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Dry door Neal Shusterman
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Dry (origineel 2018; editie 2019)

door Neal Shusterman (Auteur), Jarrod Shusterman (Auteur)

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1,2144516,830 (3.89)15
A lengthy California drought escalates to catastrophic proportions, turning Alyssa's quiet suburban street into a warzone, and she is forced to make impossible choices if she and her brother are to survive.
Auteurs:Neal Shusterman (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Jarrod Shusterman (Auteur)
Info:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2019), Edition: Reprint, 416 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Dry door Neal Shusterman (2018)

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Engels (44)  Duits (1)  Alle talen (45)
1-5 van 45 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Nicht schlecht, aber leider auch nicht gut.
Als Hörbuch tatsächlich sogar noch einen Stern Abzug, da ich die Lesung ziemlich schrecklich fand. Nach jedem Satz eine Pause - so kommt wirklich ÜBERHAUPT keine Spannung auf.
Ich habe dann aufs Buch gewechselt in der Hoffnung, dass es da besser wird. Wurde es, trotzdem nur 3 Sterne gesamt. Zu viele Hauptcharaktere, die deshalb alle nicht glaubwürdig gezeichnet sind. Zu viele Sprünge von Erzähler zu Erzähler. Das Thema hätte Potential, aber auch hier fehlt die Tiefe... ( )
  Katzenkindliest | Apr 23, 2024 |
"Dry" has solid writing and a very timely premise, dealing with current environmental issues pertaining to water use. There are some good family aspects I enjoyed; it's nice to see a YA novel where the families feel thought-out and realistic. I read this book in just a couple of days, and I think that is a true testament to both Shusterman's ability to keep a reader interested in the overall outcome.
That being said, "Dry" is...well...a little bit dry. The book plays out exactly how the synopsis promises- drought happens, population goes crazy, parents go missing, kids embark on journey to find water. It's very predictable; I wasn't surprised at any of the plot points. Additionally, despite the fact that the characters were well-written ones, I just felt fairly detached from all the main characters except for Garrett. I think there were just far too many POVs spread too thinly for me to truly get attached to anyone.
I also think the environmental aspects could have been pushed a little more. There are some pretty good arguments about it at the very beginning and end of the novel but other than that I think the core issues got a bit glossed over.
All in all, a solid read but nothing outstanding. If you liked "Life as We Knew It" by Susan Beth Pfeffer or similar titles then I would recommend "Dry". ( )
  deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
This book was barely a three and really only that because it was a young adult novel. One of the few books I finished that I really didn't buy the setup. I felt there were some plot holes you could drive a truck through and an ending that made me wonder why I had read the whole book. The writing itself was superb and the pacing was great. The problem for me was I never believed it. About halfway through I thought about giving it up but was curious how he would end it. Then I read the ending and thought what was the point. I would love to read an adult novel about the same subject but a little more deftly crafted. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
This book should be listed as YA as it read like a Nancy Drew book. Thin character development with bursts of unrealistic stories. It was a great plot that fell apart quickly. ( )
1 stem jpbronco | Jul 5, 2023 |
I'm a sucker for Neal Shusterman. I always am. The man writes in a certain way that has me on the edge of my seat.

Dry is VERY realistic. Southern California has run out of water. Neighbors lose all sense of moral decency. The primal instinct of looking out for one's self wins out. Neighbor turns against neighbor. People are willing to do anything for just a drop of water.

I know there were messages about FEMA not caring about people....and climate change.....but I thought the expose on the heart of people was more telling. Now the ending was a little far-fetched to me (too many people lived). But there was just enough truth to be believed. And it makes you think....

How would I be if my town ran out of water? ( )
1 stem msgabbythelibrarian | Jun 11, 2023 |
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This book is dedicated to all those struggling to undo the disasterous effects of climate change.
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A lengthy California drought escalates to catastrophic proportions, turning Alyssa's quiet suburban street into a warzone, and she is forced to make impossible choices if she and her brother are to survive.

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Gemiddelde: (3.89)
2 10
2.5 3
3 36
3.5 12
4 66
4.5 7
5 43

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