Boekenreeksen voor dsellin

Reeksen waartoe boeken in dsellin's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 105 reeksen

9-11 Comics

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln : The War Years

Abruzzo Trilogy

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Alaska / James Michener

Alaska Geographic

Ambrose's Eisenhower

America in the King Years

American Folkways

American Lakes Series

The American Military Adventure in Iraq

Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Empire

Anne of Green Gables

The Army of the Potomac

D'Artagnan Romances

Augusten Burroughs autobiographies

Best American

The Best American Nonrequired Reading

Blandings Castle

The Bridges

Burgdorf Cycle

The Buru Quartet

The Cairo Trilogy

Call Me By Your Name


Chicago Studies in American Politics

The Christmas Books of Charles Dickens

Cities of the Imagination

The Coming of the Great War

Conclusion/Final Book

Culture Smart!

Development of Western Resources

The Duport Inheritance


The Epic of the Wheat

Frank Bascombe

George Washington


Great Men and Great Events

Green Town

Heaven and Earth

Hercule Poirot

Homer's Epic Cycle

The Hummingbird's Daughter

In Search of Lost Time


Jack Finney's Time and Again


Jewish Lives - Yale University Press

Jim Glass

Jungle Books

Just So Stories

Justice Trilogy

Lake Wobegon

Larry McMurtry's Memoirs

Little Women

Lonesome Dove

Lord Peter Wimsey

Mainstream of America Series

The Master of Hestviken

Me Before You

Milton's Paradise

Miss Manners (Judith Martin)

Moon Living Abroad

Morris' Theodore Roosevelt

Municipal Management Series

My Struggle

Narratives of Empire

National Geographic Book

National Park Service Handbook

Neapolitan Novels

New Mexico Trilogy

Oxford Histories

The Oxford History of the United States


Oz : Famous Forty

Papal Magisterial Documents

Paris Journal

Penguin Library of American Indian History

Peter Pan

Peyton Place

Philip Marlowe

Le Photographe

Pillow Book

The Prairie Trilogy

Proulx short stories


Reader's Companion Travel Guides


Reporting Vietnam

Ruth Reichl at the Table

The Sandman

The Sandman {1989-1996}

The Sandman: Death

Sleeping Beauty Novels


To Kill a Mockingbird

Travel Trilogy

U.S.A. Trilogy

Uncle Remus

A Very Short Introduction


West's Nutshell Series

The Wicked Years