Controversiële boeken voor hughbo86

Deze pagina toont de meest controversiële boeken in deze bibliotheek op basis van de hoogste standaarddeviatie van de beoordelingen van leden.

Standaarddeviatie Gemiddelde waardering Jouw beoordeling Titel
1.442 3.2 The Lost Message of Jesus door Steve Chalke
1.337 3.43 De uitnodiging roman door William P. Young
1.239 3.57 Epistle to the Romans: The English Text With Introduction, Exposition, and Notes (NEW INTERNATIONAL COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT) door John Murray
1.181 3.48 50 succesmodellen door Mikael Krogerus
1.172 3.62 Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship door Joshua Harris
1.169 3.67 The Gospel According to Mark: The English Text With Introduction, Exposition, and Notes (New International Commentary on the New Testament) door William L. Lane
1.138 3.99 Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners door John Bunyan
1.13 3.37 JavaScript Pocket Reference door David Flanagan
1.129 3.73 The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 1-39 (New Intl Commentary on the Old Testament) door John N. Oswalt
1.123 3.6 There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind door Antony Flew
1.091 4.09 The Letter of James (Pillar New Testament Commentary) door Douglas J. Moo
1.078 3.91 Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith door Rob Bell
1.065 3.7 Psalms 1-72 door Derek Kidner
1.057 3.51 Becoming a Contagious Christian door Bill Hybels
1.055 3.8 Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today door John R. W. Stott
1.049 4.07 When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God--and Joy door John Piper
1.037 4.19 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 1: Genesis 1-15 door Gordon J. Wenham
1.036 3.95 Preaching the Cross (Together for the Gospel) door Mark Dever
1.035 4.14 Defending Your Faith: An Introduction to Apologetics door R. C. Sproul
1.031 3.52 My Grammar and I (Or Should That Be 'Me'?): Old-School Ways to Sharpen Your English door Caroline Taggart
1.03 3.65 Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? door Wayne Grudem
1.016 4.12 Why Johnny Can't Preach: The Media Have Shaped the Messengers door T. David Gordon
1.012 4.02 Communicating for a Change: Seven Keys to Irresistible Communication door Andy Stanley
1.011 4.41 A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New door G.K. Beale
1.01 4.03 The Letters of John (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) door John R. W. Stott
1.009 3.69 How to Read the Psalms door Tremper Longman III
1.007 3.63 The Message of Acts door John R. W. Stott
1.002 4.02 Out of the Saltshaker and into the World: Evangelism As a Way of Life door Rebecca Manley Pippert
0.991 3.96 Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ door John Piper
0.991 4.07 What's the Difference?: Manhood and Womanhood Defined According to the Bible door John Piper
0.981 3.88 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 36: John door George R. Beasley-Murray
0.975 3.46 Intended for Pleasure door Ed Wheat
0.974 3.96 How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour door Gordon D. Fee
0.973 4.02 Verspil je leven niet... maar laat het waardevol zijn. door John Piper
0.972 4.05 Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God door Francis Chan
0.968 4.1 Pierced for Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution door Steve Jeffery
0.964 4.18 The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World door John Piper
0.959 4.29 The Gospel in a Pluralist Society door Lesslie Newbigin
0.958 3.94 Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is): Sexual Purity in a Lust-Saturated World door Joshua Harris
0.955 4.23 Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel the Main Thing door C. J. Mahaney
0.952 3.92 Het menselijk inzicht een onderzoek naar het denken van de mens door David Hume
0.951 3.72 Statusangst door Alain de Botton
0.947 3.85 Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World door C. J. Mahaney
0.943 3.91 The Message of Ephesians (Bible Speaks Today) door John R. W. Stott
0.942 3.88 God is niet groot hoe religie alles vergiftigt door Christopher Hitchens
0.939 4.12 Brieven uit de hel ; Schroefstrik heft het glas door C. S. Lewis
0.938 4.1 Wandelen door de Geest door J. I. Packer
0.935 3.98 An Introduction to the Old Testament door Tremper Longman, III
0.934 4.04 Disciplines of a Godly Man door R. Kent Hughes
0.933 4.29 Heaven: Biblical Answers to Common Questions door Randy Alcorn
0.932 4.03 Zoon van Hamas waargebeurd verhaal van terreur, verraad, politieke intriges en onmogelijke keuzes door Mosab Hassan Yousef
0.932 3.91 Too Busy Not to Pray door Bill Hybels
0.932 4.12 Finally Alive: What Happens When We Are Born Again door John Piper
0.929 4.1 Ruim baan voor gerechtigheid; rechtvaardig worden door Gods genade door Timothy Keller
0.928 3.64 The Case for Covenantal Infant Baptism door Gregg Strawbridge
0.923 3.88 To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain door Matt Chandler
0.918 4.12 Dictionary of Paul and His Letters door Gerald F. Hawthorne
0.912 3.95 The Future of Justification: A Response to N. T. Wright door John Piper
0.911 3.68 PHP voor het World Wide Web door Larry Ullman
0.911 4.26 Onversneden Christendom door C. S. Lewis
