PlaatsenSussex, England, UK

Werken (381)

20 Sussex Churches door Simon Watney
20 Sussex Gardens (Sussex Guide) door Lorraine Harrison
30 Walks in Sussex door AA Publishing
50 Walks in Sussex door Nick Channer
AA Street by Street Sussex door Automobile Association
Accommodating high churchmen : the clergy of Sussex, 1700-1745 door Jeffrey S. Chamberlain
Across Sussex With Belloc: In the Footsteps of the Four Men door Bob Copper
Adeline door Norah Vincent
Adolf Hitler's Home Counties holiday snaps : Luftwaffe target reconnaissance : German aerial photography 1939-1942 : Berkshire, Essex, Kent, London, Surrey, Sussex door Nigel J. Clarke
The Adventure of Black Peter (short story) door Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventure of the Lion's Mane [short story] door Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire [short story] door Arthur Conan Doyle
After Julius door Elizabeth Jane Howard
After the Kiss door Suzanne Enoch
After the Party door Cressida Connolly
Alice Lorraine: a tale of the South Downs door R. D. Blackmore
Alka-Seltzer Guide to the Pubs of Sussex door Rhonda Madge Smith
Always a Scoundrel door Suzanne Enoch
Ancient Churches of Sussex door Ken Whiteman
Angels in the Sussex Air: Anthology of Sussex Poets door Patrick Garland
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle door Anonymousas Sussex, England
The Annotated Sherlock Holmes: Volume II door Arthur Conan Doyle
The Anonymous Miss Addams door Kasey Michaels
Apples & Orchards in Sussex door Brian Short
Archaeology in Sussex to AD 1500 : essays for Eric Holden door Peter Drewett
The Archaeology of Sussex to AD 2000 door David Rudling
Arundel Castle door John Martin Robinson
Battle Over Sussex, 1940 door Pat Burgess
Beautiful Sussex door J. Salmon Ltd
Beekeeping for Beginners door Laurie R. King
Before the Scandal door Suzanne Enoch
Beloved Sacrifice door Lila Dubois
Beyond Reproach door Jenny Simpson
Birds of Sussex door Paul James
The Birds of Sussex : Their Present Status door Michael Shrubb
A Bitter Truth door Charles Todd
The Black Hand door Will Thomas
Blitz Over Sussex, 1941-42 door Pat Burgess
Bloomsbury in Sussex (Sussex Guide) door Simon Watney
Bob Copper's Sussex door Bob Copper
The Bones of You door Debbie Howells
The Book of Fires door Jane Borodale
The Boundary Line door Denise Robins
A Brief History of the Anglo-Saxons door Geoffrey Hindley
British Railways Past and Present: Sussex door Terry Gough
De Bruidskist door Kate Mosse
The Building of Georgian Chichester door Alan H.J. Green
Burwash and the Sussex Weald door James Goodwin
Calendar of Sussex marriage licences recorded in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Chichester for the Archdeaconry of Chichester, June, 1575, to December, 1730 door Edwin Hadlow Wise Dunkin
Calendar of Sussex marriage licences recorded in the peculiar courts of the Dean of Chichester and of the Archbishop of Canterbury : Deanery of Chichester, January, 1582-3, to December, 1730. Deaneries of Pagham and Tarring, January, 1579-80, to November, 1730 door Edwin Hadlow Wise Dunkin
The Case of the Undiscovered Corpse door Charlie Cochrane
Casting Off door Elizabeth Jane Howard
Chalk of Sussex and Kent door Rory N. Mortimore
A Chance Encounter door Mary Balogh
Chichester Remembered door Phil Hewitt
Chichester: A Contemporary View door Richard Pailthorpe
Chichester: An Illustrated History door Kenneth Green
Childhood in Edwardian Sussex: The Making of a Naturalist door Margaret M Hutchinson
Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm door Stella Gibbons
Christmas Past in Sussex door Fran Doel
Cittaviveka: Teaching from the Silent Mind- With Other Narratives of the Monastic Life door Bhikkhu Sumedho
Classic Landforms of the Sussex Coast (Classic Landform Guides) door Rodney Castleden
