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Jim Thompson (1) (1906–1977)

Auteur van De geboren moordenaar

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55+ Werken 13,102 Leden 289 Besprekingen Favoriet van 62 leden

Over de Auteur

American novelist and screenwriter Jim Thompson was born in Anadarko, Oklahoma on September 27, 1906. In Fort Worth, Texas during prohibition, he worked as a bellboy at the Hotel Texas for two years where he earned up to $300 a week by supplying hotel patrons with bootleg liquor, heroin, and toon meer marijuana. During the Depression, he worked with the Oklahoma Federal Writers Project and was a member of the Communist Party from 1935 to 1938. During World War II, he worked at an aircraft factory where he was investigated by the FBI for his Communist Party affiliation. His first novel, Now and on Earth, was published in 1942. He wrote more than thirty novels during his lifetime and most of them were paperback pulp crime novels. His best known works are The Killer Inside Me, Savage Night, A Hell of a Woman, and Pop. 1280. In 1955, he moved to Hollywood, California to write screenplays with Stanley Kubrick. Thompson helped write The Killing and Paths of Glory. He died after a series of strokes in Los Angeles, California on April 7, 1977. His long-time alcoholism and recent self-inflicted starvation contributed to his death. His death attracted little attention because none of his novels were in print in the U.S. at that time. (Bowker Author Biography) toon minder
Fotografie: Jim Thompson nr.1 Foto: Sharon Thompson Reed


Werken van Jim Thompson

De geboren moordenaar (1952) 2,431 exemplaren, 86 besprekingen
Pop. 1280 (1964) 1,313 exemplaren, 39 besprekingen
The Grifters (1963) 1,202 exemplaren, 26 besprekingen
De ontsnapping (1959) 890 exemplaren, 17 besprekingen
After Dark, My Sweet (1955) 707 exemplaren, 15 besprekingen
A Hell of a Woman (1954) 641 exemplaren, 12 besprekingen
Savage Night (1953) 493 exemplaren, 9 besprekingen
A Swell-Looking Babe (1954) 413 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
Nothing More Than Murder (1949) 353 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
The Kill-Off (1957) 319 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The Nothing Man (1954) 303 exemplaren, 5 besprekingen
The Alcoholics (1953) 291 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
Wild Town (1957) 279 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
The Criminal (1953) 274 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Recoil (1953) 261 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
Bad Boy (1953) 249 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Cropper's Cabin (1952) 244 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Texas by the Tail (1990) 235 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
South of Heaven (1967) 233 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Now and On Earth (1994) 218 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Roughneck (1989) 211 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
The Rip-Off (1989) 201 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Paths Of Glory [DVD] [1957] (1957) — Screenwriter — 196 exemplaren, 5 besprekingen
The Golden Gizmo (1954) 192 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
The Transgressors (1986) 147 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
King Blood (1980) 136 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Heed the Thunder (1946) 134 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The Killing [1956 film] (1956) — Screenwriter — 105 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Fireworks: The Lost Writings (1988) 91 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Detectieve Omnibus (1280) 90 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Hardcore (1986) 56 exemplaren
Child of Rage (1988) 51 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Ironside (1994) 30 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
The Second Jim Thompson Omnibus (1997) 20 exemplaren
More Hard Core: 3 Novels (1987) 20 exemplaren
Vita da niente (1990) 13 exemplaren
Jim Thompson's The Killer Inside Me (2017) 10 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Forever After (2009) 6 exemplaren
Vite in gioco (1993) 5 exemplaren
L'indice judiciaire 3 exemplaren
The Cellini Chalice 3 exemplaren
Sharecropper Hell (Illustrated) (2015) 3 exemplaren
Oltre il buio (1992) 3 exemplaren
Una chica de buen ver (1954) 3 exemplaren
Una cabaña en el sur (1989) 2 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
ROMANZI 1 exemplaar
Ecrits perdus, 1929-1967 (1990) 1 exemplaar
Ville sans loi (2018) 1 exemplaar
La cabane du métayer (2019) 1 exemplaar
Nothing but a man 1 exemplaar

