Mark's Reading Place: Chapter Nine

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Mark's Reading Place: Chapter Nine

Bewerkt: jul 21, 2022, 7:58 am

-Starved Rock State Park

-Red-tailed hawk & Great-horned owl hanging out together. This would never happen in the wild.

“We need the tonic of wildness... At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”

~ Henry David Thoreau

Bewerkt: jun 25, 2022, 3:41 pm

^My boy! Sailor Jack!!

Bewerkt: jul 20, 2022, 7:10 am




21- Black Birds in the Sky: 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre by Brandy Colbert 4.5 stars (audio)
22- Dancing at the Pity Party by Tyler Feder 4.2 stars GN
23- Firekeeper's Daughter by Boulley Angeline 4.3 stars
24- Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson 4.3 stars Group Read
25- The Siege of Krishnapur (Empire Trilogy) by J.G. Farrell 4.4 stars
26- Ballad for Sophie by Filipe Melo 4.5 stars GN
27- Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir 4.6 stars (audio)
28- An Unnecessary Woman by Rabih Alameddine 4.5 stars
29- River Teeth: Stories and Writings by David James Duncan 4 stars
30- We'll Soon Be Home Again by Jessica Bab Bonde 4 stars GN


31- Spring (Seasonal Quartet) by Ali Smith 3.8 stars
32- Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead 3 stars
33- The Bald Eagle: America's Bird by Jack E. Davis 4.2 stars (audio)
34- In the Distance by Hernan Diaz 4.3 stars
35- Lady with the Little Dog & Other Stories by Anton Chekhov 4.3 stars


36- Orwell's Roses by Rebecca Solnit 4 stars (audio)
37- A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold 3.8 stars
38- Messy Roots: Graphic Memoir of a Wuhanese American by Laura Gao 3.7 stars GN
39- Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr 3.7 stars w/Bill, Benita
40- Seeing Ghosts: A Memoir by Kat Chow 3.5 stars (audio)
41- Pulse: Stories by Julian Barnes 3.7 stars
42- On a Night of a Thousand Stars by Andrea Yaryura Clark 4.2 stars
43- The Candy House by Jennifer Egan 3.3 stars
44- Squire by Nadia Shammas 4 stars GN
45- Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner 4.2 stars (audio)


46- Pollak's Arm by Hans Von Trotha 4.5 stars E
47- Taft by Ann Patchett 3.5 stars E
48- The Hurting Kind by Ada Limón 4.3 stars P
49- Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield 4 stars
50- Tunnels by Rutu Modan 3.7 stars GN
51- River of the Gods by Candice Millard 4.2 stars (audio)
52- The Ghost in You: A Reckless Book by Ed Brubaker 4.2 stars GN
53- Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez 4.5 stars Group Read
54- The Deep Blue Goodbye by John D. MacDonald 4 stars (audio)


55- You Better Be Lightning (Button Poetry) by Andrea Gibson 5 stars P
56- Zorrie- Laird Hunt 4.3 stars
57- Understories by Tim Horvath 4.2 stars
58- The High Desert: Black. Punk. Nowhere. by James Spooner 4 stars GN
59- Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel 4.5 stars
60- Fights: One Boy's Triumph Over Violence by Joel Christian Gill 4.2 stars GN
61- Gillespie and I by Jane Harris 4.3 stars
62- The Immortal Irishman by Timothy Egan 5 stars (audio)

Bewerkt: jul 21, 2022, 8:03 am

^ I was able to do some shared reading, with a few of my book buddies recently and really enjoyed it. I would like this to continue. Primarily, I would like to read books off shelf, but I am still catching up with a few titles that I missed reading last year. I will list some titles and if you are interested, we will set a firm date.

Arctic Dreams w/Bill, Mamie, Marianne, Stasia, Joe, Caroline, MDoris, Mid-June
Plainsong Joe, Stasia, Jeff, Caroline late July?
Afterlife w/Mary 1st week in August
Angle of Repose (reread) Bonnie, Stasia, Benita, Karen, Shelley- last week in Aug
State of Wonder w/ Kim September?
The Singapore Grip w/Benita Fall or winter?
The Brothers Karamazov w/Mamie
Women Talking November?
A Jewel in the Crown Winter?

Bewerkt: jun 25, 2022, 3:39 pm

Hello?? Great Horned Owl chicks.

jun 25, 2022, 3:40 pm

Drowning Creek

Past the strip malls and the power plants,
out of the holler, past Gun Bottom Road
and Brassfield and before Red Lick Creek,
there’s a stream called Drowning Creek where
I saw the prettiest bird I’d seen all year,
the Belted Kingfisher, crested in its Aegean
blue plumage perched not on a high nag
but on a transmission wire, eyeing the creek
for crayfish, tadpoles, and minnows. We were
driving fast back home and already our minds
were pulled taut like a high black wire latched
to a utility pole. I wanted to stop, stop the car
to take a closer look at the solitary stocky water
bird with its blue crown and its blue chest
and its uncommonness. But already we were
a blur and miles beyond the flying fisher
by the time I had realized what I’d witnessed.
People were nothing to that bird, hovering over
the creek. I was nothing to that bird that wasn’t
concerned with history’s bloody battles or why
this creek was called Drowning Creek, a name
I love though it gives me shivers, because
it sounds like an order, a place where one
goes to drown. The bird doesn’t call the creek
that name. The bird doesn’t call it anything.
I’m almost certain, though I am certain
of nothing. There is a solitude in this world
I cannot pierce. I would die for it.

-Ada Limon

Bewerkt: jun 25, 2022, 3:44 pm

jun 25, 2022, 3:44 pm

49- Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield 4 stars

This is a book about stories and storytellers. It begins on a dark night, at an ancient inn on the river Thames, where a group of regulars, huddle around a fire and swap stories.
They are interrupted by a knock at the door, and a seriously wounded stranger, carrying a dying young girl tumble in. This event will change all of their lives, especially the mysterious girl, who seems to come back to life, stunning everyone in the room.
I have had mixed feelings about this author’s previous work, so I was hesitant on reading this one but I was slowly ensnared in the narrative, becoming immersed with the many characters here, several of which are trying to take possession of the young girl. I recommend giving this one a try.

**If anyone would like my hardback copy, I would gladly pass it along. It was gifted to me too.

jun 25, 2022, 4:09 pm

Happy new thread, Mark!

>1 msf59: Beautiful topper and >2 msf59: thanks for my Jackson fix for the day ;-)

jun 25, 2022, 4:51 pm

Happy new thread!

Jackson's appearances are, as usual, completely delightful.

>8 msf59: See >300 quondame:

jun 25, 2022, 5:08 pm

Happy new thread, Mark! Love love love >2 msf59: Jack pics!

>7 msf59:

jun 25, 2022, 5:48 pm

>9 FAMeulstee: Thanks, Anita. I was waiting for the right moment to share those Jackson pics.

>10 quondame: Thanks, Susan. Hooray for Jackson. Believe it or not, Susan, I have not read the Canterbury Tales. Bad Mark?

>11 Storeetllr: Thanks, Mary. Happy Saturday. Hooray for Sailor Jack. He is a special boy.

jun 25, 2022, 5:59 pm

>12 msf59: Not bad Mark at all - I've read very few of them, but have heard and encountered the starting bits quite often. I am much more likely to read them now, but it's no sure thing with my other current reading priorities. It would certainly be a good candidate for a story by story re-along over some period of time.

jun 25, 2022, 6:06 pm

Happy new one, Mark.

jun 25, 2022, 6:57 pm

Hi Mark, new-thread orisons!

jun 25, 2022, 8:08 pm

Happy new one! Jack is as cute as ever!

jun 25, 2022, 8:09 pm

Deze gebruiker is verwijderd als spam.

jun 25, 2022, 8:17 pm

Happy New Thread, Mark! Great toppers. Jack is a charmer, he melts my heart.
I read Once Upon a River about a coupe of years ago and I agree with you, a very good read.
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend!

jun 25, 2022, 8:23 pm

Deze gebruiker is verwijderd als spam.

jun 25, 2022, 9:07 pm

Happy new thread, Mark! Jack continues to be a little charmer!

jun 25, 2022, 9:09 pm

happy new thread!

jun 25, 2022, 10:46 pm

HAppy new one!

jun 26, 2022, 7:14 am

>13 quondame: Thanks, Susan. I will have to get to the Canterbury Tales one of these days too.

>14 PaulCranswick: >15 richardderus: >16 drneutron: Thanks, Paul, Richard & Jim.

>18 Carmenere: Thanks, Lynda. Yah, for Jack the charmer! You didn't happen to send me a copy of Once Upon a River did you? I had forgot who had sent it.

>20 Copperskye: Thanks, Joanne. He is a special kid.

>21 banjo123: >22 figsfromthistle: Thanks Rhonda & Figs!!

jun 26, 2022, 7:46 am

Hi Mark. Happy new thread and happy Sunday to you!

From your previous thread: We love watching blue birds feed their babies although things have grown up around where we placed the bluebird houses so can’t see too much these days. Ditto on the groundhogs. We DO have them living under a bit of decking and the hay/equipment barn and really do need to get someone out to either trap and relocate them or … well.

>1 msf59: and >2 msf59: Excellent choices, especially Jackson staring off pensively.

>4 msf59: I do have Angle of Repose on my shelves, will see if I’ve got the bandwidth – bookwidth - in September.

>12 msf59: I have not read Canterbury Tales either. I do have a copy on my shelves. Gads. Too many books, too little time.

>13 quondame: However, a story-by-story read along sounds like a good way to approach them.

jun 26, 2022, 10:22 am

Happy new thread, Mark!

jun 26, 2022, 10:28 am

So, it's Sunday. The sky's blue, the breeze light, the 70s are delicious.

Perfect day to stay inside and read!

jun 26, 2022, 11:11 am

Happy new thread, Mark. Nice to see the topper pics, especially that young fellow in a hat!

Bewerkt: jun 27, 2022, 12:27 am

>2 msf59: That Jack sure is a lamb chop! (in my books that means completely adorable!)

jun 26, 2022, 6:48 pm

>24 karenmarie: Happy Sunday, Karen. Hooray for bluebirds and Sailor Jack! I would love for you to join us on Angle of Repose. Sometime in August?

>25 scaifea: Thanks, Amber!

>26 richardderus: Happy Sunday, Richard. Glad you enjoyed a beautiful day, inside reading. Grins...Hey, whatever trips your trigger, right? Actually, I read outside for an hour or so.

>27 Familyhistorian: Thanks, Meg. And hats off to Sailor Jack.

>28 mdoris: He sure is, Mary. Happy Sunday.

jun 26, 2022, 7:43 pm

I love the photos of Jack! And, the one of him with his mommy is adorable!

Happy Sunday reading.

jun 26, 2022, 7:54 pm

>4 msf59:. Happy New Thread, Mark! I just got a copy of Plainsong not too long ago. Put me on the list for July/August, not sure if I can keep up but I’ll happily try

jun 27, 2022, 7:08 am

>30 Whisper1: Hi, Linda. Always good to see you. Glad you like the pics with Jack. I do not think I will ever tire of sharing them.

>31 mahsdad: Thanks, Jeff. We would love for you to join us for Plainsong. It is such a terrific book. This will be a reread for most of us but it is a special read. Mark your calendar for the last week in July.

jun 27, 2022, 9:32 am

‘Morning, Mark! I hope you have a good day with however many B's you can fit in - birds, beer, books and baseball (if it's a baseball day).