Cold Comfort Farm door Stella Gibbons
The companion guide to Kent and Sussex door Keith Spence
A compendious history of Sussex, topographical, archaeological & anecdotical : containing an index to the first twenty volumes of the "Sussex archaeological collections" door Mark A. Lower
A Compendious History of Sussex, Topographical, Archaeological & Anecdotical Vol. I door Mark A. Lower
A Compendious History of Sussex, Topographical, Archaeological & Anecdotical Vol. II door Mark A. Lower
Conference at Cold Comfort Farm door Stella Gibbons
Confusion door Elizabeth Jane Howard
A Country Woman's Journal: The Sketchbook of a Passionate Naturalist door Margaret Shaw
County Maps and Histories: Sussex door Valerie Scott
Cycle Tour: Kent, Surrey and Sussex (Cycle Tours S.) door Ordnance Survey
Cycle Tours: 24 One-day Routes in Kent, Surrey, Sussex (Ordnance Survey Cycle Tours) door Nick Cotton
Het dal der verschrikking door Arthur Conan Doyle
Dead and Buried in Sussex door David Arscott
Death Behind Closed Doors door Jon Neal
A detective in Sussex: Landscape clues to the riddles of the past door Donald Maxwell
A Dictionary of Sussex Folk Medicine door Andrew Allen
A Dictionary Of The Sussex Dialect (Sussex Guide) door W. D. Parish
Disney's Winnie the Pooh: A Celebration of the Silly Old Bear door Christopher Finch
Dodelijke nalatenschap door Laurie R. King
Domesday book in relation to the county of Sussex door W. D. Parish
Domesday Book: A Complete Translation door G. H. Martin
Domesday Book: Sussex door John Morris
The Double Wager door Mary Balogh
Dragonmede door Rona Randall
Drives Around Brighton (Highways & Byways S.) door Robin Mead
Early to Rise : A Sussex Boyhood door Bob Copper
East Anglia: Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk (National Index of Parish Registers, vol. 7) door Patrick T. R. Palgrave-Moore
An Eccentric Tour of Sussex (Sussex Guide) door Peter Bridgewater
Edith Bevan and the Mid Sussex Suffragists door Frances Stenlake
Emperor of the If door Guy Dent
The End of the House of Alard door Sheila Kaye-Smith
The English Counties Illustrated door C. E. M. Joad
Erotic Brits door Jacqueline Applebee
Exit Sherlock Holmes: The Great Detective's Final Days door Robert Lee Hall
Explore Sussex door David Arscott
The Eye of the Storm door Catherine Jones
Family on the Tide door Frank Knight
Family Trees door Kate Alexander
Family Walks in the Weald of Kent & Sussex door Clive Cutter
Field Paths and Green Lanes in Surrey and Sussex, fifth edition with illustrations, first published 1877 door Louis J. Jennings
The Final Solution: A Story of Detection door Michael Chabon
The First Sontarans door Andrew Smith
Flowers of Evil door John Sherwood
The Four Men door Hilaire Belloc
Francis Frith's Around Chichester door Martin Andrew
Front-Line Sussex: Napoleon Bonaparte to The Cold War door Peter Longstaff-Tyrrell
A Fête Worse Than Death door Dolores Gordon-Smith
The Garden of England: The Counties of Kent, Surrey and Sussex (Country Series) door Robin Whiteman
The Genealogist's Encyclopedia door L. G. Pine
The Geology and Fossils of the tertiary and cretaceous formations of Sussex door Frederic Dixon
A Ghost of a Chance door Peter Guttridge
The Good Plain Cook door Bethan Roberts
A guide to the birds of Sussex door Forges G. des
A Guide to the Industrial Archaeology of Sussex door John Blackwell
De hammenkoning door P. G. Wodehouse
Hancox door Charlotte Moore
De hand van de duivel door Diana Gabaldon
A Handbook for Travellers in Kent and Sussex: With Map (Classic Reprint) door John Murray
Het hart van de vijand door Helen Kirkman
Hatchments in Britain - Vol 5 - Kent, Surrey, Sussex door Peter Summers
Heroes of Fighter Command Sussex (Aviation History) door Rupert Matthews
Hidden Places of the South East: Surrey, Sussex, Kent (Hidden Places Travel Guides) door Scott Shane