0.911 3.94 Het probleem van het lijden door C. S. Lewis
0.909 4.13 Joy Unspeakable door Martyn Lloyd-Jones
0.909 4.33 Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry door Paul David Tripp
0.909 3.67 The Book of Leviticus (New International Commentary on the Old Testament) door Gordon J. Wenham
0.904 3.88 Proverbs: An Introduction & Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries #15) door Derek Kidner
0.903 4.2 Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith door Wayne Grudem
0.902 3.93 Wonderen door C. S. Lewis
0.901 4.26 How Long, O Lord?: Reflections on Suffering and Evil door D. A. Carson
0.898 3.83 Jesus + Nothing = Everything door Tullian Tchividjian
0.898 4.3 The Pursuit of God door A. W. Tozer
0.897 2.95 Is Christianity Good for the World? door Christopher Hitchens
0.896 4.19 God's smuggler door Brother Andrew
0.895 4.14 Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth door Richard J. Foster
0.893 3.88 De boodschap van Galaten door John R. W. Stott
0.892 4.35 Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist door John Piper
0.892 4.02 The Explicit Gospel door Matt Chandler
0.887 4.1 Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels door Joel B. Green
0.885 3.96 The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment door Tim Challies
0.884 4.14 A Praying Life: Connecting With God In A Distracting World door Paul E. Miller
0.884 4.01 More than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation door William Hendriksen
0.883 3.99 Total Church: A Radical Reshaping around Gospel and Community door Tim Chester
0.881 3.92 Confessions of a Reformission Rev.: Hard Lessons from an Emerging Missional Church (The Leadership Network Innovation) door Mark Driscoll
0.88 4.2 In alle redelijkheid door Timothy Keller
0.877 4.24 The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary door J. Alec Motyer
0.877 4.22 Humility: True Greatness door C. J. Mahaney
0.875 4.31 The Reformed Pastor door Richard Baxter
0.873 4.06 Death by Love: Letters from the Cross door Mark Driscoll
0.873 4.04 De plakfactor waarom sommige ideeën aanslaan en andere niet door Chip Heath
0.872 4.06 God's Big Picture door Vaughan Roberts
0.871 4.08 Why We're Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be door Kevin DeYoung
0.871 4.21 Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem door Kevin DeYoung
0.871 3.81 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus (New International Biblical Commentary, Volume #13) door Gordon D. Fee
0.865 3.97 Sticky Church door Larry Osborne
0.865 4.21 Centrum-kerk het evangelie middenin je stad door Timothy Keller
0.862 3.8 The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible door A. J. Jacobs
0.86 4.28 Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine door Wayne Grudem
0.859 4.24 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 44: Colossians, Philemon door Peter T. O'Brien
0.856 3.95 Reflections on the Psalms door C. S. Lewis
0.856 3.92 Erasing Hell: What God Said About Eternity, and the Things We've Made Up door Francis Chan
0.855 3.52 Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Genesis door Derek Kidner
0.854 4.44 The Gospel according to John (The Pillar New Testament Commentary (PNTC)) door D. A. Carson
0.853 4.03 Stop Dating the Church!: Fall in Love with the Family of God (Lifechange Books) door Joshua Harris
0.852 3.6 Philosophy and the Christian Faith: A Historical Sketch from the Middle Ages to the Present Day door Colin Brown
0.849 4.2 God's Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul door Gordon D. Fee
0.847 4.49 The Greek New Testament door Eberhard Nestle
0.846 4.11 The Atonement: Its Meaning and Significance door Leon Morris
0.844 4.21 The Enemy Within: Straight Talk About the Power and Defeat of Sin door Kris Lundgaard
0.843 4.39 Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands door Paul David Tripp
0.843 4.24 Exegetical Fallacies door D. A. Carson
0.84 4.08 The Courage to Be Protestant: Truth-Lovers, Marketers, and Emergents in the Postmodern World door David F. Wells
0.838 4 The Message of Romans: God's Good News for the World (The Bible Speaks Today) door John R. W. Stott
0.836 3.92 The Radical Reformission: Reaching Out without Selling Out door Mark Driscoll
0.832 4.17 Battling Unbelief: Defeating Sin with Superior Pleasure door John Piper
0.831 4.27 The Trellis and the Vine door Colin Marshall
0.827 4.29 Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry door John Piper
0.827 4.27 Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will door Kevin DeYoung
0.825 4.15 Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions (Relit Theology) door Mark Driscoll
0.823 4.08 Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? door Philip Yancey
0.821 4.06 A Serrated Edge: A Brief Defense of Biblical Satire and Trinitarian Skylarking door Douglas Wilson
0.821 4.06 A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, and Mission around the Table door Tim Chester
0.814 4.16 Goed werk ons dagelijks werk en Gods plan voor de wereld door Timothy Keller
0.813 4.19 The Message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7 : Christian Counter-Culture) door John R. W. Stott
0.81 3.69 The Gospel According to St. Luke: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) door Leon Morris