>29 msf59: I’ve made a note for Angle of Repose in August.

jun 27, 2022, 9:33 am

I hope y'all's getaway is nice!

jun 27, 2022, 10:21 am

Hi, Mark. Happy (belated) new thread and I love the Jackson editions this time! He is one happy (and cute!) boy!

I have never done a shared read but if I can find when I have *stored* Angle of Repose in this house, I may join you in August. I should be able to locate it by then!

jun 27, 2022, 5:41 pm

>33 karenmarie: Hi, Karen. Only a pair of Bs happening today- birds and books. Cutting back a bit...

Glad you are up for Angle of Repose. I will add you up there.

>34 richardderus: Hey, RD. No getaway planned. Just some hiking and birding. Gorgeous day here in Chicagoland.

>35 jessibud2: Thanks, Shelley. Hooray for Happy Jack. He always makes me smile. I hope you can join us on Angle of Repose. Love to have you along.

jun 27, 2022, 5:44 pm

^House Divided" by Chris Ware

jun 28, 2022, 5:48 am

'Morning, Mark, and happy Tuesday to you.

>37 msf59: Our country is tearing itself apart. My daughter is distraught and is making leaving the country noises. Sigh.

jun 28, 2022, 7:37 am

>38 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Yep, we are living in very dark times. I can't see things getting much better either. Another sigh...

Bewerkt: jun 28, 2022, 7:59 am

^I took this shot yesterday- it is a Mama blue-winged teal leading an impressive procession of ducklings. There were actually 2 groups of these but this was the largest. They are fairly shy, so Mama was always moving them along.

jun 28, 2022, 9:41 am

>40 msf59: Lovely! Nature's ways keep on keepin' on. It's very heartening.

>37 msf59: This, however, is not. Accurate and disgusting to me.

jun 28, 2022, 9:59 am

>40 msf59: - Such a beautiful shot, Mark. I have never seen a blue-winged teal. Are all those hers??! Wow.

jun 28, 2022, 10:24 am

>40 msf59: Mark - Those teals are a prizewinner - hope you submit this photo!

jun 28, 2022, 1:45 pm

>40 msf59: What they said. That's a winner. Excellent shot.

jun 28, 2022, 2:15 pm

>41 richardderus: " Nature's ways keep on keepin' on." Amen, Richard. And here is humankind going straight into the toilet.

>42 jessibud2: Thanks, Shelley. I got lucky. They were moving quickly away. We don't know, if that is her whole brood. She most likely picked up some stragglers along the way. They normally have a clutch between 8-12. There is about 20 in this group.

>43 m.belljackson: Thanks, Marianne. I get lucky, now and then.

>44 mahsdad: Thanks, Jeff. I have a tough time shooting waterfowl for various reasons but this time it worked out.

Bewerkt: jun 28, 2022, 2:20 pm

^This was also a treat from yesterday's walk. A pair of Sandhill cranes have been nesting in this area for a few years, (not a common occurrence in our county). They also recently had a youngster, which is called a colt. We were thinking it couldn't be more than a week old. Wishing the family, the best.

jun 28, 2022, 2:28 pm

Hi Mark, the news from your side of the border is disheartening. I can't believe things are going so backwards! Luckily your pictures of Jack send a cheery note. I also note you are reading a John D. MacDonald book. I haven't tried one of his series novels, but I do enjoy his hard boiled stand-alone crime stories.

jun 28, 2022, 2:46 pm

>46 msf59: They're moving north as climate change changes their world. I would, too, if I could.

jun 28, 2022, 3:45 pm

>40 msf59: >46 msf59: Great shots Mark.

jun 28, 2022, 6:53 pm

>47 DeltaQueen50: Hi, Judy. Our future looks bleak. Not sure how we will be able to right this ship. It might not happen for a long time. I am a fan of John D. MacDonald and read many of his Travis Mcgee books. Nice to revisit one of them.

>48 richardderus: Sandhill cranes are mostly northern birds, many nesting in Siberia, but I agree with you, that climate change has affected nearly all species.

>49 Caroline_McElwee: Thanks, Caroline.

Bewerkt: jun 29, 2022, 8:05 am

"A heartstrong story of family and romance, tribulation and tenacity, set on the High Plains east of Denver."

^Plainsong is hands-down one of my very favorite novels. It was published in 2000 and that is when I last read it. 22 years. Yes, I think it is time for a reread. It looks like a few of my book buddies are also interested. It looks like we start about the 3rd week in July. If you have not read this wonderful book, consider joining us. This is also the first book, in a "Plainsong" trilogy. The other two are pretty damn good too.

jun 29, 2022, 8:24 am

‘Morning, Mark, and happy Wednesday to you.

>40 msf59: Although things are going to hell in a handbasket, photos like this offset some of the darkness. Thank you.

>46 msf59: Excellent photos.

jun 29, 2022, 8:28 am

Happy new thread, Mark!

I'm looking forward to reading Afterlife with you and have a library hold placed and ready to activate on July 28 to have it ready for August. I own a copy of Angle of Repose and may try to join in with you too.

Love the photos of Jack and the birds. Very cool that you got a chance to see the cranes!

Happy hump day!

jun 29, 2022, 10:38 am

>51 msf59: Y'all enjoy that!

*shudders off*

jun 29, 2022, 11:22 am

Hey, Trooper Mark. I'm almost ready to shuffle off to Buffa...ah, erm, Copenhagen! Last minute anxieties abound. But I'll be on board when the jet soars from the nation's lush Garden State, New Jersey.

Just to keep the reading plot line alive, I shuffled through the TBR to pick shortish books to tuck into a carry-on. I actually started Timeline, a kind of time-travel pot-boiler by Michael Crichton, and after only two days, I'm almost half through it. Reading a mass market paperback that I can abandon in Urp, since I have a hardcover on the shelves. I picked up another mmp a couple of weeks ago, a YA novel titled The Weirdo (!?!). That's going along. Even toting a copy of Hamlet, 'cause I've never read it and Hamlet IS a Dane.

I'll be incommunicado until July 11-12. Don't think I'll be missed. But I warn you, I will be back. Bwahahahaha...

jun 29, 2022, 2:47 pm

>51 msf59: It's n,y list for a reread too Mark. I haven't yet read the rest of the trilogy, but have them.

jun 29, 2022, 3:44 pm

>55 weird_O: Enjoy Copenhagen!

jun 29, 2022, 5:54 pm

>55 weird_O: Have a wonderful trip, Bill!

jun 29, 2022, 6:36 pm

Hi Mark! Wonderful photos of Jackson up top - he is getting so big!

Oh, Plainsong. Love that book.

jun 29, 2022, 6:41 pm

>52 karenmarie: Happy Wednesday, Karen. Glad you like the duckling photo. Thanks. You are right, we need little things like this, to offset the doom.

>53 bell7: Thanks, Mary and Happy Hump Day! Let's kick off August with Afterlife. Glad you are still up for it. Glad you like the photos. More to come...

>54 richardderus: Not a Haruf fan? There is the old curmudgeon than we know and love! ❤️

jun 29, 2022, 6:49 pm

>55 weird_O: Bon Voyage, Bill. Happy travels. I have heard of some of the travel woes in Europe. I hope you avoid every single one. I read Timeline many years ago. I remember liking it. I was a fan of many of Crichton's books. I have also never read Hamlet. We will miss you.

>56 Caroline_McElwee: Love to have you along on Plainsong, Caroline and maybe that will inspire you to finally read the rest of the trilogy.

>59 AMQS: Happy Wednesday, Anne. Great to see you. Glad you like the photos. Go Jackson! Go Plainsong.

jun 29, 2022, 9:12 pm

>40 msf59: Wow! That sure is a lot of little ones to look after!

Happy mid week, Mark

jun 30, 2022, 7:12 am

>62 figsfromthistle: Sweet Thursday, Anita. That is quite a duck family, right? And there were at least two others, although not quite so big.

jun 30, 2022, 7:35 am

‘Morning, Mark, and happy Thursday to you. Stay cool in the nasty heat.

>60 msf59: It was probably bad timing for me to try to read Plainsong immediately after reading Jane Smiley’s A Thousand Acres in 2018, but for now I’ll still pass.

jun 30, 2022, 8:11 am

>64 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Not going out much today, so I should stay cool. I also loved A Thousand Acres. May consider a reread of that one, as well.

Bewerkt: jun 30, 2022, 8:21 am

^Anyone watching anything good? Always like a good recommendation. I just finished Somebody, Somewhere on HBO. Joanne recommended this one. I really liked it. Funny, good writing. I also finished Ted Lasso: Season 1. These are a lot of fun. It is on Apple. I just started Slow Horses. This is based on the series by Mick Herron, which I have not read. It stars Gary Oldman. It is off to a very good start. It is also on Apple.

Lastly, I watched the first ep of Dark Winds, based on the Leaphorn & Chee novels. This is on AMC-Plus. It now demands a subscription to watch the rest. I am bummed, because it is very good. Reminds me of Longmire. I am mulling it over.

jun 30, 2022, 8:36 am

Hiya, Mark! Just checking in. I'm making a note of Plainsong at the end of July - I read it a few years ago and really liked it but don't remember much about it and never got to the others. So if I'm in the mood, I'll join you all.

I know you got the rec from Joanne, but I'm glad you liked 'Somebody, Somehwere!' I thought it was excellent. And you can't go wrong with Ted Lasso, of course. I'm not watching much beyond Wimbledon these days, but 'Slow Horses' is on my list... I haven't read the books either.

jun 30, 2022, 8:51 am

>67 katiekrug: Sweet Thursday, Katie. Great to see you. I also have "Heartstoppers" in the wings- one you recommended. So many shows to pick from. Tough to keep up. I also have Under the Banner of Heaven on my list too. It got very good reviews.

Has anyone watched "Yellowjackets"?

jun 30, 2022, 10:03 am

I can suggest two from Netflix...Love Death and Robots is a 3-series scifi short-film collection, and not a huge investment of time if you don't like it because each ~10min episode is self-contained with no through line. Perfectly suits my attention span!

Also a long film, RRR, in Telugu. So very Indian! All sorts of wild, magical stuff going on!

Enjoy your day trapped indoors by the heat.

jun 30, 2022, 11:52 am

Hi Mark - I can't locate it in my old email yet, but Zalensky made a movie long ago.

Sure wish our JFK or Churchill would finally step out of the shadows....for him...
for the peace of mind of all of us.

jun 30, 2022, 1:31 pm

Hi, Mark! Hope you're keeping cool.

It's been in the upper 80s here, and we're expecting some lower 90s, but nothing terrible (yet). Even so, I made dinner yesterday for my daughter's family, and it included roasted vegetables and oven-baked Greek chicken, and let me tell you, IT WAS HOT! I had to go outside to cool off. lol No more oven roasting/baking until fall. Fire up the grill!

Anyway, I moved back to the 75er group. You can find me here.

jun 30, 2022, 2:40 pm

>69 richardderus: Thanks, RD. I will add both Love Death and Robots & RRR. It is sunny and 90F, so not horrible. I am still in with the books.

>70 m.belljackson: Zalensky?

