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Cold Comfort Farm (1932)

door Stella Gibbons

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5,8412281,757 (3.99)1 / 649
When sensible, sophisticated Flora Poste is orphaned at nineteen, she decides her only choice is to descend upon relatives in deepest Sussex. At the aptly named Cold Comfort Farm, she meets the doomed Starkadders: cousin Judith, heaving with remorse for unspoken wickedness; Amos, preaching fire and damnation; their sons, lustful Seth and despairing Reuben; child of nature Elfine; and crazed old Aunt Ada Doom, who has kept to her bedroom for the last twenty years. But Flora loves nothing better than to organize other people. Armed with common sense and a strong will, she resolves to take each of the family in hand. A hilarious and merciless parody of rural melodramas, Cold Comfort Farm (1932) is one of the best-loved comic novels of all time.… (meer)
  1. 162
    Emma door Jane Austen (ncgraham)
    ncgraham: Flora is very clearly modeled on Emma.
  2. 121
    De abdij van Northanger door Jane Austen (ncgraham)
    ncgraham: Another brilliant parody.
  3. 50
    Sophie, een liefde zonder angst door Georgette Heyer (Bjace)
    Bjace: While it's not in the same genre, the books are similiar. Both Sophy and Flora Post are Miss Fix-its, whose practical, problem-solving approach to life is a contrast to the silliness of their relatives. Also, both are delightful reads in different ways.
  4. 40
    Who Was Changed And Who Was Dead door Barbara Comyns (laytonwoman3rd)
  5. 30
    Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions door Daniel Wallace (msouliere)
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    Mapp and Lucia door E. F. Benson (Michael.Rimmer)
  7. 53
    Een kamer met uitzicht door E. M. Forster (upster)
    upster: It's refreshing and fun
  8. 20
    The Straight and Narrow Path door Honor Tracy (rebeccanyc)
    rebeccanyc: Another satire, this time of the Irish countryside, the English in Ireland, and the Catholic church.
  9. 10
    Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day door Winifred Watson (amanda4242)
    amanda4242: Both books are sure to cheer up anyone having a miserable day.
  10. 01
    Kostbaar gif door Mary Webb (KayCliff)
    KayCliff: The one is a parody of the other.
  11. 02
    Mijn familie & andere beesten door Gerald Durrell (MyriadBooks)
  12. 04
    De regenboog door D. H. Lawrence (thorold)
    thorold: The Rainbow is a great novel that's well worth reading for its own sake, but it's also the supreme example of the over-portentous way of writing about the countryside that makes the parody in Cold Comfort Farm so hilarious.
1930s (5)
My TBR (26)
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1-5 van 227 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
another book that was sujpposed to be funny that was tedious and offensive. the characters were cartoonish and most grew very little. this was supposed to be a parody of quality literature, but the writing was so facile it was difficult to identify with anyone. and there were so many unbelievable coincidences that detracted from the story. the only jewish character was presented very poorly, and the characters laughed at a character named adolf. adolf was definitely not a funny character. a real waste! ( )
  suesbooks | Jul 14, 2024 |
Wonderfully funny but nothing that overly stood out for me, personally, to make it a must-read.
  EnchantedCabin | Jul 8, 2024 |
[3.5] for a (modern) classic, this was so easy to read in terms of language and the lengh of it, it never felt like a chore to read it. i was a little apprehensive going in that i wouldn't find it as funny as everyone said i would, but i did see the humour throughout, and genuinely enojoyed the characters too. ( )
  abiiharrisonn | Jul 6, 2024 |
I hate it when I have to admit I don't "get" a book. It makes me feel dumb. That said, I "get" what Gibbons was doing with this "comic" novel (and there are some pretty funny bits), but not having the background knowledge of or familiarity with English rural novels popular at the time, much of it went over my head. It's also an odd book in terms of being set in the "near future" (it was published in 1932) with tiny details to indicate as much, but I didn't see the point of those or of the conceit in general.

It wasn't a waste of time, exactly, but it was far from a satisfying read.

3.25 stars ( )
  katiekrug | Jun 4, 2024 |
A delightful witty tale (set in the "near future" when written in 1932) of the efforts of Flora Poste (poverty-stricken in a genteel sort of way) to civilize her earthy eccentric cousins, the Starkadders of Cold Comfort Farm, Sussex, where she has decided to live after her parents died leaving her a meager income of 100 pounds a year. Not only must she deal with a slew of Biblically named male cousins (whose wives stay in the village to avoid the wrath of Aunt Ada Doom), but there are the animals---a bull named Big Business, and cows called Aimless, Feckless, Pointless and Graceless, one of whom is always misplacing a hoof or a leg. Daft, altogether. I enjoyed it a lot.
Reviewed in 2009
  laytonwoman3rd | Jun 3, 2024 |
1-5 van 227 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (7 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Gibbons, Stellaprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Blake, QuentinIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Chast, RozArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Jenkinson, ChristopherVoorwoordSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Massey, AnnaVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Scales, PrunellaNarratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Simmonds, PosyIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Spencer, StanleyArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Truss, LynneIntroductieSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Vales, José C.VertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery
Mansfield Park.

The action of the story takes place in the near future.
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Allan and Ina
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To Anthony Pookworthy, Esq., A.B.S., L.L.R.

My dear Tony,
It is with something more than the natural deference of a tyro at the loveliest, most arduous and perverse of the arts in the presence of a master-craftsman that I lay this book before you. (Foreword)
The education bestowed upon Flora Poste by her parents had been expensive, athletic and prolonged; and when they died within a few weeks of one another during the annual epidemic of influenza or Spanish Plague which occured in her twentieth year, she was discovered to possess every art and grace save that of earning her own living.
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"I saw something nasty in the woodshed!"
She loved them all dearly, but this evening she just did not want to see them any more.
There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort.
"Straw or chaff, leaf or fruit, we mun all come to 't."
"Curses, like rookses, comes home to rest in bosomes and barnses."
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When sensible, sophisticated Flora Poste is orphaned at nineteen, she decides her only choice is to descend upon relatives in deepest Sussex. At the aptly named Cold Comfort Farm, she meets the doomed Starkadders: cousin Judith, heaving with remorse for unspoken wickedness; Amos, preaching fire and damnation; their sons, lustful Seth and despairing Reuben; child of nature Elfine; and crazed old Aunt Ada Doom, who has kept to her bedroom for the last twenty years. But Flora loves nothing better than to organize other people. Armed with common sense and a strong will, she resolves to take each of the family in hand. A hilarious and merciless parody of rural melodramas, Cold Comfort Farm (1932) is one of the best-loved comic novels of all time.

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0.5 2
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2 67
2.5 23
3 247
3.5 95
4 586
4.5 88
5 467

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