Auteurswolk voor peacetrust

Joel D. Aberbach(1) James Luther Adams(1) James Truslow Adams(2) Jane Addams(1) Alfred Adler(1) William M. Adler(1) U.S. Department of Agriculture(1) Robert C. Aldridge(2) Frederick Lewis Allen(1) Gordon W. Allport(2) William P. Alston(1) American Friends Service Committee(1) Sarah Louise Delany,A. Elizabeth Delany,Amy Hill Hearth,Sarah Delany Paul De Angelis(1) Maya Angelou(1) Herbert Aptheker(6) Aristotle(1) Author Not Indicated(1) Mark Baker(1) John Balaban(1) James Baldwin(1) Edward Ball(1) Ann Banks(1) Noel Barber(1) Floyd B. Barbour(1) Richard J. Barnet(1) Lionel D. Barnett(1) William Barrett(1) Sally Belfrage(1) Inge Powell Bell(1) Pierce Benjamin, Termohlen(1) Tony Benn(1) Jacqueline Bernard(1) Betto(1) Steve Biko(1) James A. Bill(1) Lillie B. Horth(1) Elizabeth Jelinek Boardman(1) W. E. B. Du Bois(1) Robert C. Bone(1) Arna Bontemps(1) Samuel Bowles(1) Sarah-Patton Boyle(1) Anne Braden(1) Rick Bragg(1) Willy Brandt(1) Fred Branfman(1) William Bridges(1) Jean L. Briggs(1) Edgar Sheffield Brightman(1) Francis L. Broderick(1) Louis Bromfield(2) Charlotte Brooks(1) Sara Brooks(1) Claude Brown(1) Pluma M. Brown, Ed. [from old catalog](1) Martin Buber(3) Keith Buchanan(1) Scott Buchanan(1) Vincent Bugliosi(1) Wilfred G. Burchett(4) Robbins Burling(1) Edward Cuthbert Butler(1) Smedley D. Butler(1) George Cain(1) James Cameron(1) Julia Cameron(1) Will D. Campbell(1) Theodore Canot(1) Emilie Carles(1) Clayborne Carson(1) A Carthusian(1) Methodist Church(1) Eldridge Cleaver(1) Michel Clevenot(1) Clifford A. Bennett and Paul Hume (Editors)(1) M. M. Coady(1) Fred Coleman(1) Saxe And Robert N. Linscott (Eds. ) Commins(1) Communitas Means of Livelihood and Ways of Life(1) Berlitz Publishing Company(3) Compiled & Arranged By Herbert Griggs(1) Don Congdon(1) Charles Crozat Converse(1) Edward Conze(1) Norman Cousins(1) Harvey Cox(1) Edward Cranshaw(1) Brian Crozier(1) L. Cuban(1) Constance Curry(1) Merle Eugene Curti(1) Robert A. Dahl(1) Jonathan Myrick Daniels(1) H. Darin-Drabkin(1) Basil Davidson(1) Garry Davis(1) Steven M Dean(1) Jean-Pierre & Andre Menras. Debris(1) George Dennison(1) John Dewey(1) Clarence Dickinson(1) Max I. Dimont(1) Doan Trong Truyen.,(1) Danilo Dolci(1) Douglas Fitzgerald Dowd(2) Theodore Dreiser(1) Richard Drinnon(1) Le Duan(2) Martin Duberman(2) Rachel Davis DuBois(1) John Duffett(1) William R. Duggan(1) Michael Dukakis(1) Mitchell Duneier(1) Finley Peter Dunne(1) John Gregory Dunne(1) Vidya Prakash Dutt(2) Max Eastman(1) Omar Eby(1) Bernard Edelman(1) Editors(1) Thomas Byrne Edsall(1) Albert Einstein(1) Loren C. Eiseley(1) Ralph Ellison(1) H Fosdick Emmerson(1) Episcopal Church(1) Alexander M. Evalenko(1) Eveline Martin [Ed](1) Myrlie Evers-Williams(1) Gabriel Fackre(1) Bernard B. Fall(1) Pat Farren(1) John Henry Faulk(1) Hugh I'Anson Fausset(1) Richard E. Feinberg(1) Benjamin B. Ferencz(1) Russell H. Fifield(1) Louis Filler(1) Melinda Fine(1) fireinthelake(1) Eleanor Flexner(1) Elizabeth Gurley Flynn(2) Philip Sheldon Foner(2) George Wolfgang Forell(1) Harry Emerson Fosdick(1) John Hope Franklin(1) Viktor Frankl(3) Ronald Fraser(1) James George Frazer(1) Samuel G. Freedman(1) Anne Fremantle(2) R. M. French(1) Michaela Von Freyhold(1) Albert Fried(1) Marion; Dan Jacobson; Nadine Gordimer; Albert Luthuli; Patrick Duncan Friedmann(1) Erich Fromm(1) J. William Fulbright(3) Monica Furlong(1) Joseph Gaer(1) Ernest J. Gaines(2) John Kenneth Galbraith(1) Michael Gallagher(1) Mahatma Gandhi(1) John W. Gardner(1) David J. Garrow(1) Dorothy