Gebeurtenissen in boeken voor pure_grey

Gebeurtenissen in boeken in pure_grey's bibliotheek

1794 Treason Trials

Aanval op Pearl Harbor

Aliens Act

Assassination of August von Kotzebue

Assassination of Charles Ferdinand d'Artois, Duke of Berry

Attempted assassination of King Louis-Philippe

Belgian Revolution

Blanketeers March 1817

Blasphemous and Seditious Libels Act


Bourbon Restoration

Bristol Riots 1831

Carlsbad Decrees

Cato Street Conspiracy

Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle

Congress of Laibach

Congress of Troppau

Congress of Verona

Congress of Vienna

Corn Laws

Decembrist Uprising

Dekolonisatie van India

Despard Plot

Eerste Wereldoorlog

Franse invasie in Rusland

Franse Revolutie

French expedition to Ireland

French Revolution of 1848

Hundred Days

Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis

Irish Rebellion of 1798

July Revolution

June Days Uprising

Metropolitan Police Act

Misdemeanors Act

Napoleontische Oorlogen

Newspaper and Stamp Duties Act

Ominous Decade

Ondergang van het schip de Wilhelm Gustloff

Operatie Barbarossa

Pentrich Rising

Peterloo Massacre

Poor Law Amendment Act 1834

Praagse Lente

Rebecca Riots

Reform Act 1832



Seditious Meetings Act

Seizure of Arms Act

Slag bij Borodino

Slag om Stalingrad

Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia

Spa Fields Riots

Spanish Constitution of 1812

Swing Riots

Training Prevention Act

Treason Act

Tweede Wereldoorlog

Val regime Ceausescu

Val van de Muur, Die Wende

Verkiezingen Duits parlement