Gerelateerde werken

Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1950s (1997) — Medewerker — 548 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
The Best American Noir of the Century (2010) — Medewerker — 376 exemplaren, 7 besprekingen
The Mammoth Book of Pulp Fiction (1996) — Medewerker — 238 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
The Black Lizard Anthology of Crime Fiction (1987) — Medewerker — 224 exemplaren
Murder on Amsterdam Avenue (2015) — Author photo, sommige edities222 exemplaren, 15 besprekingen
Hard-Boiled: An Anthology of American Crime Stories (1995) — Medewerker — 186 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen
First Fiction: An Anthology of the First Published Stories by Famous Writers (1994) — Medewerker — 184 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine Presents Fifty Years of Crime and Suspense (2006) — Medewerker — 75 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Pulp Fictions: Hardboiled Stories (1996) — Medewerker — 71 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The New Black Mask Quarterly (Number 4) (1986) — Medewerker — 17 exemplaren


Algemene kennis

Gangbare naam
Thompson, Jim
Officiële naam
Thompson, James Myers
Pseudoniemen en naamsvarianten
Dillon, James
Cremated, Ashes scattered
Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory, USA
Plaats van overlijden
Los Angeles, California, USA
Oorzaak van overlijden
Anadarko, Oklahoma, USA (birth)
Los Angeles, California, USA (death)
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
University of Oklahoma
University of Nebraska
oil field laborer
Oklahoma Federal Writers Project
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW. The Wobblies)
Communist Party USA (1935-38)
Korte biografie
James Myers Thompson was a United States writer of novels, short stories and screenplays, largely in the hardboiled style of crime fiction.

Thompson wrote more than thirty novels, the majority of which were original paperback publications by pulp fiction houses, from the late-1940s through mid-1950s. Despite some positive critical notice, notably by Anthony Boucher in the New York Times, he was little-recognized in his lifetime. Only after death did Thompson's literary stature grow, when in the late 1980s, several novels were re-published in the Black Lizard series of re-discovered crime fiction.

Thompson's writing culminated in a few of his best-regarded works: The Killer Inside Me, Savage Night, A Hell of a Woman and Pop. 1280. In these works, Thompson turned the derided pulp genre into literature and art, featuring unreliable narrators, odd structure, and surrealism.

The writer R.V. Cassills has suggested that of all pulp fiction, Thompson's was the rawest and most harrowing; that neither Dashiell Hammett nor Raymond Chandler nor even Horace McCoy, author of the bleak They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, ever "wrote a book within miles of Thompson". [1] Similarly, in the introduction to Now and on Earth, Stephen King says he most admires Thompson's work because "The guy was over the top. The guy was absolutely over the top. Big Jim didn't know the meaning of the word stop. There are three brave lets inherent in the forgoing: he let himself see everything, he let himself write it down, then he let himself publish it."

Thompson admired Fyodor Dostoevsky and was nicknamed "Dimestore Dostoevsky" by writer Geoffrey O'Brien. Film director Stephen Frears, who directed an adaptation of Thompson's The Grifters as 1990's The Grifters, also identified elements of Greek tragedy in his themes.



Una novel·la centrada en un poble de 1280 habitants on un xèrif mandròs i corrupte fa les seves sense gaire contemplacions. És un bon retrat d'una societat patriarcal, masclista i racista, amb moments brillants d'humor i de violència gairebé còmica. No obstant les primeres 100 pàgines brillants després es fa reiterativa i fins a cert punt pesada, amb una part final grotesca, des del meu punt de vista. De totes maneres, és molt ben escrita i el personatge central és inoblidable.
Jordi_Camps | 38 andere besprekingen | Jul 25, 2024 |
The writing was fine, but the plot didn't gel for me and by the end of the book, I wasn't sure what happened, except for the main character getting caught. Also, why wait until the end of the book to give a glossary of terms for the movie exhibitor. And one final reason I didn't like this book was all the info on running a movie theater, most of it outdated in today's world.
bjkelley | 7 andere besprekingen | May 19, 2024 |
What a great book with a strange ending. 9/10 of the book is a straight out crime book, the last part turns into some a dystopian future. Knocked off one star for the abrupt turn of the story. Short book (185 pages), Quick Read.
bjkelley | 16 andere besprekingen | May 8, 2024 |
I've heard the name Jim Thompson over the years, most associated with one of my favorite movies, "The Grifters", but never read anything by him. Fortunately a local thrift store had a bunch of different trade paperbacks by Thompson and they were free. I started with "pop. 1280" and what a surprise, definitely noir, in my opinion, with somewhat of a strange, but satisfyingly ending. I look forward to reading more of his novels.
bjkelley | 38 andere besprekingen | Apr 21, 2024 |



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