Gauchat(1) Henry George(4) Marvin E. Gettleman(1) Ray Ginger(1) Todd Gitlin(1) Erving Goffman(1) Harry Golden(1) Eric Frederick Goldman(1) Victor Gollancz(1) V Gollanez(1) Jose Luis Gonzalez-Balado(1) William Blair Gould(1) Joanne Grant(1) Michael Grant(1) Martin Gray(1) C. M. Green(1) Felix Greene(1) Robert W. Green(1) Dick Gregory(2) William Greider(1) John Howard Griffin(1) Earthworks Group(2) Edwin Osgood Grover(1) Andrew Hacker(1) David Halberstam(1) Burbank Luther with Wilber Hall(1) Fred Halstead(1) Edith Hamilton(2) Kenneth Hamilton(1) Oscar Handlin(3) Thich Nhat Hanh(2) Lorraine Hansberry(1) Vincent Harding(2) Michael Harrington(11) David Harris(1) Senator Jacob K. (Preface) Rosen Harry & David (Authors);javits(1) John Hatch(1) Rosemary Haughton(1) Nat Hentoff(1) Caroline Miles Hill(3) Hồ Chí Minh(5) Robert Louis Hoffman(1) Richard Hofstadter(2) Stwart H. Holbrook(1) James Y. (Editor) Holloway(2) John Haynes Holmes(1) Robert E. Hood(1) Laura Lee Hope(1) Sanford D. Horwitt(1) Sue Hubbell(1) Leo Huberman(1) Langston Hughes(1) William R. Hughes(1) William Bradford Huie(2) Zora Neale Hurston(1) Peter Irons(1) George; Genet Jackson, Jean (introduction).(1) Janheinz Jahn(1) Kant James, Freud, Rousseau, Whitehead, Marx, Maritain, Nietzsche, Fromm, Sarter (Among the Contributors) Houston Peterson (Edited by); James Bayley (With the Assistance of); Hume(1) William James(1) Helen M. Lewis;Linda Johnson(1) James Weldon Johnson(2) Paul Johnson(2) Vernon E. Johnson(1) John T. Hough Jr.(1) Mary Harris Jones(2) Clarence Jordan(2) Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.(1) C. G. Jung(1) Robert Jungk(1) Mark Jury(1) George Kahin(1) Fred Kammer(1) Abram Kardiner(1) Wayne Karlin(1) David Karsner(1) Shlomo Katz(1) Walter Kaufman(1) Garrison Keillor(1) William Melvin Kelley(1) Thomas a Kempis(2) Joseph Spencer Kennard(1) David M. Kennedy(1) Edward and Mark O.Hatfield Kennedy(1) Robert F. Kennedy(2) Alan L. Keyes(1) Kim Lân(1) Martin Luther King, Jr.(1) Mary King(1) R. Kluge(1) Richard Kluger(1) Etheridge Knight(1) David Kopay(1) Leonard I. Krimerman(1) Mike Krzyzewski(1) Leo Kuper(1) Sam Kushner(1) Joyce A. Ladner(1) Harry W. Laidler(1) David Lane(1) Larousse(1) Lewis Edward Lawes(1) Munro Leaf(1) Robert Leavens(1) Dallas Lee(1) Sidney Lens(1) Nathan Freudenthal Leopold(1) Julius Lester(1) William E. Leuchtenburg(1) Meyer Levin(1) C. S. Lewis(1) George Lichtheim(1) Amia Lieblich(1) Betty Jean Lifton(1) C. Eric Lincoln(2) Richard R. Lingeman(1) Walter Lippmann(1) Jack London(1) Donald A. Lowrie(1) Jacques Lusseyran(1) Staughton Lynd(1) Betty MacDonald(1) Joanna Macy(1) Norman Mailer(1) Bernard Malamud(1) Patrick J. Maney(1) Jerre Mangione(2) Florence Mars(1) Peter Marshall(1) Charles Marsh(1) Malachi Martin(1) With an Introdcution by); Lyndon Johnson Marvin E. Gettleman (Edited, Ho Chi Minh, John Foster Duller, et al. (Views & Writings of); Roy Jumper & Marjorie Weiner Normand (Editor's Introduction)(1) Karl Marx(1) Mark Mathabane(1) Sara Mayfield(1) Colman McCarthy(1) Kenneth A. McClane(1) Claude McKay(1) Andrew McLeod(1) Jeff McMahan(1) Carey McWilliams(2) Thomas Melville(1) James Howard Meredith(1) Lewis Merklin(1) Merriam-Webster(1) Thomas Merton(4) Isaac Metzker(1) Kelly Miller(1) Webb Miller(1) Joseph Mitchell(1) Jessica Mitford(1) Naboth Mokgatle(1) Georges Monmarché(1) Barrington Moore(1) Paul Moore(1) F. R. Moraes(1) Nancy Morejon(1) H. Wayne Morgan(1) Hans J. Morgenthau(1) Henry Steele Samuel Eliot; Commager Morison(1) Edita Morris(1) Willie Morris(2) Multiple(2) Lewis