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Hyperion door Dan Simmons
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Hyperion (origineel 1989; editie 2000)

door Dan Simmons

Reeksen: Hyperion Cantos (1)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
11,953279563 (4.18)348
Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:A stunning tour de force filled with transcendent awe and wonder, Hyperion is a masterwork of science fiction that resonates with excitement and invention, the first volume in a remarkable epic by the multiple-award-winning author of The Hollow Man.
/> On the world called Hyperion, beyond the reach of galactic law, waits a creature called the Shrike. There are those who worship it. There are those who fear it. And there are those who have vowed to destroy it. In the Valley of the Time Tombs, where huge, brooding structures move backward through time, the Shrike waits for them all.
On the eve of Armageddon, with the entire galaxy at war, seven pilgrims set forth on a final voyage to Hyperion seeking the answers to the unsolved riddles of their lives. Each carries a desperate hope—and a terrible secret. And one may hold the fate of humanity in his hands.
Praise for Dan Simmons and Hyperion
“Dan Simmons has brilliantly conceptualized a future 700 years distant. In sheer scope and complexity it matches, and perhaps even surpasses, those of Isaac Asimov and James Blish.”The Washington Post Book World
“An unfailingly inventive narrative . . . generously conceived and stylistically sure-handed.”The New York Times Book Review
“Simmons’s own genius transforms space opera into a new kind of poetry.”The Denver Post
“An essential part of any science fiction collection.”Booklist.… (meer)
Auteurs:Dan Simmons
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Hyperion door Dan Simmons (1989)

  1. 140
    Duin door Frank Herbert (corporate_clone)
    corporate_clone: It is difficult not to compare Dune and Hyperion, even though both series have major differences in terms of tone, style and philosophy. Those are two long, epic, elaborate and very ambitious sci-fi masterpieces where religion plays a key role. I would highly recommend the fans of one to check out the other.… (meer)
  2. 143
    De opkomst van Endymion door Dan Simmons (fichtennadel)
  3. 50
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1-5 van 277 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Reread this in preparation for reading the entire series and I must agree with my original rating. The first story (Priest's story) was magnificent but it was steadily downhill from there. I liked it enough this time around to want to read the next book. I can only take so much Dan Simmons at a stretch - will return to this series after a while. ( )
  dineshkrithi | Aug 5, 2024 |
'Hyperion' is one of the SF Masterworks series that I somehow didn't get round to during my teenage years. Multiple friends have recommended it to me over the years, and I've enjoyed several of Simmons' other novels. However, both my experience of [b:Ilium|3973|Ilium (Ilium, #1)|Dan Simmons||3185401] & [b:Olympos|3972|Olympos (Ilium, #2)|Dan Simmons||1537178] and my friends' advice agree: Simmons has fantastic ideas but struggles to stick the landing. I was therefore pre-warned that the sequels to 'Hyperion' are not of equally high quality. That's especially disappointing because the novel sets up such a complicated, fascinating world full of mysteries and dangers, then ends on an absolute cliff-hanger. As I continued reading and noted how many pages remained, it became clear this would be the case. It frustrated me, as on its own merits 'Hyperion' would be a five star sci-fi novel with a brilliant structure.

It borrows from The Canterbury Tales (which I was forced to read at school and disliked) by setting a small cast of strangers on a pilgrimage and having them all tell a story from their life. Each story is a brilliant flight of imagination and together they cover so many overlapping and intersecting themes, including colonialism, nostalgia, artistic inspiration, war, religion, and the nature of time. While explaining how the character telling it ended up on a pilgrimage to Hyperion, successive tales paint a picture of instability and conflict between different groups of humans and artificial intelligences a few hundred years in the future. They also dart between genres, sometimes within one story. Noir mystery, cyberpunk, family tragedy, body horror, decadent drama, and political machinations are all juggled adeptly. There are some fantastic action scenes and genuinely frightening moments. Thinking back, it's astonishing that the narrative retains coherence, yet everything manages to revolve around the planet Hyperion and the deadly monster living there: the Shrike. It was perhaps a masterstroke to recount multiple terrifying encounters with the Shrike without explaining it at all.

