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Storm Front (The Dresden Files, Book 1) door…
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Storm Front (The Dresden Files, Book 1) (origineel 2000; editie 2000)

door Jim Butcher (Auteur)

Reeksen: De Dresden Files (1)

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14,842615395 (3.77)2 / 759
In the first novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Dresden Files series, Harry Dresden's investigation of a grisly double murder pulls him into the darkest depths of magical Chicago... As a professional wizard, Harry Dresden knows firsthand that the "everyday" world is actually full of strange and magical things--and most of them don't play well with humans. And those that do enjoy playing with humans far too much. He also knows he's the best at what he does. Technically, he's the only at what he does. But even though Harry is the only game in town, business--to put it mildly--stinks. So when the Chicago P.D. bring him in to consult on a double homicide committed with black magic, Harry's seeing dollar signs. But where there's black magic, there's a black mage behind it. And now that mage knows Harry's name... "A great series--fast-paced, vividly realized and with a hero/narrator who's excellent company."--Cinescape  … (meer)
Titel:Storm Front (The Dresden Files, Book 1)
Auteurs:Jim Butcher (Auteur)
Info:Roc (2000), Edition: 1st, 332 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:fantasy, le

Informatie over het werk

Stormnacht door Jim Butcher (2000)

  1. 201
    Wolvenjacht door Jim Butcher (Siesser)
  2. 170
    Rivers of London door Ben Aaronovitch (majkia)
    majkia: both involve paranormal mystery and smart-ass dialog.
  3. 150
    Something from the Nightside door Simon R. Green (amberwitch, plutoempress, lookitisheef, DovSherman)
    amberwitch: A tough P.I. with a number of convenient talents making a living and trying to uncover the secrets of his own origin in the magical Nightside of London.
    plutoempress: similar style, though i (and this is my opinion) find john taylor funnier than harry dresden.
    lookitisheef: Jim Butcher and Simon R. Green both have created great supernatural male-lead detective series. I think they provide a nice balance to the girls-kick-butt series out there...don't get me wrong, I love the work of Kim Harrison and Laurell K. Hamilton (to name a couple), but it's nice to see that authors can create plausible male leads in the supernatural fiction world, too.… (meer)
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    Hounded door Kevin Hearne (clif_hiker, al.vick)
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    Heksen en demonen door Kim Harrison (cjacklen)
    cjacklen: A crime-fighting witch quits her job to become a PI. Faster pace and more addictive than than "Storm Front".
  6. 125
    Niemandsland door Neil Gaiman (Polenth)
  7. 71
    The Man With The Golden Torc door Simon R. Green (dmacmillan, Scottneumann)
    dmacmillan: Similar in tone to Butcher's Dresden Files but bigger in scope and with perhaps an even wilder storyline.
  8. 72
    Nachtwacht door Sergei Lukyanenko (FFortuna)
  9. 40
    Nightlife door Rob Thurman (gluestick)
    gluestick: Brothers Cal & Niko Leandros battle monsters while on the run from Auphe.Doesn't help that Cal is half Auphe.
  10. 30
    Thicker Than Water door Mike Carey (BeckyJG)
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    Libriomancer door Jim C. Hines (kqueue)
    kqueue: I found many similarities between Isaac Vainio and Harry Dresden. Both are cynical, powerful, heroes with a dark sense of humor, who are on the fringes of their official organization but are called in to save the day. Both books feature many mythical creatures, and have a good versus evil theme in a fast-paced adventure.… (meer)
  12. 31
    The Devil You Know door Mike Carey (amberwitch, TheLibraryhag)
    amberwitch: Same noir feel, more interesting first person narrator. Lovely London descriptions.
  13. 30
    Legenden in ballingschap door Bill Willingham (FFortuna)
  14. 31
    A Madness of Angels door Kate Griffin (amberwitch, questionablepotato, mysterymax)
    mysterymax: Anyone who enjoys the Dresden File series would, I think enjoy the Matthew Swift books.
  15. 20
    The Tomb door F. Paul Wilson (Scottneumann)
  16. 20
    Sweet Silver Blues door Glen Cook (MyriadBooks)
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    Dead Eye: Pennies for the Ferryman door Jim Bernheimer (enrique_molinero, gluestick)
    gluestick: Lone wolf hero.After coming back from Iraq and getting a donor eye he starts seeing ghosts. Next best thing while waiting for the newest Dresden files book.
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    Unshapely Things door Mark Del Franco (MyriadBooks)
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    Monster door A. Lee Martinez (smammers)
    smammers: If you enjoy urban fantasy with a healthy dose of sarcastic humor thrown in, you'll love these books!
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    John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits door Garth Ennis (Cynara)
    Cynara: I think Harry Dresden may be a distant, nicer relation of Hellblazer's John Constantine.

