios(1) William Kamkwamba(1) Guy Gavriel Kay(3) Sam Keith(1) Jonathan Kellerman(1) Kerouac(1) Philip Kerr(1) Daniel Keyes(1) Russ Kick(1) Janice Eaton Kilby(1) Dean King(1) Stephen King(27) Jeff Kinney(1) Natsuo Kirino(1) Bruce Kirkby(1) Mia Kirshner(1) Naomi Klein(2) Chuck Klosterman(1) Bernard Knight(9) Brendan I. Koerner(1) Dean Koontz(8) Jon Krakauer(1) Jeremy Kroeker(1) James Howard Kunstler(3) Ray Kurzweil(2) Don Ladigin(1) Stieg Larsson(3) Stephen R. Lawhead(1) Chalker L.(2) Gentry Lee(3) David Leigh(1) Stanisław Lem(1) Elmore Leonard(1) Billie Letts(1) Andrea Levy(1) C. S. Lewis(7) Mark Leyner(1) Lewis Libby(1) Jeff Lindsay(1) Jeph Loeb(5) Jack London(1) Richard Louv(1) James Lovegrove(1) Jonathan Maberry(1) Ann-Marie MacDonald(1) D. J. MacHale(3) S Mackey(1) Bernard MacLaverty(1) Ken MacLeod(7) Gregory Maguire(2) Norman Mailer(1) Henning Mankell(1) William Marsden(1) Yann Martel(1) George R. R. Martin(5) David Marusek(2) Julian May(1) Cormac McCarthy(2) Tom McCarthy(1) Frank McCourt(1) Val McDermid(1) Jack McDevitt(9) Ian McEwan(3) Ewan McGregor(1) Emma McLaughlin(1) Sean McMullen(2) Martin Meredith(1) Robert A. Metzger(1) China Miéville(8) Cesar Millan(1) Mark Millar(2) Martin Millar(3) Frank Miller(11) Henry Miller(2) Richard Miller(1) Sue Miller(1) Mil Millington(1) Donald C. Mills(1) Mark Mills(1) Pat Mills(1) Rohinton Mistry(1) Doug Moench(1) Alan Moore(11) Michael Moore(2) Rags Morales(1) Thomas More(1) Richard Morgan(2) Richard Morgan(3) Richard K. Morgan(2) Erin Morgenstern(1) Chris Moriarty(2) Grant Morrison(8) Morrow(1) James Morrow(1) Kate Morton(1) Kate Mosse(2) Joshua Mowll(2) Thomas Mullen(1) Haruki Murakami(1) The Medieval Murderers(1) Jack Murnighan(1) Kasra Naji(1) Doug Naylor(1) Grant Naylor(2) Tom Neale(1) Rosemary Neering(1) Barbara Neil(1) Håkan Nesser(1) Steve Niles(2) Jenny Nimmo(4) Anaïs Nin(4) Larry Niven(11) Stephanie Nolen(1) Jeff Noon(1) Augustus Richard Norton(1) Mary Norton(2) Michael Ondaatje(1) James O'Reilly(1) P. J. O'Rourke(1) Pierre Ouellette(1) Chuck Palahniuk(8) Michael Palin(2) Charles Palliser(2) Philip Palmer(1) Christopher Paolini(2) James Patterson(14) Gary Paulsen(3) Stel Pavlou(1) Neil Peart(2) Viktor Pelevin(1) Sharon Kay Penman(1) Marie Phillips(1) Beatrice Philpotts(1) Robert M. Pirsig(1) Richard Platt(1) Frederik Pohl(5) Paul Pope(1) Terry Pratchett(2) Steven Pressfield(1) Richard Preston(1) Christopher Priest(1) Philip Pullman(3) Thomas Pynchon(2) Ian Rankin(5) Graham Rawle(1) Trevor Rees-Jones(1) Ruth Rendell(1) Alastair Reynolds(8) Liz Rigbey(1) Stella Rimington(6) Mary Roach(2) Tom Robbins(1) Henry M. Robert(1) Adam Roberts(4) Jimmie Robinson(1) Kim Stanley Robinson(7) Peter Robinson(1) Michael Scott Rohan(3) Michael F. Roizen(2) Jon Ronson(2) Michael Ross(1) Patrick Rothfuss(2) J. K. Rowling(6) Rudy Rucker(1) Richard Paul Russo(1) Chris Ryall(1) Louis Sachar(1) Jeffrey D. Sachs(1) Carl Sagan(3) Nick Sagan(1) Calvin Sandborn(1) Jared Sandman(1) Emily Sands(1) C. J. Sansom(6) Robert J. Sawyer(6) Jeremy Scahill(1) John Scalzi(6) Eric Schlosser(1) New Scientist(1) Robert Scott(1) Robert G Scott(1) Alice Sebold(1) Asne Seierstad(1) Hubert Selby Jr.(1) Brian Selznick(1) Laurence Shames(1) Carol Shields(1) Sharon Shinn(1) Scott Sigler(3) Dan Simmons(11) Joe Simpson(1) Alexander McCall Smith(11) Ed Smith(1) Edward E. Smith(1) E. E. Smith(5) Scott Smith(1) Zadie Smith(2) Clarke Snell(1) Lemony Snicket(14) Jeff Somers(1) C. A. & Kidd Spiegelman(1) Boris Starling(1) Allen Steele(1) Olen Steinhauer(1) Neal Stephenson(17) Bruce Sterling(5) Ian Stewart(1) S. M. Stirling(1) Matthew Stokoe(2) Clifford Stoll(1) Philip Stone(1) Neil Strauss(2) Whitley Strieber(1) Charles Stross(15) Daniel Suarez(3) Sarah Susanka(1) Koji Suzuki(1) Graham Swift(1) Amy Tan(1) Quentin Tarantino(1) Paul Theroux(2) Craig Thomas(1) Patrick Tilley(6) Miriam Toews(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(1) Lynne Truss(1) Jane Urquhart(1) John Vaillant(1) Guy Vanderhaeghe(1) Various(1) John Varley(8) Brian K. 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