South Dakota Teen Choice Book Awards
Uitgereikt door South Dakota Library Association
Andere Namen: SD YARP (Engels), South Dakota Young Adult Reading Program (Engels)
864 Werken / 906 Items 1,379,624 boeken 59,646 Besprekingen 4.0
Each year the Young Adult Reading Program Committee of the South Dakota Library Association publishes a list to promote quality literature and to help South Dakota teachers and librarians in toon meer selecting and promoting books for adolescents. The books are selected from among the many young adult and adult books that have received positive reviews by national reviewing periodicals.
The SD Teen Choice Book Awards was also known previously as YARP (Young Adult Reading Program). For Elementary grade books, see also the South Dakota Children's Book Awards web link. toon minder
The SD Teen Choice Book Awards was also known previously as YARP (Young Adult Reading Program). For Elementary grade books, see also the South Dakota Children's Book Awards web link. toon minder
Winner 30
Honor 28
Runner-Up 1
Werk | Categorie | Jaar |
The Magic Fish: A Graphic Novel door Trung Le Nguyen | High School List | 2023 |
Nominee 835
Almost Made It 68
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