Yet the final scene, in which the pilgrims approach the Time Tombs after watching a space battle that seemingly strands them on Hyperion, left me on tenterhooks to an annoying extent. I have so many questions and it's a shame that the answers aren't likely to be satisfactory. I'll read the sequels at some point, perhaps once libraries return again. 'Hyperion' is excellent, but the reader cannot really enjoy it as a standalone novel. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
My son really liked this sf novel, so I gave it a try. I did not like it. It’s a Canterbury Tales-style story of linked stories, where each pilgrim is heading to the world of Hyperion, where the Shrike—a remorseless killer worshiped by one human sect—will allegedly grant one pilgrim’s wish while killing the rest. Despite the very different backgrounds of the pilgrims, their voices merged together for me. Pet peeve: there’s a woman who has “her father’s pistol”—it’s called that literally every time it shows up, which is a lot (in the next volume it’s “the pistol” once, I think), but it does not represent anything about her relationship with her father nor is that relationship otherwise important to her story and she’s had it for many years, so it’s her fucking pistol, thanks. ( )
  rivkat | May 24, 2024 |
Not as heavy as Dune

4.5 for me. Very well written. It sort of reminded me of Dune, but I enjoyed this one much more.
It's amazing how current it is as it touches on climate change, artificial intelligence, religion, etc. ( )
  SergioRuiz | Apr 30, 2024 |
Wow. Great writing. I generally don't like shifting perspective stories, but each of the seven stories by the pilgrims was so different and held my attention, all for different reasons. I've ordered The End of Hyperion from the library and can't wait to start it.

Also hoping that this series will hold up through all four books. My experience with some fantasy series, even some good ones (looking at you, Tad Williams) has been that it's really difficult to sustain my interest.

*spoiler alert*

I especially liked the twist at the end, where the bad guys are suddenly maybe not quite so bad.

Looking forward to book 2! ( )
  roguelike | Feb 4, 2024 |
1-5 van 277 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (28 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Dan Simmonsprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Ahokas, JuhaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Bevine, VictorVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Ilkka JuopperiArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Johnson, AllysonVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Pariseau, KevinVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Picacio, JohnArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Rostant, LarryArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Ruddell, GaryArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Snyder, JayVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Staffilano, G. L.VertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Staffilano, Gaetano LuigiVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Vietor, MarcVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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The Hegemony Consul sat on the balcony of his ebony spaceship and played Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C-Sharp Minor on an ancient but well-maintained Steinway while great, green, saurian things surged and bellowed in the swamps below. (Prologue)
The Consul awoke with a peculiar headache, dry throat, and sense of having forgotten a thousand dreams which only periods in cryogenic fugue could bring.
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Wagner n'est bon que pour les moments de tempĂŞte.
"Les mots sont les objets suprêmes, ce sont des choses dotées d'esprit." William H. Gass
"Le langage sert non seulement à exprimer les pensées, mais aussi à rendre possibles des pensées qui ne pourraient exister sans lui." Bertrand Russel
Les poètes sont les sages-femmes démentes de la réalité. Ils ne voient pas ce qui est, ni ce qui peut être, mais ce qui doit devenir.
Être un poète, un vrai poète, c'était devenir l'avatar de l'humanité incarnée.
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Several translations of the Hyperion series were published as multiple volumes There are no equivalent English volumes. Do not combine these with any works other than the equivalent partial volume in another language.

The ISBNs here are not always correctly matched up to the books. Use both the title and ISBN to figure out what the actual work is. Also note that the title sometimes contains the volume number in the entire Hyperion series (with or without multiple parts).
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Italiaanse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:A stunning tour de force filled with transcendent awe and wonder, Hyperion is a masterwork of science fiction that resonates with excitement and invention, the first volume in a remarkable epic by the multiple-award-winning author of The Hollow Man.
On the world called Hyperion, beyond the reach of galactic law, waits a creature called the Shrike. There are those who worship it. There are those who fear it. And there are those who have vowed to destroy it. In the Valley of the Time Tombs, where huge, brooding structures move backward through time, the Shrike waits for them all.
On the eve of Armageddon, with the entire galaxy at war, seven pilgrims set forth on a final voyage to Hyperion seeking the answers to the unsolved riddles of their lives. Each carries a desperate hope—and a terrible secret. And one may hold the fate of humanity in his hands.
Praise for Dan Simmons and Hyperion
“Dan Simmons has brilliantly conceptualized a future 700 years distant. In sheer scope and complexity it matches, and perhaps even surpasses, those of Isaac Asimov and James Blish.”The Washington Post Book World
“An unfailingly inventive narrative . . . generously conceived and stylistically sure-handed.”The New York Times Book Review
“Simmons’s own genius transforms space opera into a new kind of poetry.”The Denver Post
“An essential part of any science fiction collection.”Booklist.

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Gemiddelde: (4.18)
0.5 2
1 47
1.5 8
2 149
2.5 17
3 443
3.5 120
4 1135
4.5 186
5 1574

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