Highways and Byways in Sussex door E. V. Lucas
Historic Towns of South-East England: Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire door David Lloyd
An Historical Atlas of Sussex door Kim Leslie
History of Sussex (Darwen County History) door J. R. Armstrong
A history of Sussex birds Volume 1, Raven to Eastern Great Reed-Warbler door John Walpole-Bond
A History of Sussex Birds Volume 2, Reed-Warbler to Teal door John Walpole-Bond
A history of Sussex birds Volume 3, American blue winged teal to red-legged partridge door John Walpole-Bond
Home by Nightfall door Charles Finch
The House on Cold Hill door Peter James
How To Tame a Lady door Kasey Michaels
How to Tempt a Duke door Kasey Michaels
How to Woo a Spinster door Kasey Michaels
In Praise of Sussex door David Arscott
Insight Guides : Great Breaks : Brighton, Sussex & the South Downs door Insight Guides
Instruments of Darkness door Gary Russell
It Happened One Midnight door Julie Anne Long
Ivon Hitchens: Space through Colour door Anne Goodchild
Justice Hall door Laurie R. King
Kelly's 1918 Directories of Kent, Surrey & Sussex
Kelly's Directory of Kent Surrey Sussex Compendium 1913 door Kelly's Directories
Kent & Sussex (Battlefield Walks) door Rupert Matthews
Kent and Sussex (Philip's Cycle Tours) door Philip's
Kent, Surrey & Sussex door John Tookey
Kent, Sussex & Surrey door S.E. Winbolt
The King in the North: The Life and Times of Oswald of Northumbria door Max Adams
The King of Terror door Keith Topping
The King's England : Sussex : the garden by the sea door Arthur Mee
Kipling's Sussex door R. Thurston Hopkins
Kipling's Sussex door Michael Smith
Een kleine dwaling van de geest door Mitch Cullin
Laat me nooit alleen door Kazuo Ishiguro
Lady Helena Investigates door Jane Steen
Landranger Map 186: Aldershot, Guildford and Surrounding Area door Ordnance Survey
The Landscape of Sussex: An Evocative View in Words and Pictures
Landscape Walks in Sussex: Exploring the Geology of Sussex door Colin Mitchell
The Language of Bees door Laurie R. King
The Last English King door Julian Rathbone
De leerling van de bijenhouder door Laurie R. King
The Legacy of the Rose door Kasey Michaels
Letters for a Spy (aka The Sentimental Spy) door Alice Chetwynd Ley
The Light Years door Elizabeth Jane Howard
Literary originals of Sussex : containing a full list of imaginary place names mentioned in Sussex novels and the general literature of the county, with an alphabetical list of the originals : also an extensive reference section dealing with local geography in Sussex literature door Thurston Hopkins
Literary walks in the South Country : 20 family walks reprinted from The news door John Price
The Little Book of Sussex door David Arscott
Living in Fear
Living Sussex door David Arscott
Locomotives Illustrated 119 May-June 1998 door Brian Stephenson
Lord Fordington's Offer door Sally James
The lure of Sussex;: A record of indolent travel door Robert Thurston Hopkins
De majoor en mevrouw Ali door Helen Simonson
The Mantrap Garden door John Sherwood
Marking Time door Elizabeth Jane Howard
Mary Rose door J. M. Barrie
Mary Russell's War door Laurie R. King
Menacing Groves door John Sherwood
Merrie England: A Journey Through the Shire door Joseph Pearce
Mihte's Quest: Kids in the Underworld (2nd Ed) door Lookman
Miscellaneous Records: Ecclesiastical Returns in East Sussex in 1603; Poll for the Knights of the Shire of Sussex 1705; door Walter C. Renshaw
Mist over Londen door C. J. Sansom
More Sussex Walks door J. A. Brooks
Mrs. Hudson's Case door Laurie R. King
Murder at Beechlands (Rue Morgue Vintage Mystery) door Maureen Sarsfield
Murder at Shots Hall door Maureen Sarsfield
Murder Has a Motive door Francis Duncan
The Murder of Mary Russell door Laurie R. King
De nacht van de vogels door Kate Mosse