>71 Storeetllr: Sweet Thursday, Mary. Yah, for getting back to the 75. As you know, this is my home away from home. Your dinner sounded fantastic, despite the dreaded heat.

jun 30, 2022, 3:05 pm

I think >70 m.belljackson: is referring to the fact that Netflix is now streaming the Ukrainian President's sit-com from... the early 2000s (somewhere around there, I think)? It's about a teacher who runs for President on a lark and is elected.

jun 30, 2022, 3:56 pm

>72 msf59: >73 katiekrug: Zelensky. Yes, I still can't find the title!

jun 30, 2022, 4:47 pm

Zelensky made several movies, beginning with Love in the Big City and its similarly named sequels. He also starred in a TV series, Servant of the People. It's all right there in his Wikipedia entry.

jun 30, 2022, 6:07 pm

>75 laytonwoman3rd: Thank You - Servant of the People was the one recommended.

jun 30, 2022, 6:50 pm

>73 katiekrug: Okay, I got you. Thanks, Katie.

>75 laytonwoman3rd: >76 m.belljackson: Honestly, I never even thought of watching any of Zelensky's films or TV works. Are they supposed to be any good?

jun 30, 2022, 6:52 pm

^Yep, Jackson likes his big, sippy cup. He figures out things pretty quickly.

jun 30, 2022, 6:53 pm

He looks so much like his mum in that picture!

jun 30, 2022, 6:54 pm

>73 katiekrug:, >75 laytonwoman3rd: - We have all heard of art imitating life but in his case, it's almost the reverse: life imitating art! He is quite a guy!

jun 30, 2022, 9:45 pm

>66 msf59:
Did you watch the original Leaphorn/Chee series back in the day when it was on PBS? It was very good. I think it had Val Kilmer in it. I bet you could find it at your public library! Then you wouldn't have to pay a subscription for it.

jul 1, 2022, 1:16 am

>81 benitastrnad: I thought it was Lou Diamond Phillips. I'm not sure if my image of Chee was similar to LDP because of that or it was coincidence.

>78 msf59: The cute just keeps on coming.

jul 1, 2022, 1:41 am

>78 msf59: That's one cute kid, for sure. Stay cool, Mark, and hope for rain.

jul 1, 2022, 5:38 am

‘Morning, Mark, and happy Friday to you.

>78 msf59: Almost too cute for words. What a winsome look on that sweet baby’s face.

jul 1, 2022, 5:59 am

>78 msf59: Jackson has an adorable smile!

jul 1, 2022, 7:41 am

>80 jessibud2: He definitely takes from my side of the family, Shelley. Sorry, Sean. Grins...

>81 benitastrnad: Hi, Benita. I did a little research. They made 3 Leaphorn movies for PBS's "Mystery" series. They starred Wes Studi. A fine indian actor. I am sure I saw all 3 but do not remember them clearly. Val Kilmer was in a film called Thunderheart, where he played a mixed blood FBI agent.

>82 quondame: See my comments to Benita. Yes, Jack is a cutie.

>83 kac522: He sure is, Kathy. Good to see you. Have a nice holiday weekend.

>84 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. I plan on spending some time with Jack this weekend. Yah!

>85 FAMeulstee: Thanks, Anita. He sure does.

Bewerkt: jul 1, 2022, 7:50 am

^Funny, how much this little guy has changed. Happy July, everyone! I had a solid month of reading in June. I read nine, which isn't bad considering we did the TN trip and camped during this time. My favorites were Pollack's Arm & Arctic Dreams. I also read 4 Off the Shelf.

For this month, I have a story collection to get to, along with Sea of Tranquility and a shared read of Plainsong toward the end of the month. We will see what else pops up.

Bewerkt: jul 1, 2022, 7:55 am

"From prize-winning, acclaimed author Laird Hunt, a poignant novel about a woman searching for her place in the world and finding it in the daily rhythms of life in rural Indiana"

^Several of my book buddies have recently read and loved Zorrie, so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I dipped into it yesterday and was immediately drawn in. Book buddies are the best. For some reason, when I saw the name Laird, I assumed it was a female author. Ack...wrong!!

jul 1, 2022, 10:03 am

>88 msf59: I assumed "Laird" was a woman too! Like assuming "Curtis Sittenfield" was a man.

Shows where we're on habit trails, eh what?

jul 1, 2022, 10:15 am

"Laird" screams male to me, maybe because of the Scottish title? Funny how our minds work!

jul 1, 2022, 12:36 pm

Hi, Mark, I can't catch up! I do love your initial pictures though! We had a red hawk pair nested in our riverside park earlier this spring, but we didn't know about it until too late to keep an eye on them. We'd hear them and see them flying, but they were in a tree circled by the main drive into the park.
Jackson is the man!

I wanted to ask you whether there's anything free online that will identify bird songs. I can see that there might be a phone app, but having looked briefly at Amazon, I guess not. We continue to hear and delight in the wood thrush calls. There is one new call, however, that neither of us remembers hearing before this spring. I know birds don't use a diatonic scale, but this one starts on a higher pitch (like maybe treble c), works its way down a perfect 4th, and ends by jumping up a 6th. It's sort of Cherribity-Cheet. We can never catch sight of the little dear. Nor have we seen the pair of painted buntings that were hanging out in our friends' backyard several blocks down the river.

I NEED to read *Siege of Krishnapur* and I loved An Unnecessary Woman. Just saying --- Also saying, "Happy Weekend!"

jul 1, 2022, 12:46 pm

>89 richardderus: >90 katiekrug: I was afraid I was the only one to misidentify "Laird". I feel better now. Had anyone heard of this author prior to this book?

>91 LizzieD: Happy Friday, Peggy. Great to see you. Hooray for Jackson. There is a free app for your cell phone, called the Merlin app. It is invaluable and pretty darn accurate. Let me know, if you try it.

I WANT to see a painted bunting!! I have never seen one. I am jealous.

Bewerkt: jul 1, 2022, 12:50 pm

>51 msf59: I am definitely in for that one! I loved it when I read it for the first time a few years back.

>78 msf59: He gets cuter with every picture!

>91 LizzieD: One of the great things about the online implementation of the board game Wingspan is that all of the bird calls for every bird in the game are replicated. It is wonderful!

I hope you have a wonderful 4th, Mark!

jul 1, 2022, 2:11 pm

KWIK TRIP has a limited edition:


Graphic T-shirt for sale.

As well, Root Beer Milk is now available...

Yee HA!

jul 1, 2022, 5:09 pm

>88 msf59: I'm in that one now, thanks to PaulCranswick.

jul 2, 2022, 8:08 am

‘Morning, Mark, and happy Saturday to you. My bird feeders need serious attention. Bad bird mommy.

>88 msf59: First thought when seeing this post is how many times authors write from the POV of a person NOT of their own sex. Some successful, and some, obviously, not successful. I hope this one is a good’un. Funny, I would never have assumed Laird is a female name – Laird is a landholder in Scotland. I've read quite a few romances over the years with Lairds.

Talk about names – I’ve got a friend whose daughter is pregnant with a girl, and they’re going to name her Emerson. I think they wanted to name her Emma, but they have a cat named Emma. 😀

jul 2, 2022, 3:21 pm

Hi there Mark. I'm making the rounds, post-vacation. I have no hope of catching up; rather, I'm just zipping to the bottom of threads to say hello and I'll start fresh from here.

jul 2, 2022, 3:49 pm

>78 msf59: Oh! He's so damn cute! And yes, they change so fast! I think I'll post some before and after pics of Ruby and Rowan on my thread when I get a chance. It's like they're completely different kids 6 months ago.

jul 2, 2022, 6:19 pm

>96 karenmarie: "Emerson"? The next one can be "Hoover" and then "Hotpoint," I guess. ::eyeroll::

Bewerkt: jul 3, 2022, 8:04 am

>93 alcottacre: Happy Sunday, Stasia. Hooray for Plainsong & Jackson! I never did pick up "Wingspan". Bad Mark? Have a great 4th to my friend.

>94 m.belljackson: I like the T-shirt, Marianne. Root Beer Milk?? You will have to try it and let us know. 😁

>95 quondame: I am glad we are both reading Zorrie, Susan. It has been a delight. I will finish it today.

jul 3, 2022, 8:02 am

>96 karenmarie: Happy Sunday, Karen. Missed a day. Did you get those feeders filled? Maybe I need to read more Scottish literature. I was not familiar with the name Laird. I am not a fan of the name Emerson, especially for a girl. Maybe slightly for a boy. I think it might work well for a pet. "Heel, Emerson!"

>97 lauralkeet: Hi, Laura. Great to see you. I will have to swing by and see where your travels led you.

>98 Storeetllr: He sure is, Mary. I like the idea of the before and after shots. I am kind of doing that with my calendar pics.

>99 richardderus: I agree with you, RD. Eyeroll, indeed.

jul 3, 2022, 8:20 am

I know two couples who have named their daughters Emerson. I don't hate it, but it wouldn't be my pick. They both shorten it to Emmy.

Have a great Sunday, Mark!

jul 3, 2022, 9:47 am

‘Morning, Mark, and happy Sunday to you.

>99 richardderus: Yup. Only I had to do a mental eyeroll since I was across a table from future-grandmother. Her other grand kids are Edward (although a friend of mine has a Jack Russell Terrier named Edward, so that’s where my mind goes) and Audrey.

>100 msf59: Well, I absolutely cannot resist. A friend of mine sent me the link for this T-Shirt, and as soon as Jenna saw this, she said “I’d wear that.” I have now ordered one for Jenna in white and one for me in turquoise. I’m not quite sure what this says about us. I probably don’t want to know.

>101 msf59: Nope to the bird feeders. Today is absolutely the day.

jul 3, 2022, 9:57 am

>103 karenmarie: There should be one more line on the image...."Look mad as hell". Every time I see a dead possum on the road it looks like its last thought was "NOOOoooooooO!!!!"

jul 3, 2022, 1:18 pm

>101 msf59: Laird is my friend's last name - she creates handmade books in Berkeley (California, not Illinois)
at Quelquefois Press.

Also thinking that OUTLANDER may have mentions of Lairds.

Emerson, male or female, could be a challenge to live up to - all those eons of memorable quotes!

Bewerkt: jul 3, 2022, 2:35 pm

>96 karenmarie: Emerson is too reminiscent of Professor Emerson in the Amelia Peabody mysteries. Or the poet. I always worry about kids with "different" names - how they are going to get along in school. Kids can be cruel.

ETA one thing.

jul 3, 2022, 4:21 pm

>40 msf59: and >46 msf59: What great photos of the ducks!

jul 3, 2022, 5:49 pm

>102 katiekrug: That is really interesting, Katie. First time I have heard that used as a girl's name. I don't mind Emmy, but I always liked Emma. BTW- Congrats on the owl.

>103 karenmarie: Happy Sunday, Karen. I LOVE the "Live Ugly" T-shirt. LOL. Glad you and Jenna got a shirt coming. You will have to share a photo of it. Did you get those feeders filled? Hmmmmmm?

>104 laytonwoman3rd: LOL.

>105 m.belljackson: I have never read Outlander but I agree with you, Marianne.

>106 Storeetllr: " I always worry about kids with "different" names - how they are going to get along in school. Kids can be cruel." Amen, Mary. Kids have enough to deal with.

>107 Whisper1: Thanks, Linda. I get lucky now and then. 😁

Bewerkt: jul 3, 2022, 5:54 pm

-Bill Bramhall

jul 3, 2022, 6:05 pm

>108 msf59: For a couple of reasons, men seem to enjoy watching OUTLANDER rather than reading it, though the initial chapters draw us all in.

