Auteurswolk voor WatsonsatKenwood

Henry Adams(2) James Truslow Adams(2) Samuel Hopkins Adams(1) Julia de Wolf Gibbs Addison(1) Aeschylus(1) Aesop(1) Dante Alighieri(1) Israel Ward Andrews(1) Paul M. Angle(1) Edward Arnold(1) A. J. Ashton(1) Margot Asquith(1) Saint Augustine(1) John Ayscough(1) Francis Bacon(1) N.J. Bailes(1) Ray Stannard Baker(1) Ernesta Drinker Ballard(1) Arvède Barine(1) Maurice Baring(1) Margaret Campbell Barnes(1) A. J. Barnouw(1) J. G. Bartholomew(1) John Bartlett(1) Bernard M. Baruch(1) Joseph Henry Beale(1) Charles A. Beard(1) Sybille Bedford(1) Thomas Beer(1) Stephen Vincent Benét(2) Robert Spiers Benjamin(1) E. F. Benson(1) Robert Hugh Benson(1) Georges Bernanos(1) Carmen Bernos de Gasztold(1) baron Eugène-Napoléon Beyens(1) Helene Böhlau(1) Frederick Edwin Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead(1) Frederick Winston Furneaux Smith Birkenhead(1) Edward Townsend Booth(1) Mary Borden(1) Catherine Drinker Bowen(1) Claude Gernade Bowers(3) Johannes Brahams(1) Ellis Briggs(1) Louis Bromfield(1) Earl Browder(2) Robert Browning(2) John Mason Brown(1) James Bryce(1) John Bunyan(1) Edmund Burke(1) John N. Burk(1) James MacGregor Burns(1) Robert Burns(1) Struthers Burt(1) Caroline Butini Boissier(1) Roger Butterfield(2) Richard Evelyn Byrd(1) James Branch Cabell(1) Erskine Caldwell(1) Émile Cammaerts(1) André Castelot(1) Bruce Catton(1) Richard Challoner(1) Elizabeth Williams Champney(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) Clarke F. Ansley (editor in chief)(1) Samuel Chotzinoff(1) Randolph S. Churchill(1) Marcus Tullius Cicero(1) Harry M. Clor(1) Tristram Coffin(1) Morris Raphael Cohen(1) Margaret L. Coit(1) Maurice Collis(2) Egon Caesar Conte Corti(1) Edward Samuel Corwin(1) Virginia Cowles(1) Dormer Creston(1) Homer S. Cummings(1) Richard Henry Dana(1) Clemence Dane(1) Henri Daniel-Rops(2) Jonathan Daniels(2) Charles Darwin(2) Peter Daubeny(1) Alphonse Daudet(1) Burke Davis(1) Kenneth S. Davis(2) Chauncey M. Depew(1) E. J. Devine(1) Charles Dickens(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(1) Amanda M. Douglas(1) Edward Dowden(1) Olin Dows(1) John Dryden(1) Maurice Dumesnil(1) R. C. DUNCAN(1) William S. Dutton(1) Henry Van Dyke(1) Maurice Francis Egan(1) Elbert Hubbard(1) Charles William Eliot(1) George Fielding Eliot(1) Arthur Elson(2) Ralph Waldo Emerson(1) Ernest Closson(1) Morton Eustis(1) Leolyn Louise Everett(1) 1931 (PARIS). Section Portugaise. Exposition Coloniale Internationale(1) Viscount Grey of Fallodon(1) William Faulkner(1) Élie Faure(3) Bernard Faÿ(1) Lion Feuchtwanger(1) Henry T. Finck(1) John Fiske(1) Brian FitzGerald(1) F. Scott Fitzgerald(1) Peter Fleming(1) Paul Leicester Ford(1) Felix Frankfurter(1) Benjamin Franklin(1) Louis Alexander Freedman(1) Frank Freidel(1) René Fülöp-Miller(1) John Fyvie(1) Emile Joseph Galet(1) Ernest Arthur Gardner(1) Romain Gary(1) Henry Geldzahler(1) Hugh Gibson(1) Eric Gill(1) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1) Arthur Gold(1) Edmund Gosse(1) Graham Greene(1) Philip Guedalla(1) John Gunther(1) Lord Frederic Hamilton(2) Moss Hart(1) Alden Hatch(1) Charles Downer Hazen(1) Lillie de Hegermann-Lindencrone(2) W. Edwin Hemphill(1) Burton J. Hendrick(1) Rudolf Herzog(1) Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg(1) Oliver Wendell Holmes(1) Homer(1) Herbert Hoover(1) Harry Lloyd Hopkins(1) Prince Charles Hopkins(1) Pryns Hopkins(1) Edwin Palmer Hoyt(2) Sisley Huddleston(1) W. H. Hudson(1) Philip Hughes(1) James Huneker(2) Aldous Huxley(1) Joris-Karl Huysmans(1) Harold L. Ickes(1) Ralph Ingersoll(2) Anne Roller Issler(1) David Jacobs(1) Henry James(3) Marquis James(1) Anna Brownell Jameson(2) Thomas Jefferson(1) Joseph Joachim(1) Drake and Piper Johnson, inc. [from old catalog](1) Gerald W. Johnson(1) Yousuf Karsh(1) Elmer Louis Kayser(1) Edgar Stillman Kelley(1) David Kelly(1) Lady. Marie Noele Kelly(1) Alexander