National Velvet door Enid Bagnold
Nature Guide to South-East England door John Sankey
Nature in Downland door W. H. Hudson
Necessary Evil door Ian Tregillis
Newhaven and Seaford Branch (Locomotion Papers) door R. W. Kidner
A Night to Surrender door Tessa Dare
The North Downs, South Downs and the Weald: Nineteen traffic-free mountain bike and cycle routes for all levels of rider (Ride Your Bike) door Nick Cotton
Notes on Sussex Churches door Frederick Harrison
Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, mentioned in Domesday book, and those of more recent date. Including comparative lists of the churches, and some account of the sepulchral memorials and other antiquities door Arthur Hussey
Observations on the coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty: made in the summer of door William Gilpin
De oceaan aan het einde van het pad door Neil Gaiman
Off the Beaten Track in Sussex door Arthur Stanley Cooke
The old homes of Britain: the Southern counties; Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey and Middlesex door Christopher Hussey
Pardonable Lies | Messenger of Truth door Jacqueline Winspear
Passion's Ransom (Zebra Historical Romance) door Betina Krahn
Passport to Here and There door Grace Nichols
Path: A short story about reciprocity door Louisa Thomsen Brits
The Pebbles on the Beach door Clarence Ellis
The Penguin Guides: Surrey door F. R. Banks
The Penn Country in Sussex [England]: Home of Pennsylvania's Founder Abounds in Quaker History and Memories of Adventurous Smugglers. door Col. P. T. Etherton
The People of Hidden Sussex door Warden Swinfen
Pevensey Castle, Sussex door Sir Charles Reed Peers
The Place-Names of Sussex, Part One door Allen Mawer
The Place-Names of Sussex, Part Two door Allen Mawer
Portrait of Sussex. door Cecile Woodford
Prehistoric Sussex door Miles Russell
A Presents Christmas Bundle (3-in-1) door Margaret Mayo
A Promise Is For Ever door Denise Robins
The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex. Field Guide. door Murton J. B. Whiteman C. A. Edited
Reckless door Amanda Quick
The Reckoning door Rennie Airth
Recollections of Sussex Parson: Rev. Edward Boys Ellman 1815-1906 Rector of Berwick, East Sussex door Edward Boys Ellman
A report on the agriculture and soils of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex / door Sir Daniel Hall
Rescue archaeology in Sussex, 1975 door Peter Drewett
Rescue archaeology in Sussex, 1976 door Peter Drewett
Rescue archaeology in Sussex, 1978 : a fifth progress report on the Sussex Archaeological Field Unit door Peter Drewett
Roman Chichester door Alec Down
Roman Sussex door Miles Russell
Roman Sussex : illustrated door Ivan D. Margary
Roodgevlamde zijde door Rosemary Sutcliff
Rural Rides door William Cobbett
A Safe Haven door Rowena Summers
Salacious Sussex door Viv Croot
Sand for Dreams door V. S. Carnes
Sandrock in the Weald of Kent, Sussex and Surrey : a guide to a unique feature and its internationally rare wildlife door High Weald Forum
Saxon Churches of Sussex door E. A. Fisher
Scene in Sussex door Ralph Lewis
Scenes from Provincial Life: Knightly Families in Sussex, 1280-1400 door Nigel Saul
Second Chance door Claire Lorrimer
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters door Ben H. Winters
The Shell Book of Exploring Britain door Garry Hogg
Shelley door Roger Ingpen
Shepherds of Sussex door Barclay Wills
Sherlock Holmes: Gods of War door James Lovegrove
Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Perfidious Mariner door Jonathan Barnes
The Shortest Way to Hades door Sarah Caudwell
Small Talk in Sussex door Esther Meynell
The Smuggled Heart = Debt of Honor door Barbara Cartland
Smuggling in Kent and Sussex, 1700-1840 door Mary Waugh
South Coast Railways : Brighton to Eastbourne door Victor Mitchell