Re: different names > with the wild diversity of created names (celebrity and local), as well as learning to pronounce new immigrant names,
we hope kids have moved on...

As a teacher, the worst I heard was the Elementary School Principal who refused to say "Ananthamaranan" at Graduation.

jul 3, 2022, 6:06 pm

I thought about you on our hike last weekend, Mark. We took our new little trailer for its first trip, a short one only about two hours from home, to get used to it, make a list of things we need, etc. We heard GHOs calling back and forth in the night so on our hike I tried to stop now and then and scan the trees above us. I've seen owls a few times while hiking but not very often. I found myself wondering "how" you look for them on your bird-watching treks.

>109 msf59: Love it!!!

I see you are reading and enjoying Zorrie. I loved it when I read it last month.

Is this going to be your first time reading Plainsong? If so, I predict you will love it.

I've had Slow Horses on my shelves for quite a while now and haven't yet gotten to it. I misremembered that you had read it and were a fan. It must have been one of my other reliable LT buddies!

It's so fun to watch Jackson growing up, even if it is just through photos on LT. I'm so glad you are sharing the little guy with us!

jul 3, 2022, 6:10 pm

>100 msf59: >111 EBT1002: I can not report complete feelings of either love or delight for Zorrie. I found it too calculated. Well done, but not to my taste.

jul 4, 2022, 7:23 am

>110 m.belljackson: Did you mean "ananthanarayanan"? I am not familiar with either term. But both are a mouthful.

>111 EBT1002: Hi, Ellen. So good to see you. You have been missed. Congrats on the camper. You live in such a good area, with so many great camping possibilities. I am jealous. Owls are tough to spot. I usually just keep an eye out for an unusual shape perched close to a tree trunk or if you happen to flush them, you visually track them to their landing spot. Other than finding them in a nesting spot, I might see, if I am lucky, one or two a year.

I loved Zorrie very much. This will be a reread of Plainsong. First time was over 20 years ago. And Hooray for Jackson. He is our special little boy.

>112 quondame: Sorry, Zorrie didn't work for you, Susan. I found it very good. His style reminded me of Kent Haruf or Marilynne Robinson.

jul 4, 2022, 7:25 am

^I hope everyone is having a safe and healthy holiday! I sure wish we could heal this deep divide in this country. It ain't looking good.

jul 4, 2022, 7:27 am

This made me chuckle this morning. Have a good 4th!

jul 4, 2022, 7:55 am

>115 katiekrug: That is perfect, Katie. 😁❤️

Have a great 4th!!

jul 4, 2022, 8:39 am

Hi Mark, and happy Monday and happy Fourth of July to you.

>104 laytonwoman3rd: Possums do have that angry look thing perfected, don’t they Linda?

>105 m.belljackson: >106 Storeetllr: Yes, kids can be cruel, and it’s just not a name I’m attracted to for either girls or boys, frankly.

>108 msf59: Thanks re the T-shirt – I already have plans for Bill to take a photo of us in them. I’ll gladly post it, either mid-July or on Jenna’s birthday, August 3, if I can hold out that long in giving it to her.

I did get the feeders filled, all four of them. Right now I’ve got some House Finches flitting about. I had a male Red-Bellied Woodpecker visiting a bit ago.

>109 msf59: Sad, but true.

jul 4, 2022, 12:02 pm

>113 msf59: Yes, you spelled it better than my memory after nearly 25 years of teaching the young man.

Principal wouldn't let me come up to say his entire name (she screwed up his first one too) -
she just immediately jumped on to the next kid. Likely Principals now practice with all the newly created names.


We can only hear our birds, but can see a tiny one going into its little house - lots of Bunny,
Groundhog, Doe and Twin Fawns, Wild Turkey...recent sightings.

The Famous Token Creek Parade (check online for events including The Hiney Run)
starts soon with a Cannon bang.

It goes close to our house and we usually go to check out the raffle, buy fresh charity popcorn,
and pick up fun candy thrown from the Classic Cars, Tractors, Fire Truck, while trying not to get sprayed.

We'll be skipping this Superspreader this year as we'd be the only ones wearing a mask.

It may get rained out around 1-2 PM just before the Veteran's Circle.

jul 4, 2022, 12:40 pm

>117 karenmarie: Happy 4th, Karen. Looking forward to seeing those T-shirt pics. Hooray for tending to those feeders. Good Birdmom.

>118 m.belljackson: Happy 4th, Marianne. Thanks for the bird & critter report. I always enjoy those. Have a good time at the parade. Hope you stay dry.

Bewerkt: jul 4, 2022, 12:46 pm

"Timothy Egan’s The Immortal Irishman is a biography of Thomas Meagher: Irish revolutionary, convict, and Civil War general. Meagher was born in 1823 into a prominent and wealthy Catholic family and knew first hand the brutal tactics and oppressive policies of the British against Catholics."

As many of you know, I am a big fan of Timothy Egan. The Worst Hard Time is one of my very favorite nonfiction titles. For some reason, I had not got around to this one and it was published 6 years ago. I am correcting this over-sight. I started the audio today and I think this going to be another winner.

jul 4, 2022, 2:29 pm

I hope you are doing well on the 4th of July, Mark. Sky News in Scotland had coverage on a shooting at a parade near you.

jul 4, 2022, 3:42 pm

>40 msf59:. Great photo, Mark!

And yay for Egan! I will have to look for that one.

jul 4, 2022, 11:35 pm

Hi Mark; I heard the dreadful news about the parade and just dropping by to check you and yours are all safe.

jul 5, 2022, 7:56 am

>121 Familyhistorian: Hi, Meg. We had a very nice laid back 4th. Thanks. Yep, another horrific day in America. Will it ever end?

>122 banjo123: Thanks, Rhonda. I hope you had a good 4th. The Egan is off to a good start.

>123 humouress: Hi, Gail. Great to see you. Yep, another horrific slaughter in America. This was in the far north suburbs, so nearly an hour away from us but it is so scary never-the-less.

Bewerkt: jul 5, 2022, 7:59 am

jul 5, 2022, 8:50 am

'Morning, Mark.

>120 msf59: If you've never seen it, I recommend Ken Burns' The Dust Bowl, 4 episodes, 2012, since you love Egan's The Worst Hard Time.

>125 msf59: This one was WAY too close for you. I'm so glad y'all didn't decide to go to Highland Park to watch the parade.

In other news I've already had a few Finches visit, but nobody else.

jul 5, 2022, 9:22 am

>125 msf59: This one was scarier than most for y'all. How much I wish the PTB would pull up their socks and do what needs to be done to prevent these preventable disasters.

jul 5, 2022, 10:59 am

I am glad to hear that you loved Zorrie too, Mark!

Have a terrific Tuesday!

jul 5, 2022, 11:42 am

Good to see you had a good 4th of July, Mark. It seems it is well past time for the US to do something about the horrific shootings.

jul 5, 2022, 2:24 pm

>126 karenmarie: Hi, Karen. I did watch The Dust Bowl and agree it was excellent. I think Egan worked on that doc too. Highland Park is about an hour away but yes, but still "WAY too close". I hope you have had more birdy visitors.

>127 richardderus: PTB? Sorry, it was a HOT morning at Rehab!!

>128 alcottacre: Happy Tuesday, Stasia. Hooray for Zorrie. You were spot on.

>129 Familyhistorian: Hi, Meg. It was a laid-back 4th for me. Just how I like it. Yep, dark times, my friend.

jul 5, 2022, 9:21 pm

Dropping in to say hello

>125 msf59: That was quite scary, indeed.

>120 msf59: I don't believe I have read anything of his. I shall make a note to change that soon.

jul 5, 2022, 10:50 pm

>125 msf59: this image has relevance in so many, too many, situations. (((hugs for the U.S.)))

jul 5, 2022, 11:03 pm

>40 msf59: Adorable!

>78 msf59: Super Adorable!

I mentioned this on my thread just now, along with a few tv shows, but if AMC is on your cable package and you have a DVR, you can just record Dark Winds. We don’t have AMC+.

I may join you for Plainsong. How many years has it been?? Wow!! I’m definitely due for a reread and I’ve been meaning too. I was thinking of joining you for Angle Of Repose, but I’ve got some other Stegners that I want to read before I start rereading. And the first I reread, if I do, would probably be The Big Rock Candy Mountain.

I loved The Immortal Irishman! I think you will, too.

Sorry this latest shooting is so close to home for you. They are national tragedies to be sure, but somehow even more gut wrenching when they are practically in your backyard. Schools, movie theaters, grocery stores, parades. Horrifying.

jul 6, 2022, 7:23 am

>131 figsfromthistle: Happy Wednesday, Figs. If you have not read Egan, you are definitely in for a treat. One of my favorite narrative nonfiction writers.

>132 LovingLit: Hi, Megan. Great to see you and thanks for the hugs. America could use them.

>133 Copperskye: Hi, Joanne. Glad you like the pics. Funny, I was able to see the first 5 eps of "Dark Winds" for the free week on AMC but the last two eps had not dropped yet. I will have to figure something out, because it is very good. I just don't want to pay another subscription.

I hope you can join us on Plainsong and I hope you can reconsider for Angle of Repose. I do not reread that often but I think these two warrant it. Yep, these shootings have become so disheartening.

jul 6, 2022, 7:35 am

"Full of speculative daring though firmly anchored in the tradition of realism, Tim Horvath’s stories explore all of this and more— blending the everyday and wondrous to contend with age-old themes of loss, identity, imagination, and the search for human connection."

^I am a little behind on previewing this one, but I started Understories a couple of days ago. A couple of the stories are head-scratchers but several others are deep gems. Talented guy...

jul 6, 2022, 8:27 am

'Morning, Mark, and happy Wednesday to you. Enjoy your time with your birding buddy.

My birds are hiding right now.

jul 6, 2022, 8:35 am

>37 msf59: Boy, that New Yorker cover speaks volumes.
>40 msf59: Awesome photo, Mark!!
Enjoy your reread of Plainsong. It's always a good time for Haruf.
Angel of Repose, I have to check I may have that one on my bookshelf. When are you planning on reading it?

Bewerkt: jul 6, 2022, 10:51 am

>134 msf59: That’s because they drop them weekly. Patience!

jul 6, 2022, 3:46 pm

>136 karenmarie: Happy Wednesday, Karen. We had a good walk this morning. Definitely got our steps in. Did your birds come out?

>137 Carmenere: Happy Wednesday, Lynda. Good to see you. Glad you like the duck pic. Hooray for Haruf. He is the best, or should I say was the best. Sad face. Right now, let's figure on mid-August for Angle of Repose. I hope you can join us.

>138 Copperskye: I got it recorded, Jo! Thanks for the heads-up.

jul 6, 2022, 3:59 pm

^Ugh!! WTH??

jul 6, 2022, 6:12 pm

>135 msf59: I liked the collection a lot, Mark, and Tim's a really nice guy to boot.

Happy slide into the weekend!

jul 6, 2022, 6:43 pm

>140 msf59: Slim pickings indeed.

jul 6, 2022, 8:05 pm

>140 msf59: Ugh is right. I stopped looking after I got about 1/4 through the list. Did you see that one book (#17). Just no.

