Auteurswolk voor mfknadir

M. A. S. Abdel Haleem(1) André Aciman(5) Gilbert Adair(1) Aeschylus(2) Henri Alain-Fournier(1) Céleste Albaret(1) Dante Alighieri(1) Guillaume Apollinaire(1) Aristotle(2) Dante Alighieri translated by Allen Mandelbaum with an introduction by Eugenio Montale and notes by Peter Armour(1) Claude Arnaud(1) Miguel Asin(1) Farid al-Din Attar(1) Saint Augustine(1) Jane Austen(2) Honoré de Balzac(5) Julian Barnes(2) Charles Baudelaire(4) Simone de Beauvoir(1) Samuel Beckett(1) William Blake(1) Jean-Philippe Blondel(2) Roberto Bolaño(1) Jorge Luis Borges(2) Malcolm Bowie(1) Michael Bracewell(1) Hermann Broch(1) Emily Brontë(1) Dan Brown(3) Anthony Burgess(1) John Burnside(1) Jessie Burton(1) J. B. Bury(1) A.S. Byatt(1) Lord Byron(1) Roberto Calasso(7) Italo Calvino(3) Albert Camus(1) T Capote(1) Francis Carco(1) Jennifer Lee Carrell(1) Lewis Carroll(1) Robert Carroll(1) Anne Carson(4) William C. Carter(1) François-René de Chateaubriand(1) Malcolm de Chazal(2) Agatha Christie(1) Marcus Tullius Cicero(1) Jean Cocteau(1) Collectif(1) Antoine Compagnon(1) Maryse Condé(1) John Connolly(1) Peter Conrad(3) Pascal Croci(1) Stephanie Dalley(1) Charles Dickens(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(3) J. H. Douglas(1) Marguerite Duras(1) Lawrence Durrell(1) Umberto Eco(4) Richard Ellmann(1) Eratosthenes(1) Jill Alexander Essbaum(1) Euripides(5) Edward FitzGerald(1) Penelope Fitzgerald(1) Gustave Flaubert(3) John Fowles(2) Janet Frame(1) Anne Frank(1) Sigmund Freud(2) Northrop Frye(1) Stephen Fry(1) Neil Gaiman(1) Robert Galbraith(2) Romain Gary(1) Théophile Gautier(1) André Gide(2) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1) E. H. Gombrich(1) Sharon Gosling(1) Robert Graves(2) Julien Green(1) Garth Greenwell(1) Luke Edward Hall(1) Thomas Harris(5) Natalie Haynes(1) Sudhir Hazareesingh(1) Hermann Hesse(4) Stéphane Heuet(1) James Hogg(1) Merlin Holland(1) Alan Hollinghurst(2) Richard Holmes(1) Homer(9) Hugh Honour(1) Aldous Huxley(1) Joris-Karl Huysmans(1) Shirley Jackson(1) Jean-Baptiste Del Amo(3) Claude Jeancolas(1) Elfriede Jelinek(1) Joseph Joffo(1) James Joyce(4) C. G. Jung(1) Eric Karpeles(1) Ibn Kathir(1) Nikos Kazantzakis(3) John Keats(1) Roger Kempf(1) Jonathan Kemp(1) Stephen King(1) Herman Koch(1) Sheila Kohler(1) Pierre Choderlos de Laclos(1) Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa(2) John Lanchester(1) Carolyne Larrington(1) Camara Laye(1) Maurice Leblanc(2) Giacomo Leopardi(3) Gaston Leroux(1) Peter Levi(1) William Levitan(1) Mario Vargas Llosa(2) Scott Lobdell(1) Christopher Logue(1) Federico García Lorca(1) Édouard Louis(1) Pierre Louÿs(1) Lucretius(1) Thomas Mann(2) Diane de Margerie(1) Christopher Marlowe(1) Gabriel García Márquez(2) Jan Marsh(1) Charles Robert Maturin(1) W. Somerset Maugham(1) Guy de Maupassant(2) François Mauriac(1) Daphne du Maurier(1) Peter McDonald(1) Jesse McLean(1) Andrew Miller(1) Arthur Miller(1) Madeline Miller(3) John Milton(2) Yukio Mishima(1) Julian Mitchell(1) Michel de Montaigne(1) Montesquieu(1) Erin Morgenstern(1) Anka Muhlstein(1) Robert Musil(2) Vladimir Nabokov(1) Péter Nádas(2) Friedrich Nietzsche(2) Friedrich Nietzshe(1) Ovid(1) Martina Padberg(2) Marcel Pagnol(1) Iain Pears(1) Fernando Pessoa(2) Francesco Petrarca(1) Claude Pichois(1) Harold Pinter(1) Sylvia Plath(3) Plato(3) Edgar Allan Poe(1) Janice Poon(1) Anthony Powell(4) Abbé Prévost(1) J. B. Priestley(1) Marcel Proust(19) Thomas de Quincey(1) Jean Racine(2) Anne Rice(23) Rainer Maria Rilke(2) Arthur Rimbaud(4) M.L. Rio(1) Rick Riordan(3) Alain Robbe-Grillet(1) Graham Robb(1) Edmond Rostand(1) J. K. Rowling(10) J. K. Rowling; John Tiffany and Jack Thorne(1) Arundhati Roy(2) Salman Rushdie(1) John Ruskin(2) Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre(1) José Saramago(1) Jean-Paul Sartre(1) Madame de Sévigné(1) Peter Shaffer(1) William Shakespeare(1) Mary Shelley(2) Percy Bysshe Shelley(1) Lionel Shriver(1) L. J. Smith(2) Zadie Smith(1) Sophocles(1) Paolo Sorrentino(1) Statius(1) Jean-Luc Steinmetz(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(1) Bram Stoker(1) Matthew Sturgis(1) Patrick Süskind(1) Italo Svevo(1) Arthur Symons(1) John Millington Synge(1) Jean-Yves Tadié(2) Donna Tartt(7) Della Thompson(1) George (ed.) Aeschylus; Thompson(1) Colm Tóibín(2) Henri Troyat(1) Nin Updike, Sagan et al Virgil(1) Jean Urruty(1) Catherynne M. Valente(1) Nathalie des Vallieres(1) David Vann(1) Jules Verne(1) Virgil(3) Derek Walcott(1) Caroline Weber(2) Frederic M. Wheelock(1) Edmund White(1) Oscar Wilde(7) Tennessee Williams(1) Jeanette Winterson(2) Virginia Woolf(5) Hanya Yanagihara(1) William Butler Yeats(1) Marguerite Yourcenar(1) Émile Zola(1)