Boekenreeksen voor carreras

Reeksen waartoe boeken in carreras's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 42 reeksen

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Alexandria Quartet

Alice's Adventures

D'Artagnan Romances

Asimov's Universe

Die Autobiographie von Thomas Bernhard

Autobiography of Maxim Gorky


Beckett's Trilogy

Bertolt Brecht, Stücke

Black Corsair

Cycle of the Absurd

Earth's Children

Ediciones Turner

Emecé Editores Buenos Aires

Father Brown

First Law


Foundation Expanded Universe

Goethe's Faust

Grandes obras de la literatura universal en miniatura

Guignol's Band

Historia Universal Asimov

The History of Sexuality

The House of Earth Trilogy

The Human Comedy

Isaac Asimov's Robot Series

Memorias de un hombre de acción


Mémoires d'outre-tombe

The New York Trilogy

Our Ancestors

Scenes from Military Life

Scenes from Parisian Life

Scenes from Provincial Life


Studies of Manners

Tales of the Unexpected [Dahl]


Time Patrol

Trilogie der Künste

Der Wartesaal