I'm glad neither you nor anyone you know was at the HP parade. I called my sis in a panic, thinking she had family in HP, but she said not. She's really freaked out, though. That one came much too close. And in such an affluent town with so little crime. At least that's what I read in some news article. I don't think I've ever been there. (South Sider here.)

jul 6, 2022, 11:14 pm

I might join you for Angle of Repose. I have had it on my TBR list for a long long time. Might be time to get it off that list and into the read column.

jul 7, 2022, 6:05 am

>139 msf59: I might join the reread of Angle of Repose. I loved it when I first read it.

jul 7, 2022, 6:53 am

>140 msf59: I could not agree with you more, Mark! I'm sure LT works very hard to build the monthly list of books on offer but I don't know, maybe authors and publishers are becoming more stingy. Still, it's sad.

jul 7, 2022, 7:54 am

>141 richardderus: Funny, I was thinking of you while reading Understories, Richard. Wondering if this would be your cuppa or not. Glad to hear you also liked it. Some of these stories are pretty terrific. Have you read anything else by him?

>142 Copperskye: Double UGH!!

>143 Storeetllr: "A Call to Citizens to Wake up and Stand up!" You got that right, Mary. I forgot to check how many readers were requesting it. LOL. Yep, the Highland Park shootings was absolutely horrific.

>144 benitastrnad: >145 Caroline_McElwee: We would love to have you both along for Angle of Repose. Especially if it is a first time read.

>146 Carmenere: The funny thing is, Lynda- is that the last 2 times I did request a book, I was declined. I think that is only happened just a few times in the 14 years I have been on LT. What the heck??

Bewerkt: jul 7, 2022, 8:43 am

^We had a large limb fall in our backyard. This was from a dead tree back there. Not on our property. Fortunately, it did not take out any of my feeders but it sure came close, tilting one of the Shepard poles. Still deciding what to do with it but in the meantime the birds are loving all the perching opportunities.

jul 7, 2022, 8:46 am

-American Robin. Robins are everywhere these days. Juveniles seem to be in every tree. It is easy to overlook their beauty.

jul 7, 2022, 8:57 am

Yikes, I'm glad the tree didn't damage your property, Mark. We had a barred owl sighting this morning! Photo on my thread.

jul 7, 2022, 9:13 am

‘Morning, Mark! Sweet Thursday to you.

>139 msf59: Yes, although once again, right now and for most of yesterday it was mostly House Finches. They are voracious. I have a Tufted Titmouse chowing down on the wild bird seed and a White-Breasted Nuthatch and a Carolina Chickadee each grabbed a sunflower seed and left to pound it out on branches.

>140 msf59: I actually requested two books, for the first time in forever, didn’t really read through the new TOS, confirmed stuff, and thought WTH too.

>148 msf59: Sorry about the large limb down in your yard. Just another thing to have to deal with, isn’t it.

jul 7, 2022, 9:18 am

>150 lauralkeet: Yep, I am glad the limb missed my shed. That would have been a bummer. Congrats on the barred owl sighting. Always special.

>151 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. We get a lot of housefinch too but haven't seen them as much lately. I agree they are voracious eaters. Yah, for the titmouse and chickadee. Congrats on finding two books, among those very slim pickings. Thanks, in regard to the fallen limb. Hopefully, I can figure it out soon.

jul 7, 2022, 11:39 am

Hi, Mark! Thought of you when I discovered My cats love the bird call replicator, but they go a little crazy looking for the “birds.” Am I being mean?

Have a great week and weekend!

Karen O

jul 7, 2022, 11:52 am

>149 msf59: Pretty!

>148 msf59: Wow! That was a really close call. I hope you can burn it...?

>147 msf59: No, that book is it for Horvath to date. I'd like to read more but he's...not producing.

jul 7, 2022, 12:28 pm

Sorry to hear about the latest shooting in your area, Mark. We are living in a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad world these days.

I've been so disappointed with Early Reviewers offerings lately that I don't even check it out anymore.

>148 msf59: That is quite a bird perch!

jul 7, 2022, 2:36 pm

>147 msf59: >143 Storeetllr: Too many were requesting it when I looked yesterday. Even one would be too many imo.

>148 msf59: Glad nothing was damaged and even more glad no one was hurt!

jul 7, 2022, 2:44 pm

I have not looked at ER books in at least a year. Not only have the pickings been slim, but I have a terrible time getting the books read soon :)

I may join in the Angle of Repose read, depending on when you all do it. I am really looking forward to the Plainsong re-read.

Happy Thursday, Mark!

jul 7, 2022, 3:23 pm

>153 klobrien2: Sweet Thursday, Karen. I am glad you are enjoying I stop over there from time to time for some birdy info. Hey, as long as you are keeping your kitties indoors, I have no problem with it.

>154 richardderus: Hey, RD. Still not sure what will happen with the wood, once it is cut up. I could definitely burn it. Bummer about the Horvath. I figured after 10 years he would have written something else. Maybe he just had the one book in him?

>155 Donna828: Thanks, Donna. We are definitely living in MAD times and I am feeling it may get worse. You are not missing anything on the ER, I promise you.

>156 Storeetllr: Yikes, Mary. I guess these right-wingers are everywhere these days. We did think LT was sacred ground though, right?

>157 alcottacre: Sweet Thursday, Stasia. I may just start skipping ER too but it is interesting to see how many bad books are being offered. The tentative time for Angle of Repose will be the third week in August. It is a big book so if folks want to start a little early...

Bewerkt: jul 7, 2022, 3:25 pm

-The New Yorker

jul 7, 2022, 5:00 pm

>159 msf59: Hahaha, made me snort with laughter.

jul 7, 2022, 6:17 pm

>148 msf59: Sorry about the tree limb, Mark, but glad it didn't cause any damage or injuries.

>149 msf59: Robins are my niece's favorite bird. Since she was quite small, I've been telling her the different kinds of birds, much to my youngest sister's (my niece's other aunt, not her mother) eye-rolling. She'd tell me, "She doesn't care, it's just a bird." But when I pointed out a goldfinch and told her it was my favorite, she offered that robins are her favorite. Give her a few years and she might want to join in some birding fun :D

Which reminds me, I really should refill my feeders tonight. I have a seed mix that include both thistle and sunflower, and then I put out a suet cake, so I tend to get quite a variety. Squirrels, too, but I've only spotted one very agile one dangling onto the feeder once! Usually they stick to the ground or the tray.

jul 7, 2022, 8:15 pm

>159 msf59: Very funny cartoon, Mark! And regarding >158 msf59:, our cats are strictly indoor. But they have that birding instinct, for sure!

Karen O

jul 8, 2022, 5:59 am

Happy Friday!

>148 msf59: Glad nothing was damaged!

jul 8, 2022, 7:12 am

>160 Storeetllr: We don't have cats but we know how they are.

>161 bell7: Happy Friday, Mary. Thanks, in regard to the limb. I love it that your niece's favorite bird is the robin. Maybe you can show her a cardinal sometime. How old is the budding birder? Glad to hear you are tending to the feeders. I am getting mostly house sparrows and housefinch these days.

>161 bell7: Yep, Karen- it is embedded in their genes. Yah, for indoor cats.

>162 klobrien2: Happy Friday, Figs and thanks.

jul 8, 2022, 8:29 am

>164 msf59: My niece, Mia, is going to be seven at the end of July. Her brother, Matthew, is five. I'm not sure if she's seen a cardinal, but between the birds I've pointed out to her and the ones she's seen at my parents, she probably has a pretty good knowledge of several kinds. My mom's always loved having feeders and keeping track of the birds she's seen there. The last time the kids were up visiting my folks a few months ago, it was a daily ritual of theirs to go out with Grandpa and fill the feeders. My mom told me that Matthew would get most excited for "the yellow ones" (goldfinches) as well, so we may just share a favorite.

Bewerkt: jul 8, 2022, 8:50 am

‘Morning, Mark, and happy Friday to you. Also, happy Jackson day to you and Sue.

>159 msf59: I already fed Zoe her Fancy Feast, no lawyers involved, thank goodness.

Finches and a Carolina Chickadee. Ooh, a Tufted Titmouse just arrived, too. I need to put the suet and hummingbird feeders out, since I have to take them in nightly or the darned raccoons wreak havoc.

jul 8, 2022, 10:42 am

Splendid weekend-ahead's reads, Birddude!

jul 8, 2022, 2:08 pm

I got my copy of Plainsong from the library today and hope to start reading it next week. I have lots of reading planned for July but I do think I can squeeze this one in. It will be a reread for me, but I have several of his other books on my shelves, and I want to get them read. I figure that reading this one will help me to read the others and know what is going on. It has been 20 years since I read Plainsong so I need the review.

jul 8, 2022, 6:00 pm

Hi Mark, I had quite a lot of catching up to do here but happy to hear that all seems well in your world. I have been neglecting LT in favor of spending more time reading as I have quite a pile of book that I want to get through this month. I have had Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher on my list for some time - really need to get to it!

jul 8, 2022, 6:58 pm

>165 bell7: Matthew and Mia are at the perfect age. Aunt Mary can slowly turn these two into potential birders. Sounds like Grandma & Grandpa are doing a fine job.

>166 karenmarie: Happy Friday, Karen. Our Jackson Day is going along fine, with a few bumps. Glad Zoe was well-fed and appreciate the feeder report.

>167 richardderus: Thanks, Richard. Books and Jackson. You can't beat it.

>168 benitastrnad: Happy Friday, Benita. We would love to have you along for a reread of Plainsong. I read it in 2000, so we both read it first around 20 years ago. I probably start it around the 20th, give or take.

>169 DeltaQueen50: Happy Friday, Judy. Ooh, I loved Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher. Please move it up in the pile and please keep The Immortal Irishman in mind. It is terrific.

Bewerkt: jul 8, 2022, 7:09 pm

"A novel of art, time, love, and plague that takes the reader from Vancouver Island in 1912 to a dark colony on the moon three hundred years later, unfurling a story of humanity across centuries and space."

Like many of my book buddies, I loved Station Eleven. Her follow-up The Glass Hotel was pretty good too but I have been hearing more glowing reports on her latest, which came out in April. I am 20-30 pages in and I really like her easy style and approach.

jul 9, 2022, 7:23 am

'Morning, Mark, and happy Saturday to you.

I hope Jackson day ended up being more cuddles than bumps.

I loved Station Eleven and The Singer's Gun by St. John Mandel and have The Lola Quartet on my shelves just waiting for the right time. I just ordered Sea of Tranquility.

jul 9, 2022, 9:21 am

>172 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. We ended up keeping Jack overnight. Of course, he was up at 630. Sue is playing with him now while I eat a late breakfast. He is teething so he has his cranky moments, but for the most part he has been a joy. Glad to hear you are also a Mandel fan.

Bewerkt: jul 9, 2022, 9:28 am

^We had Jack overnight. He is teething so he has his cranky moments, but for the most part he has been a joy. I spend a lot of time on the carpet with this kid. I am trying to get in some book time with him, when ever I can but he only sits still for short spurts.

jul 9, 2022, 9:39 am

>158 msf59: I am definitely in then, if we are not starting Angle of Repose until August.

>159 msf59: I swear that is my cat Mallory!

>171 msf59: I did not care for The Glass Hotel at all - I did not finish it - but I too loved Station Eleven and am looking forward to her newest as well.

>174 msf59: Hooray for a Jack sighting!

jul 9, 2022, 11:22 am

>174 msf59: Too much to do, too much to learn, sitting still is for when you're old! (like us)

Enjoy it, Grandpa.

jul 9, 2022, 4:05 pm

>148 msf59: Let the birds have some fun Mark.

