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Gilead: A Novel door Marilynne Robinson
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Gilead: A Novel (origineel 2004; editie 2006)

door Marilynne Robinson

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11,017366659 (3.9)1 / 1070
As the Reverend John Ames approaches the hour of his own death, he writes a letter to his son chronicling three previous generations of his family, a story that stretches back to the Civil War and reveals uncomfortable family secrets.
Titel:Gilead: A Novel
Auteurs:Marilynne Robinson
Info:Picador (2006), Edition: 1st Picador, Paperback, 256 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Gilead door Marilynne Robinson (2004)

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 Someone explain it to me...: Gilead17 ongelezen / 17Sandydog1, juli 2014

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Dit is een van die romans die in het begin enorm weerbarstig zijn. Tijdens het lezen kauw en kauw je er op, en je hebt het gevoel dat er zeker iets in steekt, maar je kan er de vinger niet op leggen. Ik moet toegeven dat het boek pas rond halfweg echt aansloeg, maar dan ineens met een heel intens vuur. En dan blijkt dit niet zomaar te gaan om melige brieven van de oude dominee John Ames aan zijn nog heel jonge zoon (hij is pas op zijn 67ste getrouwd), vol goede raad en grote waarheden. Neen, het is het eerlijke zoeken van Ames dat zo ontwapenend en ontroerend werkt: zijn worsteling met het leven, met vriendschap en liefde, en met de religieuze vanzelfsprekendheden waarvan hij de vertolker zou moeten zijn. Bovendien blijkt er doorheen de brieven ook een prachtige verhaallijn te steken.
Twee dingen spraken me bijzonder aan in de aarzelend geformuleerde boodschap van Ames: de fundamentele eenzaamheid van elke mens, en de ongelofelijke genade van het bestaan zelf. De christelijke context, - Ames is per slot van rekening dominee ā€“ is zeker relevant, maar niet doorslaggevend. Wat hij vertolkt zijn essentieel menselijke gevoelens, of ze nu religieus worden ingevuld of niet. Dit is een boek om te herlezen en te koesteren. ( )
1 stem bookomaniac | Jan 30, 2017 |
But in Gilead, Robinson is addressing the plight of serious people with a calm-eyed reminder of the liberal philosophical and religious traditions of a nation whose small towns "were once the bold ramparts meant to shelter peace", citing a tradition of intellectual discursiveness and a historical cycle that shifts from radical to conservative then back to radical again, and presenting, as if from the point of view of time's own blindness, an era when unthinkable things were happening but were themselves about to change unimaginably, for the better. It takes issue with the status quo by being a message, across generations, from a now outdated status quo. "What have I to leave you but the ruins of old courage, and the lore of old gallantry and hope?"
toegevoegd door melmore | bewerkThe Guardian (UK), Ali Smith (Apr 15, 2005)
Gradually, Robinson's novel teaches us how to read it, suggests how we might slow down to walk at its own processional pace, and how we might learn to coddle its many fine details. Nowadays, when so many writers are acclaimed as great stylists, it's hard to make anyone notice when you praise a writer's prose. There is, however, something remarkable about the writing in 'Gilead.' It's not just a matter of writing well, although Robinson demonstrates that talent on every page [...] Robinson's words have a spiritual force that's very rare in contemporary fiction -- what Ames means when he refers to 'grace as a sort of ecstatic fire that takes things down to essentials.
toegevoegd door melmore | bewerkNew York Times, James Wood (Nov 28, 2004)
Marilynne Robinson draws on all of these associations in her new novel, which -- let's say this right now -- is so serenely beautiful, and written in a prose so gravely measured and thoughtful, that one feels touched with grace just to read it. Gilead possesses the quiet ineluctable perfection of Flaubert's "A Simple Heart" as well as the moral and emotional complexity of Robert Frost's deepest poetry. There's nothing flashy in these pages, and yet one regularly pauses to reread sentences, sometimes for their beauty, sometimes for their truth: "Adulthood is a wonderful thing, and brief. You must be sure to enjoy it while it lasts."
toegevoegd door melmore | bewerkWashington Post, Michael Dirda (Nov 21, 2004)

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For John and Ellen Summers, my dear father and mother.
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I told you last night that I might be gone sometime, and you said, Where, and I said, To be with the Good Lord, and you said, Why, and I said, Because I'm old, and you said, I don't think you're old.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
This is an interesting planet. It deserves all the attention you can give it (p. 28).
I want your dear perishable self to live long and love this poor perishable world (p.53).
I can't believe we will forget our sorrows altogether. That would mean forgetting that we had lived, humanly speaking. Sorrow seems to me to be a great part of the substance of human life (p. 104).
But if the awkwardness and falseness and failure of religion are interpreted to mean there is no core of truth in it.... the people are disables from trusting their thoughts, their expressions of belief, and their understanding, and even from believing in the essential dignity of their and their neighbors' endlessly flawed experience of belief (p.146).
I conceal my motives from myself pretty effectively sometimes (p. 147).
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

As the Reverend John Ames approaches the hour of his own death, he writes a letter to his son chronicling three previous generations of his family, a story that stretches back to the Civil War and reveals uncomfortable family secrets.

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