Afbeelding van de auteur.

Stephen R. Donaldson

Auteur van De vloek van heer Veil

95+ Werken 50,765 Leden 519 Besprekingen Favoriet van 133 leden

Over de Auteur

Stephen Donaldson, 1947 - Novelist Stephen Donaldson was born on May 13, 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio to James R. Donaldson, a medical missionary, and Mary Ruth Reeder, a prosthetist. His father was an orthopedic surgeon that worked with lepers in India. He lived in India between the ages of three to toon meer sixteen and while listening to one of his father's lectures on leprosy, he conceived the legendary Thomas Covenant. Donaldson attended the College of Wooster, Ohio and graduated in 1968. Afterwards, he spent two years being a conscientious objector doing hospital work in Akron and then attended Kent University where he received an M.A. in English. Donaldson's publishing debut was with "Lord Foul's Bane" (1977), which was the first book in the fantasy trilogy entitled The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever. It was named best novel of the year by the British Fantasy Society and received the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, in 1979. He followed with the sequel series The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, also set in The Land, starting with "Daughter of Regals," and then the Mordant's Need series with "The Mirror of Her Dreams" and "A Man Rides Through." Donaldson is also the author of the Gap Into series of science fiction adventure that began with "The Real Story" and followed with "Forbidden Knowledge," "A Dark and Hungry God Arises," and "Chaos and Order." In addition to the awards he received for his first novel/series, Donaldson has also received the Balrog Fantasy Award for Best Novel for "The Wounded Land" in 1981 and for "The One Tree" in 1983, the Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Novel for "The One Tree" in 1983, the Balrog Fantasy Award for Best Collection for "Daughter of Regals and Other Tales" in 1985, and the Science Fiction Book Club Award for Best Book of the Year for "The Mirror of Her Dreams" in 1988 and "A Man Rides Through" in 1989. He also received The College of Wooster Distinguished Alumni Award in 1989, the WIN/WIN Popular Fiction Readers Choice Award for Favorite Fantasy Author in 1991, the Atlanta Fantasy Fair Award for Outstanding Achievement in 1992 and the President's Award, The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts in 1997. (Bowker Author Biography) toon minder
Fotografie: Credit Petra Hegger


Werken van Stephen R. Donaldson

De vloek van heer Veil (1977) 6,215 exemplaren, 86 besprekingen
De verdelgingsoorlog (1977) 4,627 exemplaren, 32 besprekingen
De macht die behoudt (1977) 4,426 exemplaren, 28 besprekingen
Het gewonde land (1980) 3,669 exemplaren, 15 besprekingen
De ene boom (1982) 3,541 exemplaren, 11 besprekingen
Drager van het witte goud (1983) 3,503 exemplaren, 14 besprekingen
The Mirror of Her Dreams (1986) 3,012 exemplaren, 34 besprekingen
A Man Rides Through (1987) 2,571 exemplaren, 18 besprekingen
De runen van aarde (2004) 2,195 exemplaren, 24 besprekingen
Hard tegen Hard: Het ware verhaal (De bres, volume 1) (1990) 2,144 exemplaren, 31 besprekingen
The Gap into Vision: Forbidden Knowledge (1991) 1,711 exemplaren, 12 besprekingen
Macht een duistere tegenstander staat op (1992) 1,585 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
The Gap into Madness: Chaos and Order (1994) 1,499 exemplaren, 10 besprekingen
The Gap Into Ruin: This Day All Gods Die (1996) 1,380 exemplaren, 14 besprekingen
Dochter der Regalen (1984) 1,308 exemplaren, 11 besprekingen
Spook van weleer (2007) 1,300 exemplaren, 20 besprekingen
The Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever (1979) 1,093 exemplaren, 17 besprekingen
Against All Things Ending (2010) 880 exemplaren, 34 besprekingen
Reave the Just and Other Tales (1998) 604 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
Guldenvuur (1981) 576 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (1980) 516 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
The Last Dark (2013) 504 exemplaren, 33 besprekingen
Seventh Decimate (2017) 247 exemplaren, 13 besprekingen
The Man Who Fought Alone (2001) 203 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Strange Dreams (1993) — Redacteur — 187 exemplaren
De man die zijn broer doodde (1980) — Auteur — 186 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
The King's Justice: Two Novellas (2015) 140 exemplaren, 9 besprekingen
The Man Who Risked His Partner (1984) 122 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Mordant's Need (2007) 110 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
The Man Who Tried to Get Away (1990) 101 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
The War Within (2019) 94 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
The Killing God (The Great God's War) (2022) 43 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
The Mirror of Her Dreams, Part 1/2 (1900) 32 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
The King's Justice [novella] (2016) 28 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
The Mirror of Her Dreams, Part 2/2 (1986) 28 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
A Man Rides Through, Part 2/2 (1987) 26 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
A Man Rides Through, Part 1/2 (1990) 26 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
The Best of Stephen R. Donaldson (2011) 26 exemplaren
The Augur's Gambit (2016) 25 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
The Reed Stephens Novels (2001) 20 exemplaren
L'appel de Mordant, Tome 1 : Le miroir de ses rĆŖves (1986) 18 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Daughter of Regals [short story] (1984) 10 exemplaren
Mythological Beast (1978) 9 exemplaren
The Lady in White (1978) 8 exemplaren
The Conqueror Worm (1983) 8 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Animal Lover (1978) 7 exemplaren
What Makes Us Human (1984) 6 exemplaren
Ser Visal's Tale (1984) 5 exemplaren
Reave the Just {short story} (1992) 4 exemplaren
The Killing Stroke [novella] (1998) 3 exemplaren
2002 3 exemplaren
Penance [novella] (1998) 3 exemplaren
By Any Other Name [novella] (1998) 3 exemplaren
World Tales 1 exemplaar
Pitchwife's Battle 1 exemplaar
Verbotenes Wissen 1 exemplaar
1996 1 exemplaar
Moc, kterƔ chrƔnƭ (2000) 1 exemplaar
Le feu de ses passions (1986) 1 exemplaar
Lo specchio dei sogni (1996) 1 exemplaar