>174 msf59: Glad you have had some Jackson time. At least we don't remember the teething when we are adults!

jul 9, 2022, 6:32 pm

>174 msf59: - Oh, I spot a Boynton book on the left of the pic. Great choices for kids!

jul 9, 2022, 6:45 pm

>174 msf59: Interesting board book Jackson has there in that second picture! Wee, there's a hedgehog too!

jul 9, 2022, 8:20 pm

>175 alcottacre: Happy Saturday, Stasia. Glad you will be on the Angle of Repose shared read. Sea Tranquility is off to a very good start. Another ambitious one.

>176 richardderus: Happy Saturday, Richard. My issue is getting up from the floor a number of times, when I am down there playing with the boy.

>177 Caroline_McElwee: Hi, Caroline. Yep, the birds and squirrels are having a merry time on that fallen limb. It has become a neighborhood hotspot. 😁

>178 jessibud2: Hi, Shelley. We have a nice variety of books for him. Here and at Brees. I am looking forward to when he really starts enjoying book time.

>179 quondame: The littler books are easier for him to play with. That hedgehog is what we use in our clothes dryer. LOL. We need more toys.

jul 9, 2022, 8:31 pm

>174 msf59:. What a cutie!

jul 10, 2022, 7:32 am

‘Morning, Mark! Happy Sunday to you.

>174 msf59: Happy, playful baby. I especially love seeing the PO truck.

jul 10, 2022, 8:07 am

>181 banjo123: Hi, Rhonda. He certainly is.

>182 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Glad you noticed the PO truck. We need to get more toys. 😁

Bewerkt: jul 10, 2022, 8:31 am

-Steve Breen

jul 10, 2022, 9:28 am

jul 10, 2022, 9:41 pm

Hi Mark, a big fist pump for both your and Richard's cartoons. It's a strange time we are living through. It was beautiful here today and I spent a good deal of time out on the deck with my books. A great way to spend a lazy Sunday!

jul 10, 2022, 11:43 pm

>159 msf59: That made me chuckle but, of course, your Supreme Court has just determined that cats have no inalienable rights under the US Constitution and Kitty's grievances have been sent back for the respective states to determine upon!

jul 11, 2022, 6:37 am

'Morning, Mark. I hope you have a wonderful day. I've got a few finches flirting and fluttering about, but haven't put out the suet or hummingbird feeders yet and need to fill the sunflower seed feeder again. Whatever are the birds thinking of, just eating and eating and eating? *smile*

jul 11, 2022, 7:42 am

>185 richardderus: LIKE!!

>186 DeltaQueen50: Hi, Judy. Glad you like the cartoons. They are appropriate for the times. Glad to hear you had a perfectly lazy Sunday.

>187 PaulCranswick: LOL, Paul. Well said, my friend.

>188 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. You are up early. I just took a glance out my back window- squirrels and sparrows at the moment. And of course, the big limb is still present. I'm still figuring out what to do with it. In the meantime, the critters love it.

jul 11, 2022, 10:10 am

>189 msf59: Well, if the critters are loving it, it kinda reduces the urgency factor in dealing with its disposal, no? I'd say anything that increases the birdlife ought to be embraced in your world!

Happy week-ahead's reads.

jul 11, 2022, 1:04 pm

Have a wonderful week, Mark!

Bewerkt: jul 11, 2022, 5:34 pm

>190 richardderus: Good point, Richard but the grass will have to be cut at some point and it does look unsightly. The birdies will be fine.

>191 alcottacre: Thanks, Stasia. Back at ya!

Bewerkt: jul 11, 2022, 5:35 pm

-Dave Whamond

jul 11, 2022, 6:53 pm

>171 msf59: I just finished this one last night! It is not too long at all (6 hours on audio). Quite the mind bender! I wouldn't have thought I would have liked a book with time travel in it, but it totally worked for me.

jul 12, 2022, 7:36 am

>194 LovingLit: Hi, Megan. I just finished Sea of Tranquility too and like you, I enjoyed it very much. She has such an easy narrative style. Have you read Station Eleven?

Bewerkt: jul 12, 2022, 7:42 am

^I just started the limited series Under the Banner of Heaven and it looks like this will be a good one. I am a big fan of the Krakauer book, although this one veers away from the book quite liberally. I am also fan of Andrew Garfield. It is streaming on Hulu.

jul 12, 2022, 8:24 am

'Morning, Mark, and happy Tuesday to you. Yay for the milder temps this week.

>193 msf59: The gang of psychos has a lot to answer for. *breathe, Karen*

Bewerkt: jul 12, 2022, 8:27 am

>197 karenmarie: Good Morning, Karen and thank you. Boo to the " The gang of psychos"!! It never stops.

jul 12, 2022, 8:32 am

56- Zorrie by Laird Hunt 4.3 stars

Several of my book pals were really impressed with this novel and I will gladly add to the praise. Zorrie Underwood is the main focus and the novel follows her rural life in Indiana through the decades.
Fans of Marilynne Robinson and Kent Haruf should enjoy this story.

57- Understories by Tim Horvath 4.2 stars

Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I would stick with this story collection out, after the first 2 stories but I am glad I did. Several of them were incredible. What an incredibly deep and cerebral set of tales. Certainly not for everyone but if you like challenging and rewarding stories, give this one a try. I wish he would write something else. This is 10 years old.

59- Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel 4.5 stars

I liked Mandel’s last novel The Glass Hotel but honestly it wasn’t much to write home about. Well, she returns here with another gem, equal to her smash hit Station Eleven. It is a mind-bending time/traveling good time, teleporting the reader from 1912 Vancouver Island to a colony on the moon. She has such an easy narrative style. Highly recommended.

jul 12, 2022, 1:11 pm

Hey, buddy. Happy Tuesday!

Thanks for the bird and Jackson photos. If your day hasn't started out happy, those'll do the trick.

You caught my attention with the mentions of Marilynne Robinson and Kent Haruf for Zorrie. I'll take a look. And I enjoyed your comments re Sea of Tranquility. As you know, I agree. What a tranquil, satisfying read.

Another beautiful day in Chicagoland. Let's keep it going!

jul 12, 2022, 1:30 pm

Hi Mark! Happy Tuesday!

jul 12, 2022, 4:26 pm

>200 jnwelch: Hey, Joe. Great to see you, my friend. Glad you like the bird and Jackson photos. A share a steady diet of both over here. I think you would like Zorrie and I agree it is a lovely day in Chicagoland.

>201 The_Hibernator: Happy Tuesday, Rachel. Great to see you, stranger .

Bewerkt: jul 12, 2022, 4:31 pm

"Back in 1888, the young, art-loving, Harriet arrives in Glasgow at the time of the International Exhibition. After a chance encounter she befriends the Gillespie family and soon becomes a fixture in all of their lives...Featuring a memorable cast of characters, infused with atmosphere and period detail, and shot through with wicked humour, Gillespie and I is a tour de force from one of the emerging names of British fiction."

Gillespie and I has been languishing on shelf for years. I know several LT pals read it and enjoyed it, at some point, including Richard and more recently Stasia. Yes folks, it was time. I am 50 pages in and it has my attention. Of course, it is 500 pages, so I hope it keeps my attention.

Bewerkt: jul 12, 2022, 5:06 pm

Trying to get caught up a little on LT. Doing my best! Awesome reads in >199 msf59:! And I already saw the cartoon post >193 msf59: on FB. Grrrr!

Happy Tuesday. : )

jul 12, 2022, 5:14 pm

>203 msf59: Oooh...I really enjoyed Gillespie and I, and it took me a bit to get into it, so I'd say if it has your attention after 50 pages, you'll get along fine with the rest of it.

jul 12, 2022, 5:16 pm

>203 msf59: I really can't wait to hear where you end up on this read, Mark. Heh.

jul 12, 2022, 6:32 pm

>204 Berly: Happy Tuesday, Kimmers. Glad you caught up a bit over here. Don't be a stranger.

>205 laytonwoman3rd: Hi, Linda. Great to see you. I am now 70 pages into Gillespie and I and I am hooked.

>206 richardderus: This feels like a winner, RD, but of course I am a long, long way to go.

Bewerkt: jul 12, 2022, 6:39 pm

^One of my favorite photos!

jul 12, 2022, 6:39 pm

Hey Mark, Understories sounds like my kind of collection, on the WL it goes. And I'll definitely keep an eye out for The Glass Hotel

I finished The Overstory, enjoyed it quite a bit. I think I might have liked it more in visually than audibly, as it was a little confusing at times. But it still worked.

jul 12, 2022, 6:44 pm

>209 mahsdad: Hey, Jeff. If you interested, I will send Understories your way. Glad you enjoyed The Overstory. Maybe you can revisit it, at some point, in print.

jul 12, 2022, 7:42 pm

That photo is precious!

jul 12, 2022, 9:25 pm

>210 msf59:. Thanks Mark, if you’re up for sharing, I’m up for receiving!

jul 13, 2022, 6:54 am

‘Morning, Mark, and happy Wednesday to you.

>204 Berly: Ooh, Gillespie and I. Stasia gave me her copy of it recently, and since you mentioned it AND her, and I just pulled it from the shelf behind me, it seems fated that I at least start it to see if it works for me right now. I’ve just gotten through the Preface and I already like the first person narrative and feel of it. I’ll probably be way behind you, but I feel good about adding it to my ‘currently reading’ list. This is in addition to the audiobook I’ve got going in the car, The Federalist, and 2 other fiction books.

>208 msf59: Sweet boy and his mama. Thanks for sharing.

jul 13, 2022, 7:03 am

>208 msf59: Awwww, that's so sweet! I can see why it's one of your favorites.

Glad to hear you're enjoying Gillespie and I so far. I remember the title - I read it about ten years ago - but completely forgot the plot and had to read my review as a refresher. I'll look forward to your thoughts on it.

jul 13, 2022, 7:39 am

>211 jessibud2: It sure is, Shelley.

>212 mahsdad: It is yours, Jeff. I probably will get it out next week.

>213 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. I am glad I inspired you to pluck Gillespie and I off shelf. I get inspired from what my LT pals are reading too. Helps move those books along. Glad you like the photo of my precious ones.

>214 bell7: Morning, Mary. Yah, for Bree & Jack. I remember several of my LT pals enjoying Gillespie and I years ago. I am 70 pages in and liking it.

jul 13, 2022, 9:26 am

Nice mother and son photo, Mark. Enjoy your day!

jul 13, 2022, 9:29 am

>196 msf59: I have Under the Banner on my list to check out. Looks good!

Karen O

jul 13, 2022, 9:36 am

I picked up a copy of Gillespie & I ages ago - maybe when there was a lot of chatter about it here on LT? Still haven't read it... One of these days...

jul 13, 2022, 9:43 am

>208 msf59: that is such a sweet photo, Mark. I have grandchild envy (there are none in sight here ...)

jul 13, 2022, 9:55 am

>208 msf59: *baaawww* I love that!

Have fun today.

jul 13, 2022, 11:25 am

>208 msf59: So sweet...

jul 13, 2022, 3:06 pm

>216 Familyhistorian: Hi, Meg. Yep, I love that photo.

>217 klobrien2: Happy Wednesday, Karen. I hope to watch another ep or 2 of "Under the Banner" soon.

>218 katiekrug: If it will encourage you at all, Katie, I am really enjoying Gillespie and I very much. My copy sat on shelf for ages too.