The south country trout streams door GEORGE A. B. DEWAR
South East England: The Cinque Ports of Sussex Pt. 3: Channel Coastlands (Landscapes of Britain) door Roy Millward
South East England: Wellbye's Roadfaring Guides No. 2 door Reginald Wellbye
The South Saxons door Peter Brandon
The South-East Down and Weald: Kent, Surrey and Sussex door John Talbot White
South-east England door Oliver Mason
South-East England door Richard Wyndham
Southdown Walks: 32 Downland Rambles from Brighton and Worthing door Colin Ulph
Spitfires Over Sussex: The Exploits of 602 Squadron door David Rowland
Stansted Park door Bessborough
The Story of Arundel door Francis D. Allison
The Story of Chichester door Philip MacDougall
The Stratton Story door Elizabeth Cadell
The Stress of Her Regard door Tim Powers
A Study in Sussex [short story] door Leah A. Zeldes
Surrey & Sussex Walks door Jarrold Publishing
Surrey and Sussex door William Camden
Surrey and Sussex by Rail (By rail series) door Graham Collett
Sussex door Ronald F. Jessup
Sussex door S. P. B. Mais
Sussex door Augustus J. C. Hare
Sussex door Ian Nairn
Sussex door Esther Meynell
Sussex door Reginald Turnor
Sussex door Desmond Seward
Sussex door F. G. Brabant
Sussex door Barbara Willard
Sussex door George F Bosworth
Sussex : the resorts and villages of East and West Sussex door Kenneth E. Lowther
Sussex and Hampshire (Branches & Byways) door John Vaughan
Sussex and the Spanish Armada door Jeremy J. Goring
Sussex Archaeological Collections relating to the History and Antiquities of the Counties of East and West Sussex. Volume 129 door Sussex. Sussex Archaeological Collections.
Sussex archaeological collections relating to the history and antiquities of the county, volume 117 door Sussex Archaeological Society
Sussex Archaeological Collections Vol 153, 2015 door Luke Barber
Sussex Archaeological Collections Vol. LIV.
Sussex Archaeological Collections Volume 125, 1987 door T. P. Hudson
Sussex Archaeological Collections Volume 159 - 2021 door Jaime Kaminski
Sussex archaeological collections, vol. 43
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 10 door Sussex Archaeological Society
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 108
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 110 - 1972
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 134, 1996 door Gwen Jones
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 137, 1999 door The Sussex Archaeological Society
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 140, 2002 door Malcolm Kitch
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 141, 2003 door John Manley
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 142, 2004 door Malcolm Kitch
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 143, 2005 door Luke Barber
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 48 door Sussex Archaeological Society
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 60 (LX) - 1919
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 67 - 1926
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 70 - 1929
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 86 - 1947
Sussex Archaeological Collections: Vol. 90 - 1952 door Sussex Archaeological Society
Sussex as She Wus Spoke: A Guide to the Sussex Dialect door Tony Wales
The Sussex Bedside Anthology door Margaret Goldsworthy
Sussex Bedside Book door Arscott David
Sussex by the Sea door Michael George
Sussex churches and chapels door David Beevers
Sussex Depicted: Views and Descriptions 1600-1800 (Sussex Record Society) door John H. Farrant
The Sussex Downs Murder door John Bude
Sussex Folk And Sussex Ways: Stray Studies In The Wealden Formation Of Human Nature (1884) door John Coker Egerton
A Sussex Garland door Tony Wales
Sussex Geology and Other Essays door Edward A. Martin
