Boekgerelateerde films voor brown4740

  • 146 gerelateerde films
  • 55 werken met gerelateerde films

Adeus às Armas (1961 | IMDb) (Duits, Engels, Noors)

American Playhouse: The Grapes of Wrath (1991 | IMDb) (Fins, Frans, Engels)

Angela's Ashes (1999 | IMDb) (Duits, Engels, Noors)

Angeles y demonios (2009 | IMDb) (Spaans)

The Angelic Conversation (1985 | IMDb) (Engels)

Angels & Demons (2009)

Angels & Demons (2009 | IMDb) (Duits, Engels, Portugees (Brazilië))

Augustine: The Decline of the Roman Empire (2010) (Engels)

Being Mortal (2015 | IMDb) (Engels)

Belyy klyk (1946 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

Blacula (1972 | William Crain | IMDb) (Zweeds, Frans, Engels, Catalaans)

Blessings (2003 | IMDb) (Engels)

Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992 | Francis Ford Coppola | IMDb) (Zweeds, Frans, Engels, Catalaans)

Breaking the Da Vinci Code (2005 | IMDb)

Brott och straff (1945 | IMDb) (Pools)

Carl Jung: Wisdom of the Dream (1989 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Choice (2016 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Chosen (1981 | IMDb | Jeremy Kagan) (Engels)

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005 | IMDb) (Zweeds, Duits, Engels, Noors)

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair (2011 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010 | IMDb) (Engels)

A Clockwork Orange (1971 | IMDb) (Duits, Engels)

A Clockwork Orgy (1995 | IMDb) (Engels)

Cracking the Da Vinci Code (2004 | IMDb)

Crime & Punishment (1959 | IMDb) (Pools)

Crime & Punishment (1993 | IMDb) (Pools)

Crime and Punishment (1935 | IMDb) (Duits, Frans, Engels)

Crime and Punishment (1935, EUA, con Peter Lorre, Edward Arnold y Marian Marsh) (Spaans)

Crime and Punishment (1935/I | IMDb) (Pools, Noors)

Crime and Punishment (1979 | BBC TV mini-series | IMDb) (Duits, Frans, Engels, Noors)

Crime and Punishment (1979 | IMDb) (Pools)

Crime and Punishment (1979, cortometraje con Timothy West, Vanessa Redgrave y John Hurt) (Spaans)

Crime and Punishment (1998 | IMDb) (Pools, Portugees (Brazilië))

Crime and Punishment (2002 | IMDb) (Pools)

Crime and Punishment (2002 | IMDb) (Pools, Noors)

Crime and Punishment in Suburbia (2000 | IMDb) (Duits, Frans, Engels, Noors)

Crime et châtiment (1935/I | IMDb) (Pools)

Crime et châtiment (1955 | IMDb) (Pools)

Crime et châtiment (1956 | IMDb) (Pools)

Crime et Châtiment (1956, Francia, de Georges Lampin, con Jean Gabin, Marina Vlady, Ulla Jakobson, Bernard Blier y Robert Hossein) (Spaans)

Crimen y castigo (1951, México, con Roberto Cañedo y Lilia Prado) (Spaans)

Crimen y castigo (1998) con Ben Kingsley y Patrick Dempsey (1998) (Spaans)

The Da Vinci Code (2006) (Portugees (Portugal), Pools)

The Da Vinci Code (2006 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels, Portugees (Brazilië))

Da Vinci Code Decoded (2004 | IMDb)

Dear John (2010 | IMDb) (Engels)

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002 | IMDb) (Engels)

Dracula (1931 | Tod Browning | IMDb) (Zweeds, Frans, Engels, Catalaans)

Dracula (1931 | IMDb) (Portugees (Brazilië))

Dracula (1958 | Terence Fisher | IMDb) (Zweeds, Frans, Engels, Catalaans)

Dracula (1958 | IMDb) (Portugees (Brazilië))

Dracula (1979 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels, Portugees (Brazilië))

Dracula (1992 | IMDb) (Portugees (Brazilië))

Dracula (2006 | IMDb) (Zweeds, Frans, Engels, Catalaans)

Dracula (2013 | IMDb) (Engels)

Dracula (2020 | IMDb) (Engels)

Dracula Untold (2014 | IMDb) (Engels)

Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

Drácula (1931 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

East of Eden (1955 | IMDb) (Engels)

East of Eden (1981 | IMDb) (Engels)

El Código Da Vinci (2006) (Spaans)

A Farewell to Arms (1932 | IMDb) (Duits, Engels, Noors)

A Farewell to Arms (1957 | IMDb) (Duits, Engels, Noors)