(toon alle 47 aanbevelingen)

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 World Reading Circle: Storm Front, Jim Butcher5 ongelezen / 5Rhondavu, juni 2018
 Jim Butcher: Storm Front10 ongelezen / 10Caspettee, juni 2011

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The Dresden Files, een serie boeken over de detective tovenaar Harry Dresden, is een reeks die ik in de loop der jaren door meerdere fantasyliefhebbers aangeprezen heb zien worden en waarvan ik me nu aan het eerste deeltje heb gewaagd.

Heel eerlijk gezegd is het mij een beetje tegengevallen. Ik had er niet al te veel verwachting van in de zin van diepzinnigheid of fabuleuze plots en mijn inschatting van te voren was zelfs dat het gemakkelijk vermakelijk leesvoer zou zijn. Op zich heb ik dat ook zo ervaren maar ik had gehoopt op net nog even dat kleine extra sprankje. Helaas, het kwam niet.

Het detectiveverhaal zit gedegen genoeg in elkaar en hapt lekker weg. Alleen alles blijft mij te oppervlakkig, de personages te twee dimensionaal en er ontbreekt een leuke dosis humor die dat sprankje had kunnen geven. (Of de humor ontgaat mij)

Achterin mijn exemplaar staat een kort interview met de schrijver. Daarin vertelt hij dat in de boeken die volgen de achtergrond van Harry Dresden langzaam wordt ontvouwen en als een rode draad door alle boeken gaat spelen. Dat prikkelt dan wel weer even mijn nieuwsgierigheid.
Wie weet dat ik dan toch nog een tweede deeltje probeer. ( )
  Niekchen | Jul 7, 2013 |
Storm Front's premise is pretty slim.. But Butcher makes it work, through a combination of interesting characters, tight plotting, and fresh, breezy writing. This is definitely not deep reading, but it is a whole lot of fun.
toegevoegd door Shortride | bewerkSF Site, Victoria Strauss (Aug 1, 2000)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (9 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Butcher, Jimprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Langowski, JürgenVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Marsters, JamesVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
McGrath, ChrisArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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For Debbie Chester, who taught me everything I
really needed to know about writing. And for my
father, who taught me everything I really needed
to know about living. I miss you dad.
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I heard the mailman approach my office door, half an hour earlier than usual.
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Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face.
"An actual wizard?" he asked, grinning, as though I should let him in on the joke. "Spells and potions? Demons and incantations? Subtle and quick to anger?"
"Not so subtle."
I realized he'd been giving me CPR. Eww.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (3)

In the first novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Dresden Files series, Harry Dresden's investigation of a grisly double murder pulls him into the darkest depths of magical Chicago... As a professional wizard, Harry Dresden knows firsthand that the "everyday" world is actually full of strange and magical things--and most of them don't play well with humans. And those that do enjoy playing with humans far too much. He also knows he's the best at what he does. Technically, he's the only at what he does. But even though Harry is the only game in town, business--to put it mildly--stinks. So when the Chicago P.D. bring him in to consult on a double homicide committed with black magic, Harry's seeing dollar signs. But where there's black magic, there's a black mage behind it. And now that mage knows Harry's name... "A great series--fast-paced, vividly realized and with a hero/narrator who's excellent company."--Cinescape  

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