What lists have you started?


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What lists have you started?

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

dec 3, 2006, 6:34 pm

My username on Wordie is annabethblue. I started a list of words that my dogs recognize. It's wonderfully fun for my mother and I...we've been sitting all day throwing words back and forth, trying to remember every word that our dogs know. And, the poor little pups...they must be so confused! They are probably trying to figure out how on Earth we are going to:

Go for a ride in the car to the little store, buy treats, see sadiedoggie and papa, eat liver, chicken, hamburger, turkey, pizza, tacos - all just for supper, then go for a walk (we'll need it after all that food!), see a policeman, mailman, big doggie, and christmas lights. Then we will come home and take a bath in the tub so that their fur is pretty so they can go nightnight on the couch.

heehee...they are sitting, intently listening, little ears pointed in mom's direction, wondering when all of this is going to happen. I guess it would be mean to not deliver...so, anyone know where I can get a platter of turkey, liver, hamburger, chicken, pizza, cheese, tacos, and bacon? LOL!

dec 3, 2006, 6:54 pm

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

dec 4, 2006, 1:59 am

Am "angharad" there, too.

Silly lists:
good names for a steampunker
that sound or look like outer-space names and are Hungarian (e.g. Zoltan)

Interesting lists:
trademarks (e.g. aspirin, trampoline)
improper (e.g. zeppelin, quixotic)

Personal lists:
hypophasia (I regular make sentences such as "Give me the thing from the place.")
for me not to overuse when public-speaking

Linguistic peeves:
to avoid using "implement" as a verb
for which I postfer the American spellings
misused by Busilish
unnecessary and academic

Linguistically interesting:
multiple parts of speech
with both Latin and Greek components
one-chunk (monosyllables just seemed like the wrong name)
special (e.g. facetiously)

that mean "thing"
to avoid "work"ing
to avoid "get"ting
to avoid "information"

And miscellaneous lists based more around content than form:
useful and foreign
useful and made-up

dec 4, 2006, 3:45 pm

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

dec 4, 2006, 4:03 pm

I'm BoPeep there too... So far I have 'American Names' (like the poem); the Major-General's song (all the end-rhymes); and a general 'nice words' list.

dec 4, 2006, 4:55 pm

I'm John on Wordie. So far have band names (of fictitious bands), "...nym" words, and a catch-all words I like list.

I love the word (and idea of) "steampunker", that's new to me.

dec 4, 2006, 11:38 pm

I added my first two today: "words I thought were invented by fantasy authors when I first encountered them" and "words I look for excuses to use in ordinary conversation." Both are sadly pretty small, but I expect them to grow.

dec 5, 2006, 3:43 pm

Same screenname there. I've got a ton of lists; one of words from Jabberwocky (the nonsense poem by Lewis Carrol that's part of Through the Looking Glass), one of words that sound like or incorporate the sounds of naughty words, one each of words that I like the sound or meaning of, one each of words I dislike the sound or meaning of... There might be another, but Wordie isn't loading at the moment and I can't check it. And I'm sure there'll be more, there always is.

dec 5, 2006, 4:10 pm

My fave is Polite words, impolite stuff, because every huge word dork has a vulgar side.

dec 6, 2006, 5:24 pm

Fogies...I never really thought about it like that... ;D

Such interesting lists so far! :)

ellen.w: "words I thought were invented by fantasy authors when I first encountered them" - I love it! So, will you include words that exist, but have different meanings in the fantasy world? Such as Tolkien's Elves. He really redefined Elf for his book...but perhaps that's a whole new list! :D

Bewerkt: dec 7, 2006, 4:30 am

I've been trying to make lists of words that describe a particular thing or idea.

On the Antihoot open mic night, NYC
Contents of my pockets

Or at least that's how I interpret, "like Flickr, but without the photos." At any rate, I like how there are really no rules at wordie.org. Anything goes.

dec 7, 2006, 7:31 am

Gilroy there as well as here...

My list is just six words long (Anyone name the artist that sang that song?) and just general words I like right now.

dec 7, 2006, 6:57 pm

Same id on wordie. I mined some Shakespearean insults from the web to create my "Slings and Arrows" Wordie list.

dec 9, 2006, 6:05 pm

It's funny to note that of teh most frequently shared books by people here I own none.

