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Stargirl (2000)

door Jerry Spinelli

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10,628377691 (3.9)154
In this story about the perils of popularity, the courage of nonconformity, and the thrill of first love, an eccentric student named Stargirl changes Mica High School forever.
  1. 31
    Love, Stargirl door Jerry Spinelli (missnickynack)
    missnickynack: Its the sequel to Stargirl and it is equally as good.
  2. 21
    Weetzie Bat door Francesca Lia Block (kaionvin)
  3. 00
    Het grote misschien door John Green (fyrefly98)
    fyrefly98: More average-boy-meets-life-changing-girl.
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    Paper Towns door John Green (strandedon8jo)
  5. 00
    Becoming Chloe door Catherine Ryan Hyde (stephxsu)
    stephxsu: Similarly innocent-but-wise female character.
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    Every Soul A Star door Wendy Mass (RidgewayGirl)
  7. 01
    Loser door Jerry Spinelli (bookel)
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1-5 van 373 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
{my thoughts} - I was unsure about this book when I first started to read it. I did fall in love with Stargirl. She is a really unique individual that isn’t afraid to be herself. Throughout the entire book she is the girl that seems to have come from another culture, she is outgoing and not afraid to show others who she really is. Towards the end of the book she struggles with the person she is and the person others would like her to be….. This is often the case with many teenagers and is a really nice read for anyone looking for cozy book to read for a couple of days.

{reason for reading} - It was recommended by a friend. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} - I was unsure about this book when I first started to read it. I did fall in love with Stargirl. She is a really unique individual that isn’t afraid to be herself. Throughout the entire book she is the girl that seems to have come from another culture, she is outgoing and not afraid to show others who she really is. Towards the end of the book she struggles with the person she is and the person others would like her to be….. This is often the case with many teenagers and is a really nice read for anyone looking for cozy book to read for a couple of days.

{reason for reading} - It was recommended by a friend. ( )
  CrimsonSoul | Jun 1, 2024 |
Stargirl is cute but also a little but creepy like a stalker.

Be yourself and be nice to people. Try not to let the force of public opinion sway you - especially while in high school. ( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
A really great story about a normal boy meeting a strange girl. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
I feel like Stargirl is a strange little book, but it's a good kind of strange. The kind of strange that makes a bit more sense as an adult.

From an adult's point of view, Stargirl feels like an examination on the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope in a middle/high school setting with that middle/high school lens. You admire what's different and strange, you crave it, you want it for your own, but once you have it, appreciating it as it is becomes difficult since society (and you yourself) may want to change that strange, unusual and precious thing. Stargirl herself is a manic pixie dream girl for our main character, but we also see her growing and changing both for the betterment of the strained society that is high school, but also for herself. The story feels incomplete, but that's because our characters, and our titular Stargirl is still growing and still writing her life's story.

To my surprise, this book ended up getting a musical adaptation on Disney+ - and it's pretty faithful to the book save for changing up a few details regarding the main character's backstory (swapping out an uncle for a father), and some details with Stargirl's clothing choices (though I imagine that was just fashion crew having fun when filming), and the songs really helped bring the story to life in movie form. ( )
  AuthorSSD | Nov 30, 2023 |
1-5 van 373 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I honestly recommend this novel to young girls or mostly anyone that is struggling with embracing themselves and having fear being different from others. Stargirl is the new girl in Mica High School, and she is quite different from the other students. She stands out a lot in the crowd because they think she weird for a variety of reasons. Fitting in a new school environment is very difficult because we all want people to like us. But people don't see the unique person we are they just judge us constantly. After, months she decides to pretend as hard to be just like the others. Also, Leo wants her to be like the other girls because he is concerned about popularity and who talks to him. She feels peer pressure and changes her style and the way she acts. She was hoping that people will notice the change and it will have a huge impact in her popularity but that was not the case. Overall, the novel “Stargirl” is inspirational and has themes that teens are enduring. My favorite parts are when Sartgirl doesn't let people get to her by saying mean stuff just because she is different. And she is not embarrassed or even cares that she is different.
toegevoegd door | bewerkAmazon Customer Review, Stargirl

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (5 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Jerry Spinelliprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Ragusa, AngelaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Ritter, JohnVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Steinhöfel, AndreasVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd



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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
To Eileen, my Stargirl
And to Loren Eiseley, who taught that even as we are, we are becoming
And to Sonny Liston
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When I was little, my uncle Pete had a necktie with a porcupine painted on it.
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I don't want to be like nobody.
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In this story about the perils of popularity, the courage of nonconformity, and the thrill of first love, an eccentric student named Stargirl changes Mica High School forever.

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Gemiddelde: (3.9)
0.5 8
1 37
1.5 7
2 137
2.5 24
3 424
3.5 87
4 714
4.5 77
5 670

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