Name That Book List

Uitgereikt door Houston Independent School District (HISD)

25 Werken 91,902 boeken 1,947 Besprekingen ½ 4.0
Alle, High School (25)
Alle, 2023 (25)
In the Shadow of the Fallen Towers: The Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years after the 9/11 Attacks door Don Brown
High School2023
Blackout door Dhonielle Clayton
High School2023
Crownchasers door Rebecca Coffindaffer
High School2023
Gotham High door Melissa De la Cruz
High School2023
Legendborn door Tracy Deonn
High School2023
Malice door Pintip Dunn
High School2023
10 Truths and a Dare door Ashley Elston
High School2023
These Violent Delights door Chloe Gong
High School2023
Raft of Stars door Andrew J. Graff
High School2023
The Woman All Spies Fear: Code Breaker Elizebeth Smith Friedman and Her Hidden Life door Amy Butler Greenfield
High School2023
En ze keken naar God door Zora Neale Hurston
High School2023
Heerlijke nieuwe wereld door Aldous Huxley
High School2023
Luck of the Titanic door Stacey Lee
High School2023
What I Carry door Jennifer Longo
High School2023
Prepped door Bethany Mangle
High School2023
Furia door Yamile Saied Méndez
High School2023
Notes from a Young Black Chef: A Memoir door Kwame Onwuachi
High School2023
Blazewrath Games door Amparo Ortiz
High School2023
Brontë door Manuela Santoni
High School2023
Schaduwliefde door Ruta Sepetys
High School2023
I Am Not Starfire door Mariko Tamaki
High School2023
Nothing to See Here door Kevin Wilson
High School2023
Version Zero door David Yoon
High School2023
From a Whisper to a Rallying Cry: The Killing of Vincent Chin and the Trial that Galvanized the Asian American Movement door Paula Yoo
High School2023
Punching the Air door Ibi Zoboi
High School2023


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