0.809 3.66 The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion door Tim Challies
0.809 4.04 Dug Down Deep: Building Your Life on Truths That Last door Joshua Harris
0.808 4.08 Why We Love the Church: In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion door Kevin DeYoung
0.807 3.88 PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites door Larry Ullman
0.807 3.9 Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church door D. A. Carson
0.805 4.1 The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate door John H. Walton
0.805 4.1 The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog door James W. Sire
0.805 4.45 Knowing God door J. I. Packer
0.8 4.38 Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life door John Calvin
0.799 4.05 Switch. Veranderen als verandering moeilijk is door Chip Heath
0.796 4.46 A Call to Spiritual Reformation door D. A. Carson
0.79 4.32 Let the Nations Be Glad! door John Piper
0.786 4.49 Lectures to My Students door C. H. Spurgeon
0.786 4.41 Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions door Timothy Keller
0.784 4.4 de vrijgevige God door Timothy Keller
0.783 4.29 This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence door John Piper
0.783 4.26 The Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament door Edmund P. Clowney
0.781 4.33 The Knowledge of the Holy door A. W. Tozer
0.781 3.92 Christ and Culture Revisited door D. A. Carson
0.779 4.02 Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road door Timothy J. Keller
0.774 4.25 King's Cross: The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus door Timothy Keller
0.771 4.08 Where Is God When It Hurts? door Philip Yancey
0.763 4.29 God is het Goede Nieuws : over de kern van het Evangelie door John Piper
0.762 3.81 Who Was Jesus? door N. T. Wright
0.762 4.28 What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage door Paul David Tripp
0.759 4.41 Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God door J. I. Packer
0.757 4.31 Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes door Kenneth E. Bailey
0.75 4.25 The Goldsworthy Trilogy: (Gospel and Kingdom, Gospel and Wisdom, The Gospel in Revelation) door Graeme Goldsworthy
0.749 4.23 Spectacular Sins: And Their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ door John Piper
0.744 4.27 Inzet en genade Gods aandeel en ons aandeel in de levensheiliging door Jerry Bridges
0.744 4.13 The Canon of Scripture door F. F. Bruce
0.743 4.39 Suffering and the Sovereignty of God door John Piper
0.742 4.13 Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit door Francis Chan
0.728 4.37 The Unquenchable Flame: Discovering the Heart of the Reformation door Michael Reeves
0.723 4.38 The Cross of Christ door John R. W. Stott
0.712 3.89 Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief door Bruce Milne
0.71 3.92 The Gospel and Personal Evangelism door Mark Dever
0.709 4.24 Church Membership door Jonathan Leeman
0.701 4.64 The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (ESV) door R. C. Sproul
0.698 4.36 The Good News We Almost Forgot: Rediscovering the Gospel in a 16th Century Catechism door Kevin DeYoung
0.694 4.21 Scandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus door D. A. Carson
0.691 4.54 Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament door G.K. Beale
0.68 4.35 Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters door Timothy Keller
0.676 4.49 A Divine Cordial door Thomas Watson
0.668 4.19 According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible door Graeme Goldsworthy
0.666 4.17 Zeal without Burnout door Christopher Ash
0.663 4.38 Is God anti-gay? door Sam Allberry
0.662 4.43 The Letter to the Ephesians (Pillar New Testament Commentary) door Peter T. O'Brien
0.66 4.34 Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God door Timothy Keller
0.66 4.14 You Can Change: God's Transforming Power for Our Sinful Behavior and Negative Emotions door Tim Chester
0.657 4.3 On Being a Theologian of the Cross: Reflections on Luther's Heidelberg Disputation, 1518 door Mr. Gerhard O. Forde
0.652 4.62 Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism door Timothy Keller
0.652 4.1 Questioning Evangelism door Randy Newman
0.644 4.28 What's Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done door Matthew Perman
0.643 4.5 Showing the Spirit: A Theological Exposition of 1 Corinthians, 12-14 door D. A. Carson
0.636 4.11 Basics for Believers: An Exposition of Philippians door D. A. Carson
0.634 4.46 For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Treasures of God's Word (Volumes 1&2) door D. A. Carson
0.611 4.71 The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions door Arthur Bennett
0.609 4.51 The Epistle to the Romans door Douglas J. Moo
0.605 4.48 Romans (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) door Thomas R. Schreiner
0.58 4.59 The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name door Sally Lloyd-Jones
0.551 4.86 The ESV Study Bible door ESV Bibles by Crossway
0.537 4.44 Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor: The Life and Reflections of Tom Carson door D. A. Carson
0.533 4.35 The Doctrines of Grace door James Montgomery Boice
0.5 4.72 The Big Picture Story Bible door David R. Helm
0.369 4.78 Aan Gods hand door pijn en lijden door Timothy Keller