Helena Frith Powell's top 10 sexy French books

Uitgereikt door The Guardian

10 Werken 52,491 boeken 801 Besprekingen ½ 3.8
"Why are French women so sexy? Ever since 1066, we've been enthralled by the innate superiority of the French female. Never mind Larkin and 1963; the French were at it well before that. French toon meer women are beautiful, stylish and chic - but they have something else that many English women lack. One of their tools, every bit as potent as their matching underwear, is their knowledge of literature. They see being well-read as important as being well-groomed. In order to outwit our French female foes across the Channel, here is a list of the top 10 sexy French books, guaranteed to land you a date with Thierry Henry."

Helena Frith Powell – LT author page toon minder
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