Kendrick(1) Ellen Key(1) Joyce Kilmer(2) Hans Kindler(1) Rudyard Kipling(1) Gustav Kobbé(1) Pär Lagerkvist(1) Selma Lagerlöf(2) Harold Lamb(1) Edward William Lane(1) Joseph P. Lash(1) Henrietta Lucy Dillon de La Tour du Pin(1) Clara Elizabeth Laughlin(1) D. H. Lawrence(1) Francis P. LeBuffe(2) Lilli Lehmann(1) Hugo Leichtentritt(1) G. Lenotre(1) Gotthold Ephraim Lessing(1) Charles François Lhomond(1) Joshua Loth Liebman(1) Yutang Lin(1) Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux(1) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1) Hendrik Willem van Loon(2) Stefan Lorant(1) Katie Louchheim(1) Arthur Lourie(1) Paul Louvet(1) Will Hicok Low(1) E. V. Lucas(1) Emil Ludwig(3) Mabel Dodge Luhan(1) Sylvia Lyon(1) A. G. Macdonell(1) Hector Malot(1) Alessandro Manzoni(1) Theodore Marburg(1) Orison Swett Marden(1) Asa Earl Martin(1) Charles Fletcher Martin(1) Everett Dean Martin(1) W. Somerset Maugham(2) André Maurois(1) William H McDougall(1) Joseph T. McGloin(1) Walter Mehring(1) Henri Meilhac(1) Herman Melville(1) Athos Menaboni(1) Felix Mendelssohn(1) George Meredith(1) Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky(2) Nathan Miller(1) John Stuart Mill(1) John Milton(1) Nancy Mitford(1) Doris G. Monteux(1) D. H. Montgomery(1) John Moody(1) George Moore(1) Ted Morgan(1) Axel Munthe(1) Robert D. Murphy(1) National Emergency Council (U.S.)(1) Ralph Geoffrey Newman(1) Harold Nicolson(1) H. Richard Niebuhr(1) Frederick O'Brien(1) Kate O'Brien(1) George W. T. Omond(1) William T Pace(1) John Knowles Paine(1) Cornelia Stratton Parker(1) Walter Pater(1) F. N. Peloubet(1) Frances Perkins(1) Duncan Phillips(1) L. G. Pine(1) Plato(1) Plutarch(1) Frederick Pollock(1) Reginald Pound(1) J. B. Priestley(2) Marcel Proust(2) Ruth Painter Randall(1) Hermann Rauschning(1) Myrtle Reed(1) Charles Reid(1) Salomon Reinach(2) Mary Renault(1) Norval Richardson(2) Edwin Arlington Robinson(1) Romain Rolland(1) Emilie Romieu(1) Eleanor Roosevelt(3) Elliott Roosevelt(1) Franklin D. Roosevelt(5) James Roosevelt(1) Paul Rosenfeld(1) Agnes Rothery(2) Johannes Rüber(1) Damon Runyon(1) Miguel de Cervantes(1) Vita Sackville-West(2) Camille Saint-Saëns(1) Louis de Rouvroy, duc de Saint-Simon(2) Saki(1) Carl Sandburg(1) George Santayana(1) W. J. Schieffelin Jr.(1) Arthur Meier Schlesinger(1) Gladys Schmitt(1) Harold C. Schonberg(1) Ellery Sedgwick(1) C. A. Seoane, Colonel(1) George Bernard Shaw(1) Heinrich Simon(2) Austen Chamberlain(1) Edith Sitwell(1) Osbert Sitwell(3) Sacheverell Sitwell(9) Walter Slezak(1) Adam Smith(1) Walter Bedell Smith(1) Samuel M. Smucker(1) C.P. Snow(4) John Lancaster Spalding(6) W. J. Sparrow-Simpson(1) Richard Specht(1) Albert Speer(1) Vilhjalmur Stefansson(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(1) Mildred Whitney Stillman(1) Henry L. Stimson(1) Charles Wharton Stork(2) Theodor Storm(1) Lytton Strachey(2) Rudolph Stratz(1) Showell Styles(1) Ben Sussman(1) Howard Swiggett(1) Alfred Lord Tennyson(1) Ellen Terry(1) William Makepeace Thackeray(1) William Roscoe Thayer(1) Benjamin P. Thomas(1) Robert J. Thompson(1) Virgil Thomson(1) James Thurber(1) Baron. Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza(1) Daniel J Tobin(1) Dmitri Merejkowski. Translated by Herbert Trench(1) George Macaulay Trevelyan(1) Ralph Waldo Trine(2) Bengt de Törne(1) Grace Tully(1) Sigrid Undset(5) United States(1) United States(1) United States Postal Service(1) War Industries Board United States.(1) George P. Upton(1) Lord Vansittart(1) Luisa Clotilde Hernández Vidal(1) Alfred de Vigny(1) Virgil(1) Daniel W. Voorhees(1) Richard Wagner(1) Frank Walker(1) Horace Walpole(2) Hugh Walpole(1) George Washington(1) Alec Waugh(1) Thomas R. Way(1) Joseph Wechsberg(1) Morris L. West(1) John Wheeler Wheeler-Bennett(1) Ernst von Wildenbruch(3) Oscar Wilde(3) Henry Williamson(1) Thomas Wolfe(1) William Wordsworth(1) Nicolas Wrangell(1) Stefan Zweig(1) J. E. [J. Ellis](1)