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Bitter Seeds

door Ian Tregillis

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Reeksen: The Milkweed Triptych (1)

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8345526,913 (3.72)45
It's 1939. The Nazis have supermen, the British have demons, and one perfectly normal man gets caught in between. Raybould Marsh is a British secret agent in the early days of the Second World War, haunted by something strange he saw on a mission during the Spanish Civil War: a German woman with wires going into her head who looked at him as if she knew him. When the Nazis start running missions with people who have unnatural abilities--a woman who can turn invisible, a man who can walk through walls, and the woman Marsh saw in Spain who can use her knowledge of the future to twist the present--Marsh is the man who has to face them. He rallies the secret warlocks of Britain to hold the impending invasion at bay. But magic always exacts a price. Eventually, the sacrifice necessary to defeat the enemy will be as terrible as outright loss would be.… (meer)
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1-5 van 55 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
One of my favorite alternate history novels of all time. The 2nd book in the series is suppose to be even better. I look forward to finding out. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
Febrero, 1939. Barcelona. Raybould Marsh, agente del Servicio Secreto de Inteligencia británica, trata de reunir información sobre el febril rearme alemán en territorio español cuando se topa con una mujer de cuya cabeza salen unos extraños cables.
Agosto, 1939. Londres. El MI6 británico descubre la existencia de soldados alemanes con habilidades «sobrenaturales». Sus poderes son tan increíbles como mortíferos.
A partir de ese momento Raybould Marsh se convierte en el responsable de impedir la inminente invasión nazi. En un intento desesperado se reunirá con los brujos que apoyan, en la sombra, a las fuerzas británicas. Sin embargo, el precio que habrá de pagar para vencer al enemigo será muy superior al que había imaginado…
  Natt90 | Jan 27, 2023 |
World building: A
Characters: F

I loved the concept of this world that Tregillis created. The Nazis created super powered soldiers. The British have demons that demand ever increasing blood prices for their help. I appreciated that magic definitely had a price, and it was not the silver bullet that would save the day.

However, I did not connect with any of the characters, though I did start feeling very sorry for Will towards the end of the book. I also wish that there was more than one strong female character. Heike served as little more than a distraction, a minor plot point for Reinhardt, and another plot point to show Gretl's ruthlessness. Liv... was Marsh's wife and served no other purpose. ( )
  wisemetis | Dec 26, 2022 |
This is an excellent read. Set in a version of our world where magic and psi abilities exist, this tells the story of a secret unit of German soldiers and their warlock-like British counterparts. The author is an excellent writer and I found myself enjoying the prose as well as the plot. I’m not giving this 5 stars as it is obviously the start of a series and ends not quite on a cliffhanger and feeling very episodic.

I can definitely see myself picking up the rest of the series at some point. ( )
  Richard_Neary | Jan 15, 2022 |
Really enjoyed this story - seemed to get off to a meandering start, but was never boring. Obviously setting up for a sequel as there were many unresolved points:
- What happened to Reinhardt and the twins? Klaus and Gretel are captives of the USSR, but unless I missed it, there was nothing mentioned of what happened to Reinhardt after he and Klaus split up.
- Is Agnes actually dead? Gretel told Klaus Agnes' transport(??) ID without any context to it, which I assumed meant that Gretel had plans for Agnes and wanted to fake her death.
- Gretel had told Marsh that they'd meet again
- Who was the mystery man that Marsh and Will each saw? My guess is that it's Marsh from the future somehow, or at least SOMEBODY from the future
- Why is the nursery in the new vaults under Milkweed so distressing to Will? and is it related to his unpaid "soul of a child" blood payment?
- Along those lines - why did Will want Liv to abort her baby at the end? The whole ending with all baby-related issues was very unclear to me, so I'm going to just assume that that was all just set up for the sequel, as opposed to me just being too thick to comprehend it.
- So... the US never entered the war? The book ended in Sept, 1941, and the Russians were cleaning up the last pockets of Nazi holdouts throughout Europe, while Japan took over the Kamatchka peninsula. I'm hoping that one of the sequels will touch on the effects of WWII ending 3 years earlier than it actually did has on the rest of the world.

Overall, this was a really interesting, unpredictable book, and I'm looking forward to the next one in the series ( )
  KrakenTamer | Oct 23, 2021 |
1-5 van 55 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
don’t hang around, pick up a copy of ‘Bitter Seeds’ and get reading right away. I particularly enjoyed the way that Tregillis not only weaves his story into the historical background (making it all sound very plausible and part of events) but uses it to send the path of history running in a slightly different direction at times. It’s ‘alternate history’ done so cleverly that you don’t even realise you’re running down a different track. Tregillis shows that he has an eye for the spectacular, on more than one level, with scenes that show just what the clever use of a relatively minor ability can do to a tank, a group of enemy combatants and even the entire Maginot Line.

It’s not just the fight scenes that make for compulsive reading. The use of these powers sends the plot in some very interesting directions with the march to victory switching between parties on a regular basis. Things move so quickly that you have to keep reading to follow it all, you don’t dare miss a word.

It would be doing the book a real disservice though to paint it as a straight fight between powers though, no matter how well it is done on the page. For me, the real strength of ‘Bitter Seeds’ (and maybe where this title was born) lies in it’s exploration of occult warfare and the price that must be paid for victory

‘Bitter Seeds’ is nothing short of an awesome read

Ten out of Ten

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (2 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Ian Tregillisprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Palencar, John JudeArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Pariseau, KevinVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

It's 1939. The Nazis have supermen, the British have demons, and one perfectly normal man gets caught in between. Raybould Marsh is a British secret agent in the early days of the Second World War, haunted by something strange he saw on a mission during the Spanish Civil War: a German woman with wires going into her head who looked at him as if she knew him. When the Nazis start running missions with people who have unnatural abilities--a woman who can turn invisible, a man who can walk through walls, and the woman Marsh saw in Spain who can use her knowledge of the future to twist the present--Marsh is the man who has to face them. He rallies the secret warlocks of Britain to hold the impending invasion at bay. But magic always exacts a price. Eventually, the sacrifice necessary to defeat the enemy will be as terrible as outright loss would be.

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Gemiddelde: (3.72)
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1 5
2 12
2.5 5
3 65
3.5 19
4 104
4.5 9
5 45

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