>219 lauralkeet: Thanks, Laura. Your day will come, my friend.

>220 richardderus: It has been a good day, RD. Thanks. Spending time with Gillespie and I right now.

>221 laytonwoman3rd: Awwww....

jul 13, 2022, 3:08 pm

Bewerkt: jul 13, 2022, 3:12 pm

>208 msf59: For good reason. It's a lovely image of lovely subjects.

>223 msf59: Some days are just hard on a guy.

jul 13, 2022, 10:52 pm

>208 msf59: Aww! That’s one for the ages.

I’m another one who has had a copy of Gillespie & I languishing on the shelf for a while. I think after Bonnie had read and loved it but it was years and years ago.

Do you watch Better Call Saul, Mark?

jul 14, 2022, 2:09 am

>223 msf59: That was me today!! Without the binky. LOL. I just could not stay awake.

jul 14, 2022, 6:52 am

>208 msf59: What a precious photo!

>223 msf59: Looks like Jackson had a busy day :-)

jul 14, 2022, 7:07 am

‘Morning, Mark, and sweet Thursday to you.

>223 msf59: Speaking of sweet…

>226 Berly: Binky. I called Jenna’s the paci – pa-see – but when she started talking she called it boppy.

Only a few finches over for brekkie right now.

jul 14, 2022, 8:20 am

>224 quondame: Glad you like the Jackson photos, Susan. I can't help myself.

>225 Copperskye: Hi, Joanne. I am flying through Gillespie & I and enjoying it quite a bit. I say move it up in the pile. I watched the first 2 seasons of Better Call Saul but never got back to it. I heard it has been excellent.

>226 Berly: Hey, Kimmers! Sorry, you were wiped out yesterday. Hope you have a bit more energy today.

>227 FAMeulstee: Hi, Anita. Glad you like the Jackson photos.

>228 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Jack still takes comfort in his binky, although I prefer seeing his cute little face without it.
So far, I am just seeing house sparrows at my feeders.

jul 14, 2022, 8:28 am

-The New Yorker

Bewerkt: jul 21, 2022, 8:07 am

^Congratulations to Ada Limon for being selected as our next poet laureate of the U.S. I cannot think of another poet more deserving. We salute you!

A New National Anthem

The truth is, I’ve never cared for the National
Anthem. If you think about it, it’s not a good
song. Too high for most of us with “the rockets
red glare” and then there are the bombs.
(Always, always, there is war and bombs.)
Once, I sang it at homecoming and threw
even the tenacious high school band off key.
But the song didn’t mean anything, just a call
to the field, something to get through before
the pummeling of youth. And what of the stanzas
we never sing, the third that mentions “no refuge
could save the hireling and the slave”? Perhaps,
the truth is, every song of this country
has an unsung third stanza, something brutal
snaking underneath us as we blindly sing
the high notes with a beer sloshing in the stands
hoping our team wins. Don’t get me wrong, I do
like the flag, how it undulates in the wind
like water, elemental, and best when it’s humbled,
brought to its knees, clung to by someone who
has lost everything, when it’s not a weapon,
when it flickers, when it folds up so perfectly
you can keep it until it’s needed, until you can
love it again, until the song in your mouth feels
like sustenance, a song where the notes are sung
by even the ageless woods, the short-grass plains,
the Red River Gorge, the fistful of land left
unpoisoned, that song that’s our birthright,
that’s sung in silence when it’s too hard to go on,
that sounds like someone’s rough fingers weaving
into another’s, that sounds like a match being lit
in an endless cave, the song that says my bones
are your bones, and your bones are my bones,
and isn’t that enough?

-Ada Limon

jul 14, 2022, 10:42 am

>230 msf59: LOLOL

Excellent advice!

Have a lovely afternoon.

jul 14, 2022, 3:04 pm

>232 richardderus: Hey, RD. Enjoying a fine afternoon with the books. Thanks.

Bewerkt: jul 14, 2022, 3:23 pm

>231 msf59: Damn. That poem made me cry. Ada Limon is amazing and I am super excited because she is coming this spring to Portland with Literary Arts. Yay!

jul 15, 2022, 6:52 am

'Morning, Mark! Happy Friday to you.

>231 msf59: Moving words.

jul 15, 2022, 7:15 am

>199 msf59: I am so glad to see that you enjoyed Zorrie. Speaking of Haruf, when are we starting Plainsong?

>203 msf59: I hope it keeps your attention too, Mark!

>208 msf59: >223 msf59: Great pictures!

>230 msf59: Love it!

Happy Friday, Mark. I hope it is a fantastic one!

jul 15, 2022, 7:34 am

Happy Friday!

Hope you have a great weekend!

jul 15, 2022, 7:41 am

>234 Berly: Limon is so damn good, Kim. Glad you get to see her at the Literary Arts event.

>235 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Happy Friday to you too.

>236 alcottacre: Happy Friday, Stasia. You are up early. I really enjoyed Zorrie and so far Gillespie and I is keeping my attention. I am enjoying it very much. We were planning on starting Plainsong the third week of July, so I should be able to start later next week.

>237 figsfromthistle: Happy Friday, Figs. I hope you have a lovely weekend, as well

Bewerkt: jul 15, 2022, 7:46 am

^As a reminder, I plan on starting Plainsong, sometime after the 20th. Of course, jump in and begin anytime you want. I am not setting up a Group Read thread on this one but you can stop by here anytime and leave some comments.

Bewerkt: jul 15, 2022, 8:03 am

-Black-crowned Night Heron. On a recent bird walk, we got to see this beautiful heron and it posed pretty for me too.

jul 15, 2022, 10:00 am

>240 msf59: He certainly did pose for you, didn't he? What a handsome beast.

Enjoy your Harufing, and spending your day with Jackson.

jul 15, 2022, 10:49 am

>239 msf59: I'll definitely join in the Harufing (as our astute Mr. RD calls it. :) )

jul 15, 2022, 5:52 pm

>240 msf59: Great pictures. And right and left profiles are rather different.

jul 15, 2022, 8:34 pm

Halloooo, Mark. Back from my European adventure. Recovering from the covid symptoms that spoiled my Wednesday and Thursday. Looking forward to an Amazon delivery (Saturday) of an SD card reader, so I can transfer the image files from cards to computer. But I also need to communicate with my doctor about having covid. I should be eligible for that anti-viral drug, 'cause I'm now even more of a coot than before. But for me the system works against my karma. Ah... It'll pass.

Picked up a few books in Dublin, so I've got a lot of reading to do. Have a weekend, Mark. Make it a good one.

jul 15, 2022, 9:02 pm

>240 msf59: What lovely photos of a handsome bird!

Happy weekend, Mark.

jul 16, 2022, 7:45 am

>241 richardderus: He certainly is a handsome beast. I start Plainsong later next week. Still enjoying Gillespie and I.

>242 mahsdad: Glad to have you along, Jeff.

>243 quondame: You are correct, Susan. You cannot see the red eye in the top photo, which is striking.

>244 weird_O: Welcome back, Bill. Sorry to hear you caught Covid. Bummer. Hope you are doing better. Looking forward to seeing some vacation photos.

>245 bell7: Thanks, Mary. Have a good weekend too, despite having to work it.

Bewerkt: jul 16, 2022, 9:03 am

-Raymond Antrobus

the rest of this beautiful poem can be found here:

^Thanks to Paul for recommending this collection.

jul 16, 2022, 9:12 am

‘Morning, Mark! Happy Saturday to you.

>240 msf59: Wonderful photos, so detailed – foam, individual hairs on the Heron’s crest.

jul 16, 2022, 10:02 am

>248 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Thanks, in regard to the heron photo. They are striking birds. They nest at this spot in the summer.

jul 16, 2022, 10:53 am

Hi Mark - this week's has two for you >



Yes, the Bird IS Reading!

jul 16, 2022, 1:38 pm

I "started" Plainsong last night. I read two pages and was falling asleep. I read it once before so this is a reread for me, but I am started. I will be on vacation next week so will take it with me and should finish it at that time. Then I plan on reading the rest of his books. I have four of them on my shelves that need to get read.

jul 16, 2022, 4:40 pm

Hi Mark, Happy Saturday!

Northern Shovelers, Steve Jessmore. Won the Fisher Prize from the Audubon Society.

jul 16, 2022, 6:30 pm

Happy weekend, Mark! >147 msf59:. What a cool poem.

jul 17, 2022, 7:58 am

>250 m.belljackson: Thanks, for thinking of me, Marianne. I am not a big collector of this stuff these days but they do look like fun.

>251 benitastrnad: I am glad you started Plainsong, Benita. I am sure it is holding up fine. Where are you going on vacation?

>252 richardderus: Ooh, beautiful, Richard. Quite an image. We get northern shovelers through here during the winter and they are always lovely to look at.

>253 banjo123: Happy Sunday, Rhonda. Glad you like the poem.

jul 17, 2022, 8:22 am

'Morning, Mark, and happy Sunday. Enjoy your free-form morning.

Bewerkt: jul 17, 2022, 8:23 am

^I had a nice hike yesterday, with Bree, Jack and Duke. We walked over 4 miles and saw lots of birds too, which I happily pointed out. Bree got a bunch of Lifers. LOL.

>255 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Hope to spend a lot of time with the books today.

jul 17, 2022, 8:31 am

^Before we started on the hike yesterday, we spotted a baby bird in the parking lot. I was not sure what type of bird it was until I saw the orange/yellow band of it's tail- a baby cedar waxwing. I moved it carefully off the pavement, onto the grass, using a small stick. We mulled over what to do with it, while on our walk. It is recommended that if you find baby birds on the ground, you should leave it because the parents will try to take care of it there. On our return, we relocated it, under a tree, (where it probably fell out of) and sure enough one of the parents was nearby. Wishing the little guy the best of luck.

^An adult cedar waxwing. (NMP)

jul 17, 2022, 8:33 am

>256 msf59: I'm so glad y'all get to spend good time together like this. It's always a good thing to develop those bonds life-long.

Enjoy your Sunday!

jul 17, 2022, 11:54 am

>257 msf59: Baby Bird Rescue - What a Family!

jul 17, 2022, 12:28 pm

Happy Sunday, Mark. Love the photos of Bree and Jackson. I added Gillespie and I to my WL. It’s great when gems that haven’t been mentioned in a while get new life through our group. I don’t remember this one from before.

On your and Paul’s recommendation, i picked up the Raymond Antrobus collection. I sure like the one you posted up there.

Woman of Light is one you’ll appreciate. She has that same great touch with detail that she showed in Sabrina and Corina.

Another gloomy but pleasantly mild day. Hope you have a good one.

jul 17, 2022, 3:04 pm

>258 richardderus: Thanks, Richard. I am very fortunate and also lucky Bree loves being outdoors nearly as much as I do. Hoping Jack follows in our footsteps.

>259 m.belljackson: We aim to please, Ma'am.

>260 jnwelch: Happy Sunday, Joe. Glad you like the photos. I am nearing the finish line on Gillespie and I and it is keeping my attention. I think you will like it. I have Woman of Light on the very short list. Looking forward to it.

jul 17, 2022, 3:22 pm

>256 msf59: Looks like a good day out, Mark, and hopefully a successful baby bird rescue.

jul 17, 2022, 3:51 pm

Mark - here's a reward to please you:

(from today's Wisconsin State Journal)

"BARABOO - There aren't many ways to improve upon a day of hiking and swimming
at Devil's Lake State Park, but let me suggest one:
lunch, dinner, beer or all three at Tumbled Rock Brewery & Kitchen.

