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Altered Carbon (Takeshi Kovacs) door Richard…
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Altered Carbon (Takeshi Kovacs) (origineel 2002; editie 2003)

door Richard K. Morgan (Auteur)

Reeksen: Takeshi Kovacs (1)

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7,1012141,346 (3.98)1 / 236
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Science Fiction. In the twenty-fifth century, humankind has spread throughout the galaxy, monitored by the watchful eye of the U.N. While divisions in race, religion, and class still exist, advances in technology have redefined life itself. Now, assuming one can afford the expensive procedure, a person's consciousness can be stored in a cortical stack at the base of the brain and easily downloaded into a new body (or "sleeve") making death nothing more than a minor blip on a screen. Ex-U.N. envoy Takeshi Kovacs has been killed before, but his last death was particularly painful. Dispatched one hundred eighty light-years from home, re-sleeved into a body in Bay City (formerly San Francisco, now with a rusted, dilapidated Golden Gate Bridge), Kovacs is thrown into the dark heart of a shady, far-reaching conspiracy that is vicious even by the standards of a society that treats "existence" as something that can be bought and sold. For Kovacs, the shell that blew a hole in his chest was only the beginning. . . . "Morgan's debut novel, the first in a series, combines noir mystery with ultra-high tech science to create a complex sf thriller. Featuring a hard-nosed antihero with his own sense of personal honor and ethics, this is highly recommended for sf collections."-Library Journal.… (meer)
Titel:Altered Carbon (Takeshi Kovacs)
Auteurs:Richard K. Morgan (Auteur)
Info:Del Rey (2003), Edition: 1st, 375 pages
Verzamelingen:Gelezen, maar niet in bezit

Informatie over het werk

Altered Carbon door Richard K. Morgan (2002)

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 Science Fiction Fans: Altered Carbon74 ongelezen / 74Sherimc, april 2011

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1-5 van 214 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I read somewhere that "Altered Carbon" had become a popular science fiction series on one of the movie networks. I was curious. When it comes to complicated stories, I prefer a book, if the series is based on one, and not the other way around. So, I checked out this audio version, well narrated by Todd McLaren, from the Los Angeles Public Library. And I checked it out again. And I checked it out again. I must have checked it out at least 5 times, but I was checking out others as well, and this one just wasn't holding my attention. When I finally resolved to listen to all 17 hours 11 minutes and 3 seconds of it, and continue until I finished to the exclusion of all others, I found it wasn't really that challenging to follow the novel parts about the futuristic world. I did find the many analogies to movies, places, and people that/who don't really exist and that went unexplained rather unhelpful to plot or mood though.
What prevents me from needing to listen to the rest of these, or from needing to see the film versions is the excessive random and/or kinky sex, torture/slaughter/violence, and various indulgences. I can certainly see how it would attract today's book/film audience, but it pegs way too high on the overload scale for me. ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
Excellent SF thriller. Sometimes gory (but again what is to be expected in the world where people are for all means and purposes immortals), sometimes sadistic (as in virtual interrogation scenes) but all in all great story.

it gives an interesting perspective in which immortality may not be the best thing for majority - those that cannot live it in the body of their choosing or in case when one knows what to expect in the life without any indication of social status change.

Highly recommended. ( )
  Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
Terrific cyberpunk noir which plays with the idea that people are just memories that can be digitized to electronic storage, then later restored to a physical body (not necessarily the one they started with). Dark, gritty and brutal, with lots of neat ideas, though at times the plot got so convoluted it was confusing. Enjoyed it overall. ( )
  yaj70 | Jan 22, 2024 |
Slow moving and evenly paced, filled with detailed descriptions, constant cultural cross-references this books world creeps in your vision with every sip. There is some literature magic here, that clouds judgment and shifts paradigms with every step along the way. It takes a while, it does it leisurely, but give it time and here you think and look around with different eyes. No, not that something grand is reveled or world shattered, nothing of sorts, it's really just like switching a masks in the process of masquerade. You can't see yourself, but you know that every one of them is different, every one of them is shuffling, brining new and exciting feeling of own thoughts control... Is it true? Is it real? Is it here? Is it there? Nobody really knows but you, and you know it, just accept it.

It's all happening right now, the whole book is about right now moment of existence. There is always some traces of past, there is always some dotted lines in the future, but the whole thing you see is just the neck of hourglass. And it all exists aside of sand. ( )
  WorkLastDay | Dec 17, 2023 |
Cyberpunk noir. This is a good first book. The scifi elements are well used to set up the story and the world. It avoids one common scifi pitfall where things are over-explained, drawing attention to conceptual flaws which weaken the world; here things are explained so you can just get an idea of what's going on, not all the ins and outs. This gives the world he creates a pleasingly plausible impenetrability, a believability. On the other hand, it means that things can be a touch inconsistent, and that stuff is ripe for deus ex machina (there's one major "plot points coming together" moment especially guilty of this).

