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The Truth About Forever door Sarah Dessen
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The Truth About Forever (origineel 2004; editie 2006)

door Sarah Dessen

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
5,6491591,855 (4.21)75
The summer following her father's death, Macy plans to work at the library and wait for her brainy boyfriend to return from camp, but instead she goes to work at a catering business where she makes new friends and finally faces her grief.
Titel:The Truth About Forever
Auteurs:Sarah Dessen
Info:Puffin (2006), Paperback, 400 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

The Truth About Forever door Sarah Dessen (2004)

  1. 10
    Along for the Ride door Sarah Dessen (f_ing_kangaroo, avid_reader25)
  2. 11
    Catalyst door Laurie Halse Anderson (writemeg)
    writemeg: Another incredible book examining the loss of a parent, and the "catalysts" that propel us to wade through our grief -- and emerge on the other side.
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1-5 van 159 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
  ALeighPete | Mar 10, 2023 |
Reminded me a lot of Maybe This Time by Kasie West and now I need more romances where the main character and love interest are caters ( )
  Susz13 | Jul 18, 2022 |
1st Page In
I feel like I'm about to walk in on some major terrible drama. Like becoming a murder witness or something.

Well, partially right I was.
Man, what a ride!
Macy, I heart you.

Now I want a Wes of my own.
Gods, I'd like love to work at a place like WISH.

This somehow feels like the first Dessen's book without a long-distance relationship in the end. Man, this makes me glad. ( )
  QuirkyCat_13 | Jun 20, 2022 |
This was another good one by Sarah Dessen. Similar in theme to her last book. I enjoyed the building romance and chemistry between Maisy and Wes, as well as the friendships that were developed over the course of the book. Sarah Dessen really does a great job at relationships. Love how quirky she makes her characters.

Please excuse typos. Entered on screen reader. ( )
  KatKinney | Mar 3, 2022 |
My second time reading this one, ten years later and I still enjoyed it very much.

Following the unexpected death of her father, Macy’s lived a very regimented life, abiding by what her boyfriend and her mother want, spending much of her time at home studying, but with her boyfriend out of the picture, a fortuitous encounter with a catering crew at one of her mom’s business parties brings the possibility of some much needed change for Macy.

The catering scenes were fantastically fun, such an entertaining mix of characters and chaos.

I liked the romance. It’s kind of subtle, not that the attraction and the developing feelings aren’t apparent, they are, but there’s a definite emphasis on a friendship building between the two more so than a ton of overtly romantic moments (though there are some of those later on). Those readers who aren’t so fond of romance, might be okay with this one.

The interactions between Macy, her mom and her sister, the tension, the different ways each is coping (or not coping) with her grief, and the place each occupies in the family were for me the times when The Truth About Forever is at its most emotionally engaging. I would have happily traded the library job and ex boyfriend drama for a bit more exploration of those family dynamics, but really that’s the closest I get to having a complaint about this book. ( )
  SJGirl | Jul 12, 2021 |
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For Jay, as ever, and for my cousins who, like me, know by heart the view of the river and the bay, the complex rules of Beckon, and all the ways you Can't Get to Heaven, to name you all would be a book in itself: you know who you are.
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Jason was going to Brain Camp.
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The summer following her father's death, Macy plans to work at the library and wait for her brainy boyfriend to return from camp, but instead she goes to work at a catering business where she makes new friends and finally faces her grief.

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Gemiddelde: (4.21)
1 10
1.5 1
2 35
2.5 7
3 172
3.5 43
4 423
4.5 50
5 553

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