The impressive brewery and a half-mile from the park's north entrance...."

jul 17, 2022, 5:33 pm

>256 msf59: Jack looks like he's had a day. Do you keep a list of Jack's Lifers?

Bewerkt: jul 17, 2022, 9:19 pm

>254 msf59:
I am going to Kansas. I do plan on doing a small side trip to Ashfall Fossil Beds State Park in Nebraska. I have never been there and it has been on my list of places to go for some time.

I have just had my first 5 star read of the year! You Don't Belong Here: How Three Women Rewrote the Story of War by Elizabeth Becker is a great good fast paced work of nonfiction that reads like it is a novel. It is about some amazing women who were journalists in the war in Southeast Asia in the 1960's and 1970's. Each of the three have an amazing story and this book makes me want to go read some of the books that they were reading when they were struggling with how to write the Vietnam War. This one was a book bullet from Suzanne a couple of years ago and boy am I glad that she promoted this book. It is very good. This is one for anybody who is interested in the history of Indochina, Cambodia, and the Vietnam War. Just in case you missed it - I highly recommend this one. It may be hard to find, but if all else fails there is always ILL. Use it to get this book. It isn't a big book, but it sure packs alot of history and action between its covers.

jul 18, 2022, 5:48 am

'Morning, Mark! Enjoy your day.

>257 msf59: What a wonderful rescue story. And Cedar Waxwings have the most stunning markings.

jul 18, 2022, 7:48 am

>262 Familyhistorian: It was, Meg. Fingers crossed.

>263 m.belljackson: Ooh, Tumbled Rock Brewery & Kitchen. I don't remember if we went there, last time we camped at Devil's Lake. I will have to keep that one in mind. Thanks.

>264 quondame: Jack loves being outdoors, like his Grandpa. No, we are not keeping a Life List for Jack. Hopefully, that day will come, Susan.

>265 benitastrnad: Have a great vacation, Benita and a safe drive. Let me know how the state park in Nebraska is. I had not heard of it. I will also add You Don't Belong Here to my list. Sounds interesting.

>266 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Glad you like the rescue story. Yes, cedar's are most striking.

jul 18, 2022, 7:56 am

>256 msf59: Bree looks so like her dad in that picture Mark. Glad you had a good walk.

>257 msf59: Awww.

jul 18, 2022, 8:29 am

>268 Caroline_McElwee: Thanks, Caroline. Bree definitely takes after my side of the family.

jul 18, 2022, 8:33 am

>256 msf59: How many lifers did Jack get? Start him early!

>257 msf59: Good on you taking care of the wee one, Mark! I found out last week that one of the owls that I have been watching via live feed in England has died. It made me so depressed - which is probably silly, but there you go.

Have a wonderful week! I am planning on starting Plainsong in the next couple of days.

jul 18, 2022, 2:14 pm

>270 alcottacre: Have a good week too, Stasia. I am not going to count any Life birds for Jack. I will wait until he can start seeing them first. Just a few years away, I hope.

jul 18, 2022, 5:45 pm

"It all started with Nathanael Johnson’s decision to teach his daughter the name of every tree they passed on their walk to day care in San Francisco. This project turned into a quest to discover the secrets of the neighborhood’s flora and fauna and yielded more than names and trivia: Johnson developed a relationship with his nonhuman neighbors."

I discovered Unseen City: The Majesty of Pigeons, the Discreet Charm of Snails & Other Wonders of the Urban Wilderness on my shelf. I can't remember how I acquired this copy. Possibly an ALA book or an advanced copy from the publisher. Regardless, I wanted a shorter read before starting Plainsong so I chose this one- I am finding it engaging.

jul 18, 2022, 6:08 pm

Happy Monday my friend.

jul 18, 2022, 6:26 pm

>272 msf59:. That seems like a good one. On the WL it goes. Since I now have a kindle, I'm going to try to be more aware of these types of books that don't necessarily have to be read on DTE. I checked, and my library has it, I'll have to give it a go, especially after finishing The Overstory

jul 18, 2022, 7:13 pm

>273 Berly: Back at you, Kimmers! 😁

>274 mahsdad: Not far in, Jeff but it has been fun so far.

Bewerkt: jul 19, 2022, 8:43 am

^I finally finished off the first season of "Dark Winds", based on Hillerman's Leaphorn and Chee mystery series. I really enjoyed it. It was great to see a full cast of indigenous Americans represented here too. I also think fans of the TV show "Longmire" will enjoy this one too. It is on AMC.

jul 19, 2022, 8:02 am

>272 msf59: Oo, that one looks good! I hope you enjoy it, Mark.

Happy Tuesday!

jul 19, 2022, 8:42 am

'Morning, Mark, and happy Tuesday with you. I hope the Rehab shift goes well today.

>276 msf59: I loved Longmire, and remember reading perhaps the first 5 or 6 Leaphorn and Chee mysteries. Stopped for some reason, but this is a good series to keep in mind.

jul 19, 2022, 8:47 am

>277 alcottacre: Happy Tuesday, Stasia. If you would like, I could wing Unseen City your way, if you are interested. Unless it falls apart in the second half. 😁

>278 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Yep, getting ready to leave in just a few minutes. Try "Dark Winds", if you can track it down.

jul 19, 2022, 9:05 am

>276 msf59: Yours is The Word. Off to queue it up.

Happy Hotsday!

jul 19, 2022, 1:59 pm

Phew, finally caught up with you Mark. I was three threads behind, what's that a couple of weeks? lol.

I did get an ER book from the May batch, a graphic novel called A Visit to Moscow. The illustrations were by a Ukrainian-born artist and quite interesting. But I agree that the overall quality seems to have nosedived. Not as many arcs going out?

jul 19, 2022, 4:59 pm

>231 msf59: lovely poem! I am so impressed with people who have the poetry gene.

>239 msf59: Plainsong! Wow, I read that ages ago, and still intend to reread it one day. I have also had Benediction on the shelf for a long time, sadly.

jul 19, 2022, 6:13 pm

>280 richardderus: Hey. RD. Let me know it you give Dark Winds a try.

>281 labfs39: Hi, Lisa. Great to see you over here. Glad you were able to snag an ER book. Rare these days. Was the GN any good?

>282 LovingLit: Hi, Megan. Great to see you. Have you read much of Ada Limon's poetry? If not, I highly recommend her. I also highly recommend that you read Benediction. Haruf's final book and it is a gem.

Bewerkt: jul 19, 2022, 6:27 pm

-Michael Ramirez

Bewerkt: jul 20, 2022, 8:10 am

'Morning, Mark. Happy Wednesday to you.

>284 msf59: Nice work by Mr. Ramirez. Sad that came to this.

jul 20, 2022, 9:03 am

>284 msf59: I don't know whether to scream, sob, or puke.

Anyway. It's Wednesday, let's just slip down the slide to the weekend and make the books distract us.

jul 20, 2022, 11:09 am

>283 msf59: It was an interesting story about a rabbi who visits the USSR in the 1960s to investigate reports of Soviet harassment of Jews. He escapes his minder in order to search for a man whose sister in the US has not heard from in ten years. It's short, based on a true experience, but the best part was the illustrations, IMO.

Bewerkt: jul 20, 2022, 11:30 am

Hiya, Mark. As I texted you, I loved that Raymond Antrobus collection, Perseverance. A tip of the hat to Paul and you for recommending it.

A quibble with something up above, Kent Haruf’s last book was Our Soul at Night, not Benediction. Great author; I loved them both. I’ll join you on the Plainsong re-read at the end of the month.

We got out early today to Trader Joe’s. It’s already heating up out there. The kids and their kids arrive tonight.

jul 20, 2022, 12:51 pm

>285 karenmarie: Happy Wednesday, Karen. Go Mr. Ramirez!

>286 richardderus: " scream, sob, or puke." That sure seems to be the reaction, every time I look at the news online or on TV. Sighs...Thank God for the books.

>287 labfs39: Sounds interesting, Lisa. Thanks. Currently my library does not have a copy.

>288 jnwelch: Happy Wednesday, Joe. I am so glad you loved the Antrobus collection. We love those little surprises, don't we? You were right to call me out on the Haruf gaffe. Bad Mark. I had lent out my copy of Our Souls at Night so I had completely forgot about it. I am glad that breeze is blowing out there but it is sure heating up.

Bewerkt: jul 21, 2022, 8:08 am

"Over the course of one unforgettable summer, four orphan vagabonds journey into the unknown, crossing paths with others who are adrift, from struggling farmers and traveling faith healers to displaced families and lost souls of all kinds. With the feel of a modern classic, This Tender Land is an en­thralling, bighearted epic..."

^This Tender Land has been on my radar for a while and I know a few of my book pals loved it, so I decided to make it my next audio. I started it today. I remember reading and enjoying Iron Lake a number of years ago but never went back to the Cork O' Connor series.

jul 20, 2022, 1:58 pm

Hi Mark, lots of good reading going on here. I'm glad Zorrie landed well with you. Such a quiet impactful story.

Jack looks happy with his toy collection, including the mail truck. I know you're pleased to be retired on these hot July days. I really appreciate my mailman in all kinds of weather.

Ah, Cork O'Conner. One of my favorite series. I enjoy the Native American perspective.

jul 20, 2022, 2:09 pm

>276 msf59: oooh! I have to look that one up! Thanks. Happy Hump Day!!

jul 21, 2022, 3:12 am

Happy Thursday, Mark.

This week we mainly have been e-biking, as it was way to hot to walk. We had two special sights in the wood. We saw a fox cub next to the bikning path, it vanished as soon as it saw us. And yesterday a buzzard sitting at a pole, at less than 3 meters!

jul 21, 2022, 7:28 am

'Morning, Mark. Happy Thursday to you.

Hot, hot, hot here today, 94F, with a heat index of 103F. Potential for severe storms, too. Ah, summertime in the mid-Atlantic states.

A few finches are hanging around the sunflower seed feeder. No other visitors right now.

Unfortunately, our kitty Zoe Rose is a huntress. She brought in a Chipping Sparrow yesterday, but Jenna quickly wrested it from her, took it outside, and before she could even find a safe haven for it, it had flown off. I told Zoe to stop trying to feed us.

jul 21, 2022, 7:38 am

>291 Donna828: Sweet Thursday, Donna. Yep, Zorrie was an absolute treat. I think Jack is more into exploring than playing with his toy collection at this point but he does take mini-breaks. And you are correct, I do not miss these hot days out on the route. Ugh. I can still get out birding for short stretches but can finish up before the real heat arrives. This Tender Land may inspire me to get back the Cork O' Connor series.

>292 Berly: Hi, Kimmers. I would definitely recommend you looking up "Dark Winds".

jul 21, 2022, 7:44 am

>293 FAMeulstee: Sweet Thursday, Anita. How do you like your e-bike? I see them once in a while on the trails. Ooh, a fox pup and a vulture! Nice sightings!

>294 karenmarie: Morning, Karen. Keep cool down there in NC. It looks like we will be around 90F. Looks like much of the country is frying right now. Zoe is just going with her instincts. Is she the only inside/outside cat? I am glad the chipping sparrow managed to survive.
Dit onderwerp werd voortgezet door Mark's Reading Place: Chapter Ten.