My Wordie lists are:

the first four (because they were)
banned (for my students)
dickensian (most or all from Hard Times)
pynchonesque (most but not all from The Crying of Lot 49)
whitmanian (most from "Song of Myself" from Leaves of Grass 1855)
made-up (just goofing)
dickinsonian (she's got an astonishing vocab)
fitzgeraldean (i'ev worked a lot with The Great Gatsby)
carmelite (because I am one of them)
huck finnian (words from the weird old america)
sophomoric (more school stuff)
words of the years (i thought it would be useful to have these all in one place)

dec 9, 2006, 6:07 pm

o ... correction ... i DO have Hamlet ... being an English teacher & all ... it's sort of a credential, i guess

dec 10, 2006, 12:53 am

I started to collect a word list for every year. (started = one list so far) and did a packing list for an upcoming trip. I'm also collecting words for an Amercian Library Association meeting I'm going to (figure I can wordie the event in real time even if I can't necessarily blog it).

My first grader and I have been playing the game of wordie. Someone invents a list, and you take turns calling out entries in it. You lose when you can't come up with one. Works best with two people sharing a single computer, though i can imagine an IM version of it.

Bewerkt: dec 11, 2006, 7:29 am

I'm vega on Wordie.org. Thanks to angharad for inviting me to this community!

Simply put... Wordie fulfills my love for making lists of words. I like collecting and assembling lexicons, because "specialist" words are beautiful in a very specific way. And I'm a bit of a "world-builder", so lexicons are particularly useful for describing fantasy/imaginary worlds and civilizations!

Lexicons so far -
Architectural, mostly of an archaeological bent;
Colour and some gemstones that have associations with colour (or are just plain lovely names);
Textiles, and a bit of clothing;
Urban planning and forms of government -- in other words, large groups of humanity;
Weapons and armour;
Herbs, spices and fragrances, plus some plants;
Geological and geographical formations;
Names of winds;
And a variety of words that I'm learning, need to incorporate into my vocab, and are just plain lovely -- in spelling and sound.

I do love words! --And books too, even though I don't personally own many. (I feed off local libraries and the family collective.)

dec 11, 2006, 11:08 am

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

dec 14, 2006, 6:34 pm

oldecat, I like your lists...my little cousin loves dinosaurs, and at 3 years old he could name and describe any dinosaur you could throw at him. He even knew what they ate and where they lived. The boy is obsessed with dinosaurs! :)

I play musical instruments...I'm suprised I didn't think of that one! :D

I did add a "Reference Desk Words" list - words that we commonly use at the reference desk in the library.

Now I'm sitting at the reference desk on the next to last day of university finals, waiting for 8pm. We close a little early today (yay...sleep)...and there are hardly any students asking for help this late in the game. I should go over to Wordie and make a new list! :D

Bewerkt: nov 20, 2007, 2:35 pm

oroboros here (and there). Wordie has captured my attention and monopolized my time even more than LT! I've still got bunches of books and records to catalog, but they seem to have gone onto the back burner for the nonce (love that word!). I too have kept word lists over the years, usually on scraps of paper that wind up in odd places or just get lost, so Wordie is an organizational godsend in addition to just plain fun.

My lists: dyslexic's delight; dyslexics dread; potpourri; WoRd CHeMiStRy; pseudonyms, or "what's in a name?"; oddball; mathematical; doublets; double trouble; review; d'oh!; "japanese style"; word ladders; bi-sonics; pop culture; notably unique; spoonerisms; metonyms; tongue twisters; alphabet soup; made-up words; loaded dice; contranyms;down in the zero...

Edit:... and now (approaching a year later!) too many others to list here!

It's been very interesting and going to be more so to see how wordie matures and evolves.

Bewerkt: dec 16, 2006, 3:57 pm

Currently, my favorite of the lists I made is Verbing Trademarks - trademarks that people use as stuff they do. I also kind of like What's That Pokémon Name?, which I made because I love portmanteaux, especially made-up ones.

22chained_bear Eerste Bericht
nov 20, 2007, 9:13 am

OK, I'm late to the party.

Hi all and thanks to angharad for starting this group. I'm off to figure out just what the heck LibraryThing is and how I'm going to waste more of my life on the Internet. :)

nov 20, 2007, 2:25 pm

Welcome c_b! Good to see your entertaining prose besides on Wordie!