Gerelateerde werken

After the King (1991) — Medewerker — 772 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
The Wizards of Odd: Comic Tales of Fantasy (1996) — Medewerker — 640 exemplaren, 5 besprekingen
Ik griezel van genot nieuwe verhalen vol erotiek en horror (1991) — Medewerker — 551 exemplaren, 7 besprekingen
Bauchelain and Korbal Broach, Volume 1 (2007) — Introductie, sommige edities465 exemplaren, 14 besprekingen
Godbody (1986) — Nawoord, sommige edities397 exemplaren, 14 besprekingen
Berserker Base (1985) — Medewerker — 324 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The 1985 Annual World's Best SF (1985) — Medewerker — 239 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
Unicorns! (1982) — Medewerker — 229 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Gallery of Horror (1983) — Medewerker — 226 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
De beste science fiction verhalen van het jaar 1986 (1986) — Medewerker — 216 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Stellar #4: Science-Fiction Stories (1978) — Medewerker — 133 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Full Spectrum 4 (1993) — Medewerker — 106 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Arabesques II (1989) — Medewerker — 71 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
The Year's Finest Fantasy: Volume 2 (1978) — Medewerker — 67 exemplaren
The Book of Kings (1995) — Medewerker — 49 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
A Very Large Array: New Mexico Science Fiction and Fantasy (1987) — Medewerker — 31 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Last Drink Bird Head : A Flash Fiction Anthology for Charity (2009) — Medewerker — 29 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Nine Visions, a Book of Fantasies (1983) — Medewerker — 13 exemplaren
An Anthology of Angels (1996) — Medewerker — 11 exemplaren


Algemene kennis

Officiƫle naam
Donaldson, Stephen Reeder
Pseudoniemen en naamsvarianten
Stephens, Reed
Donaldson, Stephen
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Akron, Ohio, USA
New Jersey, USA
Corrales, New Mexico, USA
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
The College of Wooster (B.A. | English | 1968)
Kent State University (MA|English|1971)
fantasy writer
American Contract Bridge League
International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts
Contributing Editor, The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
Prijzen en onderscheidingen
John W. Campbell Award (1979)
The College of Wooster Distinguished Alumni Award (1989)
WIN/WIN Popular Fiction Readers Choice Award for Favorite Fantasy Author (1991)
Atlanta Fantasy Fair Award for Outstanding Achievement (1992)
President's Award, The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (1997)
Howard Morhaim (Howard Morhaim Literary Agency)
Korte biografie
Born in 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio, Stephen R. Donaldson lived in India (where his father was a medical missionary) until 1963. He graduated from the College of Wooster (Ohio) in 1968, served two years as a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War, doing hospital work in Akron, then attended Kent State University, where he received his M.A. in English in 1971.After dropping out of his Ph.D. program and moving to New Jersey in order to write fiction, Donaldson made his publishing debut with the first "Covenant" trilogy in 1977. That enabled him to move to a healthier climate. He now lives in New Mexico.The novels for which he is best known have received a number of awards. However, the achievements of which he is most proud are the ones that seemed the most unlikely. In 1993 he received a Doctor of Literature degree from the College of Wooster, and in 1994 he gained a black belt in Shotokan karate from Sensei Mike Heister and Anshin Personal Defense.After completing the five-book, seven-year Gap sequence of science fiction novels, Donaldson spent quite some time "on vacation." However, he has now returned to work. His most recent book prior to The Man Who Fought Alone was a second collection of short fiction, Reave the Just and Other Tales. He is currently hard at work on "The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant".



In dit deel gaan Thomas Covenant en zijn gezelschap ten strijde. Het eerste gedeelte verhaalt de terugkomst van de groep naar het Land. Dit deel van het verhaal was saai. Had hier het gevoel dat dit aan het verhaal toegevoegd was als boekvulling. Het tweede gedeelte verhaalt de eindstrijd. Veel aktie en de moeite waard om te lezen.
Yeth | 13 andere besprekingen | Feb 23, 2010 |
Dit deel verhaalt de tocht via zee in hun zoektocht naar de Ene Boom, waarvan Thomas Covenant denkt dat die de redding is van het land.
Ik heb ontzettend van genoten dat er meer achtergrond over het ontstaan van het land werd vrijgegeven. Het verhaal is zo goed dat ik besloot om ook De Laatste Kronieken aan te kopen. Stephen Donaldson wordt met elk deel die ik lees beter in het schrijven over de omzwervingen van Thomas Covenant en co.
1 stem
Yeth | 10 andere besprekingen | Feb 2, 2010 |



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