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Pink and Say door Patricia Polacco
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Pink and Say (editie 1995)

door Patricia Polacco

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2,8291845,269 (4.46)10
Say Curtis describes his meeting with Pinkus Aylee, a black soldier, during the Civil War, and their capture by Southern troops. Based on a true story about the author's great-great-grandfather.
Titel:Pink and Say
Auteurs:Patricia Polacco
Info:Scholastic (1995), Edition: 1st, Paperback, 44 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Historical Fiction, Picture Book

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Pink and Say door Patricia Polacco

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1-5 van 184 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Patricia Polacco- making me cry yet again.

A good introduction to a complex and terrible subject. I agree with Sara Masarik who said that picture books are a good way to begin a difficult topic.

Heartbreaking and beautiful- this civil war story will stay with you. ( )
  FamiliesUnitedLL | Feb 28, 2024 |
  PrincetonBaptist | Jul 19, 2023 |
The story is about two boy soldiers who meet each other in the battlefield
during the American Civil War. One of the protagonists, Sheldon Russell Curtis ("Say"), is
a white soldier who was injured while trying to escape battle. He is saved by a
former slave named Pinkus Aylee ("Pink"), who is now a soldier of the
48th Regiment Infantry U.S. Colored Troops.

Patricia Polacco was born on July 11th, 1944 in Lansing, Michigan.
Her mother’s family were Jewish immigrants from Russia and
The Ukraine. Her father's people were from The County of Limerick in Ireland.
Both cultures valued and kept their history alive by storytelling.
  CarrieFortuneLibrary | Sep 9, 2022 |
Goodread Review:
There are few picture books written about the Civil War, and none are as powerful as this one. This story, about how a young black soldier rescues a white soldier, opens young readers' eyes to the injustices of slavery and the senselessness of war. Highly charged emotionally, this masterful retelling of a true story is seen through the white soldier's eyes.
  NativityPeaceLibrary | May 28, 2022 |
This book is about war and focuses on 2 soldiers. One rescues the other, and they become friends. They go to the helpers house, and stay with the mans mom while he heals. They both end up getting in trouble and sent to jail because they weren't being active in the war. This material is heavier, involving death and suicide. I think this book would be appropriate for 5th-6th grade to analyze and talk about as a class. It's longer, and could be split up and talked about. ( )
  ryleesalvey | Apr 13, 2022 |
1-5 van 184 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Hands and gestures have always been important in Polacco's work. Here they are at the center of a picture book based on a true incident in the author's own family history. It's a story of interracial friendship during the Civil War between two 15-year-old Union soldiers. Say, who is white and poor, tells how he is rescued by Pinkus (Pink), who carries the wounded Say back to the Georgia home where Pink's black family were slaves. In a kind of idyllic interlude, Pink and his mother nurse Say back to health, and Pink teaches his friend to read; but before they can leave, marauders kill Pink's mother and drag the boys to Andersonville prison. Pink is hanged, but Say survives to tell the story and pass it on across generations. The figure of Pink's mother borders on the sentimental, but the boys' relationship is beautifully drawn. Throughout the story there are heartbreaking images of people torn from a loving embrace. Pictures on the title and copyright pages show the parallel partings as each boy leaves his family to go to war. At the end, when the friends are wrenched apart in prison, the widening space between their outstretched hands expresses all the sorrow of the war. Then, in a powerful double-page spread, they are able to clasp hands for a moment, and their union is like a rope. Say once shook Lincoln's hand, just as Say held Pink's hand, and Say tells his children, who tell theirs, that they have touched the hand that touched the hand . . .
toegevoegd door sriches | bewerkBooklist, a
Gr 4 UpSay, 15, had never seen a black person up close until Pink, also a young Union soldier, saves his life. During his brief stay in Pink's home, the wounded boy comes to understand his friend's unconquerable vision of freedom. A memorable family reminiscence with evocative paintings. (Oct. 1994)
toegevoegd door sriches | bewerkSchool Library Journal, a

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (5 mogelijk)

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Patricia Polaccoprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Hickson, JoanIllustratorprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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To the memory of Pinkus Aylee
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

Say Curtis describes his meeting with Pinkus Aylee, a black soldier, during the Civil War, and their capture by Southern troops. Based on a true story about the author's great-great-grandfather.

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Gemiddelde: (4.46)
1 1
2 5
3 30
3.5 6
4 75
4.5 12
5 185

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