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Toon 11 van 11
Worth buying. The photos are great as well as the instruction.
Gemarkeerd | Sep 28, 2016 |
This book is great! The photos are very helpful and it has great instructions. It's worth buying.
Gemarkeerd | 2 andere besprekingen | Sep 28, 2016 |
I liked this book, with a few reservations. The photos were exceptional, very clear and detailed. The explanations were lovely, and I had no quarrel with the exercises for the most part. I'm not a big believer in isolating eensy muscles like hip ab/adductors, but I know lots of people prefer to work one muscle at a time. The routines struck me as not particularly challenging, and certainly nothing that would encourage a lot of growth (to the credit of the authors, they did explain how to modify said routines). My biggest complaint about the book is that the female models had no visible muscle development at all. Maybe a little ab striation. And in the pictures, the women are shown using 2 or 5 pound weights. I disapprove. Most emphatically.
satyridae | Apr 5, 2013 |
A clear well-illustrated book of all the major types of exercises.½
fgd31 | Jul 8, 2008 |
Maran Illustrated Dog Training is a beautiful large paperback with one or two photos on just about every page. It's so pretty that you could call it a coffee table book, the sort of book that if it's lying around, adults and children alike will pick up and browse a little.

The text is organized in two-page spreads, making it easy to spend just a little time and to focus on the topic that is on your mind at present. I think anyone would enjoy this book, and people who learn visually would love it. It sells at a very reasonable price considering all the color photos and the size of the book.

With all these pluses, which are evident within five minutes of picking up the book, I wondered what approach the book would take to dog training. I was very pleased that it takes a positive approach. While it doesn't cover clicker training, it does advocate similar methods and you could easily add the use of a clicker to their methods.

You can actually browse this book online... the publishers have made it available. It's not a PDF but a graphic representation of the whole book, at
RosanaHart | Apr 15, 2008 |
I'm a very visual person, so I'm a big fan of the "Teach Yourself Visually..." series. A knitter first and foremost, this was the first book to make me finally understand crochet techniques. The pictures are clear and in color, making it much easier to follow the accompanying step-by-step instructions.

The patterns could be organized better--they're tacked onto the end of each chapter based on the techniques learned. If learning knitting were about reading a book in order from cover to cover, this would work, but many people skip around when learning new techniques. Keeping the patterns centralized in one or two chapters would've been far more helpful.

Also, it says "Knitting and Crocheting", but there's really only two or three crochet patterns, making it more of a knitting book than a crochet book. Still, as I mentioned above, despite the lack of more crochet patterns, the crochet instructions are spot on.
gttygrl | Mar 22, 2007 |
A bit of a fogy factor, but a good reference for a variety of techniques. And there are excellent pictures -- the worth of which in a knitting book it is really impossible to overstate.
kukkurovaca | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 27, 2006 |
This book was sent to me by Maran, who asked me to review it if I liked it. The book is for beginners, so I haven't used it at all, but if you want to learn to knit, this seems to me to be an excellent way to learn. The pictures are bright, large, and clear and it includes some good beginner projects. If I ever decide to learn to crochet, this is probably the book that I will use to learn.½
ginabeana | 2 andere besprekingen | Jan 21, 2006 |
Lex-II | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 30, 2024 |
Maran Illustrated Cooking Basics by maranGraphics Development Group (2006)
cdp02005 | Aug 4, 2009 |
Toon 11 van 11