A Farewell to Arms (1966 | IMDb) (Duits, Engels, Noors)

The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004 | IMDb) (Engels)

For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

For Whom the Bell Tolls (1965 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

The Grapes of Wrath (1940 | IMDb) (Duits, Frans, Engels)

Hallmark Hall of Fame: The Winter of our Discontent (1983 | IMDb) (Engels)

Have a Little Faith (2011 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Help (2011 | IMDb) (Duits, Engels)

The Help (2011 | IMDb) (Italiaans)

House of Sand and Fog (2003 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (2017 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Kite Runner (2007 | IMDb) (Frans)

The Kite Runner (2007 | IMDb) (Engels)

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1979 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988 | IMDb) (Engels)

Left Behind (2000 | IMDb) (Engels)

Left Behind (2002 | IMDb)

Left Behind (2014 | IMDb) (Engels)

Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002 | IMDb) (Engels)

Left Behind III: World at War (2005 | IMDb) (Engels)

Leijapoika (2007 | IMDb) (Fins)

A Lesson Before Dying (1999 | IMDb) (Engels)

Life of Pi (2012 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe (1979 | IMDb) (Zweeds, Duits, Engels, Noors)

The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe (1988 | IMDb) (Zweeds, Duits, Engels, Noors)

The Manchurian Candidate (1962 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Manchurian Candidate (2004 | IMDb) (Engels)

Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013 | IMDb) (Engels)

Match Point, Woody Allen, 2005 () (Spaans)

The Mermaid Chair (2006 | IMDb) (Engels)

Mice and Men (1916 | IMDb) (Frans, Noors)

Monster (2018 | IMDb) (Engels)

My Own Country (1998 | TV | IMDb) (Engels)

The Namesake (2006 | IMDb) (Engels)

Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels, Portugees (Brazilië))

Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979 | IMDb) (Portugees (Brazilië))

Of Mice and Men (1939 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels, Noors)

Of Mice and Men (1981 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels, Noors)

Of Mice and Men (1992 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels, Noors)

Papírsárkányok (2007 | IMDb) (Hongaars)

The Passion of the Christ (2004 | IMDb) (Engels)

Piiat (2011 | IMDb) (Fins)

Prestuplenie i nakazanie (1913 | IMDb) (Pools, Noors)

Prestuplenie i nakazanie (1970 | IMDb) (Pools)

Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Prophet (2011 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Prophet (2014 | IMDb) (Engels)

Radici (1977 | IMDb) (Italiaans)

Radici (1979 | IMDb) (Italiaans)

Raising Cain: Boys in Focus (2006 | IMDb) (Engels)

Raskolnikow (1923 | IMDb) (Noors)

The Real Da Vinci Code (2005 | IMDb)

Restless Heart: The Confessions of Saint Augustine (2010) (Engels)

Rikos ja rangaistus (Crimen y castigo | 1983, Finlandia, de Aki Kaurismäki) (Spaans)

Roots (1977 | IMDb) (Engels)

Roots: The Gift (1988 | IMDb) (Italiaans, Engels)

Roots: The Next Generations (1979 | IMDb) (Engels)

Schindler's List (1993) (Italiaans)

Schindler's List (1993 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Silver Chair (1990 | IMDb) (Engels)

Sin compasión (1994, de Francisco José Lombardi). Basada en la novela, la película fue rodada en Lima, Peru (1994, de Francisco José Lombardi) (Spaans)

Their Eyes Were Watching God (2005 | IMDb) (Engels)

Time Machine: Beyond the Da Vinci Code (2005 | IMDb)

Tuesdays with Morrie (1999 | IMDb) (Duits, Engels)

Uncle Tom's Cabin (1927 | IMDb) (Engels)

Uncle Tom's Cabin (1987 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (2023 | IMDb) (Engels)

Vihan hedelmät (1940 | IMDb) (Fins)

Vinyl (1965 | IMDb) (Engels)

A Waste of Shame: The Mystery of Shakespeare and His Sonnets (2005 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Wayward Bus (1957 | IMDb) (Engels)

White Fang (1925 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

White Fang (1936 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

White Fang (1991/I | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

White Fang (1993 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

White Fang (1997 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

Wit (2001 | IMDb) (Engels)

Young Dracula (2006 | IMDb) (Engels)

Zanna Bianca (1973 | IMDb) (Frans, Engels)

Преступление и наказание (Crimen y castigo | 2007, Rusia, con Vladímir Koshevoi y Andrei Panin) (Spaans)

Преступление и наказание (Crimen y castigo | 1969, URSS, con Gueorgui Taratorkin, Innokenti Smoktunovskiс, Tatiana Vedova y Viktoria Fiodorova) (Spaans)