The main character is pretty good (although a little bit in the damaged-military-vet mold), though others can come across as cyphers or stereotypes (borrowed from noir). A tendency to overwrite couldn't quite be surpressed, and some of the dialogue doesn't work.

The plot itslef is very engaging, and very convoluted. As such, it reminded me most of James Ellroy's novels - amusing as Ellroy is resolutely charting the past and this is so defined by its futurism.

A very impressive, involving and thought-provokinng (if you like this kind of future-gazing, as I do) novel, which, as one of my friends said "is far better than any first novel has a right to be". I agree with him - although there are weaknesses that could be done better, even in a first novel, the things he gets right are carried off with a definite aplomb. The fact I've written this much about it is a compliment.
( )
  thisisstephenbetts | Nov 25, 2023 |
1-5 van 214 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
In this rousing first novel, Morgan reimagines Chandler's "Big Sleep" as 25th-century noir, with a Philip Marlowe-esque protagonist trying to avoid "real death" in a world where serial resurrection is a privilege of the rich and ruthless.

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Richard K. Morganprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
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Kempen, BernhardÜbersetzerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Moore, ChrisArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Young, PaulArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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This book is for my father and mother: JOHN for his iron endurance and unflagging generosity of spirit in the face of adversity & MARGARET for the white hot rage that dwells in compassion and a refusal to turn away.
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Two hours before dawn, I sat in the peeling kitchen and smoked one of Sarah's cigarettes , listening to the maelstrom and waiting (Prologue).
Coming back from the dead can be rough (Chapter One).
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Pull on the new flesh like borrowed gloves
And burn your fingers once again.
An electronic demon, a malignant spirit that dwelled in altered carbon and emerged only to possess flesh and wreak havoc.
“Credit access will cease in thirty second,’ said the hotel patiently. ‘Please key in your DNA signature now.’
‘Mr. Kovacs won’t be needing his reservation,’ said the man behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder. ‘Come on, Kovacs, we’re going for a ride.’
‘I cannot assume host prerogatives without payment,’ said the woman on the screen.
Something in the tone of that phrase stopped me as I was turning, and on impulse I forced out a sudden, racking cough.
Bending forward with the force of the cough, I raised a hand to my mouth and licked my thumb.
‘The fuck are you playing at, Kovacs?’
I straightened again and snapped my hand out to the keypad beside the screen. Traces of spittle smeared over the matte black receiver. A split second later a calloused palm edge cracked into the left side of my skull and I collapsed to my hands and knees on the floor. A boot lashed into my face and I went the rest of the way down.
‘Thank you sir.’ I heard the voice of the hotel through a roaring in my head. ‘Your account is being processed.’
I tried to get up and got a second boot in the ribs for the trouble. Blood dripped from my nose onto the carpet. The barrel of the gun ground into my neck.
‘That wasn’t smart, Kovacs.’ The voice was marginally less calm. ‘If you think the cops are going to trace us where you’re going, then the stack must have fucked your brain. Now get up!’
He was pulling me to my feet when the thunder cut loose.
Why someone had seen fit to equip the Hendrix’s security systems with twenty-millimetre automatic cannon was beyond me, but they did the job with devastating totality. Out of the corner of one eye I glimpsed the twin-mounted autoturret come snaking down from the ceiling just a moment before it channeled a three-second burst of fire through my primary assailant. Enough firepower to bring down a small aircraft. The noise was deafening.
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Wikipedia in het Engels


Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Science Fiction. In the twenty-fifth century, humankind has spread throughout the galaxy, monitored by the watchful eye of the U.N. While divisions in race, religion, and class still exist, advances in technology have redefined life itself. Now, assuming one can afford the expensive procedure, a person's consciousness can be stored in a cortical stack at the base of the brain and easily downloaded into a new body (or "sleeve") making death nothing more than a minor blip on a screen. Ex-U.N. envoy Takeshi Kovacs has been killed before, but his last death was particularly painful. Dispatched one hundred eighty light-years from home, re-sleeved into a body in Bay City (formerly San Francisco, now with a rusted, dilapidated Golden Gate Bridge), Kovacs is thrown into the dark heart of a shady, far-reaching conspiracy that is vicious even by the standards of a society that treats "existence" as something that can be bought and sold. For Kovacs, the shell that blew a hole in his chest was only the beginning. . . . "Morgan's debut novel, the first in a series, combines noir mystery with ultra-high tech science to create a complex sf thriller. Featuring a hard-nosed antihero with his own sense of personal honor and ethics, this is highly recommended for sf collections."-Library Journal.

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