Sussex Ghost Stories door Richard Holland
Sussex historic buildings the properties of the Sussex Archaeological Society door Sussex Archaeological Society
Sussex Industrial Archaeology: A Field Guide door Brian Austen
The Sussex Landscape door William Harding Thompson
Sussex Martyrs of the Reformation door Edward T Stoneham
Sussex Miscellany door Sophie Collins
Sussex Narrow Gauge door Vic Mitchell
Sussex Notes And Queries: A Quarterly Journal of The Sussex Archaeological Society. Volume IV. door Mary S. Holgate
Sussex notes and queries; a quarterly journal of the Sussex archæological society; Vol. 2, 1928-29. door Sussex Archaeological Society
Sussex of One Hundred Years Ago door Aylwin Guilmant
A Sussex peep-show door Walter Wilkinson
Sussex pilgrimages, door R. Thurston Hopkins
Sussex plant atlas: selected supplement door Mary Briggs
Sussex pottery door J. Manwaring Baines
Sussex Privies door David Arscott
The Sussex Scene - Artists in Sussex in the Twentieth Century door Norbert Lynton
Sussex Shipwrecks door Nicholas Thornton
The Sussex Story door David Arscott
Sussex the County In Colour door David Arscott
Sussex Tree Book Pb door Owen Johnson
Sussex Villages door Michael Baker
Sussex Wild Flowers door Mary Briggs
Sussex Women door Ann Kramer
Sussex Writers & Artists (Sussex Guide) door Edward Lucie-Smith
Sussex: A Kipling Anthology door Leslie Benenson
Sussex: a Portrait in Colour door Andy Williams
Sussex: people, places, things door Bernard Price
Sweet Sussex: Folk Songs from the Broadwood Collections door Lewis Jones
Séances Are for Suckers door Tamara Berry
Tales of the Great Detectives door Philip Purser-Hallard
The Tide of War door Seth Hunter
A Tour Along the Sussex Coast (Sussex Guide) door David Arscott
Tour travel map 18 : 1:100 000 : Surrey, West and East Sussex, South West London [2002] door Ordnance Survey
Tourists' Guide to the County of Sussex door George Frederick Chambers
Tracking the Man-beasts: Sasquatch, Vampires, Zombies, and More door Joe Nickell
A Treasury of Sussex Folklore door Tony Wales
De Triffids komen door John Wyndham
Twee weken weg door R. C. Sherriff
Twilight door Peter James
The Two Pound Tram door William Newton
Two Rogues Make a Right door Cat Sebastian
Unknown Sussex door Donald Maxwell
De uren door Michael Cunningham
The Vagabond Duchess door Claire Thornton
The Vampire: An Anthology door Ornella Volta
De verrader (So disdained) door Nevil Shute
Verstand en gevoel door Jane Austen
Victorian & Edwardian Sussex door Martin Andrew
Victorian and Edwardian Sussex door James S Gray
View of Sussex door Ben Darby
Virginia Woolf and Monk's House (East Sussex) (National Trust Guidebooks) door Richard Shone
Walking in Sussex: Long Distance and Day Walks: 40 Selected Walks (Cicerone British Walking) door Kev Reynolds
Watermills: Kent and the Borders of Sussex (Kent Archaeological Society) door fullermj
The Weald door S. W. Wooldridge
The Wealden District (British Regional Geology) door British Geological Survey
Wealden Iron ( Sussex, Surrey, kent) door Ernest Straker
What I Did for a Duke door Julie Anne Long
When The Wind Blows [1986 film] door Jimmy T. Murakami
Where Man Belongs door H. J. Massingham
Where to Watch Birds in Kent, Surrey and Sussex door D.W. Taylor
Wild Heart (Zebra Debut) door Lori Brighton
William Blake in Sussex: Visions of Albion door Andrew Loukes
Windmills of Sussex door Brian Austen
Women of Victorian Sussex: Their Status, Occupations and Dealings with the Law, 1830-1870 door Helena Wojtczak
The Wood Nymph door Mary Balogh
The Worthies of Sussex : biographical sketches of the most eminent natives or inhabitants of the county, from the earliest period to the present time : with incidental notices, illustrative of Sussex history door Mark A. Lower
Zwijgend als een non door Antonia Fraser