Mumford(2) Pauli Murray(1) Barbara Myerhoff(1) Virginia (ed.) Naeve(1) Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer(1) Jack Newfield(1) Daisy Newman(1) Nguyễn Duy(1) Reinhold Niebuhr(1) Robert A. Nisbet(1) Kwame Nkrumah(1) Herbert R. Northrup(1) L. J. Norton(1) Pierre Lecomte du Noüy(1) Julius K. Nyerere(3) Edited By Oscar Handlin Russel B. Nye(1) David J. O'Brien(1) Carl & Shaull Oglesby, Richard(2) Ike Okonta(1) Martin Oppenheimer(1) George Orwell(1) Gilbert Osofsky(1) R. Ottley(1) Roi Ottley(1) Ferdinand Oyono(1) Greg Palast(1) Gordon Parks(1) Haywood Patterson(1) James Peck(1) Nelso Peery(1) Neal R. Peirce(1) Jaroslav Pelikan(1) John M. Perkins(1) Thomas F. Pettigrew(1) John Pfeiffer(1) Dorothy Berkley Phillips(1) Mel Piehl(1) Sarah Pirtle(1) Plato(1) Swami Prabhavananda(2) A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada(2) Professor Sar A. Levitan(1) Benjamin Quaries(1) Frederic Ramsey(1) Marcus G. Raskin(1) Walter Rauschenbusch(1) John Reed(1) P.-R. Régamey(2) editor Hofstadter Richard(1) Herbert M. Morais Richard O. Boyer(1) David Riesman(1) Jeremy Rifkin(1) United States Commission on Civil Rights(1) Jacob A. Riis(1) Stuart Rintoul(1) Moses Rischin(1) J. Robinson(1) John A. T. Robinson(1) John A. T.; Edwards Robinson, David L.(1) frère Roger(1) Warren Rogers(1) Peter Isaac Rose(1) Harrison Salisbury(1) Malcolm Salmon(1) Helen Sandburg(1) Porter Edward Sargent(1) Barbara C. Schaaf(1) Arthur Meier Schlesinger(1) Lillian Schlissel(1) Albert-Marie Schmidt(1) Olive Schreiner(2) Robert D. Schulzinger(1) E. F. Schumacher(1) Franz Schurmann(1) John C. Schwarz(1) Albert Schweitzer(3) Michael Scott(2) Maureen Patrick & McConville Seale(1) Hannah and Abba Eban (Introduction) Senesh(1) Victor Serge(1) Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber(1) Martin Seymour(1) Irwin Shaw(1) Nate Shaw(1) Vincent Sheean(1) F. J. Sheed(1) W Shewring(1) Ronald J. Sider(1) Charles E. Silberman(1) Ignazio; Ferguson II Silone, Harvey (Translator)(1) James W. Silver(2) Upton Sinclair(1) Ninian Smart(1) Bernard Smith(1) Huston Smith(1) Lillian Smith(2) William Edgett Smith(1) Don J. Snyder(1) Thomas Socknat(1) Melford E. Spiro(2) Kenneth M. Stampp(1) Robert Staples(1) Mabel Keaton Staupers(1) Douglas V. Steere(1) Burton Egbert Stevenson(1) I. F. Stone(3) Steve Striffler(1) Anna Louise Strong(1) Elizabeth Sutherland(1) Rabindranath Tagore(2) Richard K Taylor(1) Edward N. Teall(1) Studs Terkel(2) Robert Theobald(1) Josef Thesing(1) Elizabeth Marshall Thomas(1) D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson(1) Fred Thompson(1) Lester C. Thurow(1) Lionel Tiger(1) Paul Tillich(1) Jean Toomer(1) Jean; With an Introduction by Turner Toomer, Darwin T.(1) Archer Torrey(1) M. True(1) Colin Turnbull(1) Unknown(5) Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited(1) Carl Van Vechten(1) Joseph Jean Lanza del Vasto(1) Clarence L. Ver Steeg(1) Donald O. Wagner(2) T. Walter Wallbank(1) Michael Walsh(1) Barbara Ward(1) War Resisters' International(1) Booker T.(Author) ; Du Bois Washington, W. E. B.(Joint Author); Johnson, James Weldon(Joint Author)(1) Simone Weil(1) Robert Weisbrot(1) Alfred North Whitehead(1) Tom Wicker(1) Anthony Wilhelm(1) Juan Williams(1) Gayraud S. Wilmore(1) With An Intro. By J. William Fulbright(1) Heather Wokusch(1) George Washington Woodbey(1) Charles Erskine Scott Wood(1) C. Vann Woodward(1) Herman Wouk(1) Richard Wright(2) Gary Younge(1) Benjamin David Zablocki(1) Herbert Spencer Zim(1) Howard Zinn(2) Nathan Zuckerman(1) n/a(2)