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Beauty : a retelling of the story of Beauty…
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Beauty : a retelling of the story of Beauty & the beast (origineel 1978; editie 1993)

door Robin McKinley

Reeksen: Folktales (1)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingDiscussies / Aanhalingen
6,3902021,575 (4.14)3 / 344
Kind Beauty grows to love the Beast at whose castle she is compelled to stay and through her love releases him from the spell which had turned him from a handsome prince into an ugly beast.
Titel:Beauty : a retelling of the story of Beauty & the beast
Auteurs:Robin McKinley
Info:New York : Harper Trophy 1993.
Verzamelingen:Goodreads, Read, Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen, Te lezen, Favorieten

Informatie over het werk

Beauty door Robin McKinley (1978)

  1. 132
    Ella Enchanted door Gail Carson Levine (Caramellunacy)
    Caramellunacy: A funny and fleshed-out take on Cinderella with a strong female protagonist. (And it's MUCH better than the movie)
  2. 100
    The Goose Girl door Shannon Hale (fyrefly98)
    fyrefly98: Another retelling of a classic fairy tale.
  3. 70
    East door Edith Pattou (foggidawn)
    foggidawn: Another excellent fairy tale retelling with a strong female character.
  4. 82
    Rose Daughter door Robin McKinley (infiniteletters)
    infiniteletters: A later version of the same tale by the same author. Both excellent.
  5. 30
    Ice door Sarah Beth Durst (Caramellunacy)
    Caramellunacy: Ice is a re-telling of the Norse fairy tale East of the Sun, West of the Moon. Especially at the beginning (in the castle), the description is just breath-taking and reminds me quite a bit of McKinley's Beauty.
  6. 30
    Toads and Diamonds door Heather Tomlinson (Aerrin99)
    Aerrin99: An excellent fairy-tale retelling set in an India-like world.
  7. 52
    Briar Rose door Jane Yolen (notemily)
  8. 20
    The Serpent's Shadow door Mercedes Lackey (kiri_wren)
    kiri_wren: If you like fairy tales, Lackey's Elemental Masters series gives the classics a fun twist -- historical fiction meets magic.
  9. 20
    Winter Rose door Patricia A. McKillip (ncgraham)
    ncgraham: These books share a dark portrait of the woodlands, an intimate, loving family, and an air of unknown peril.
  10. 10
    The Fire Rose door Mercedes Lackey (infiniteletters)
    infiniteletters: A spin on the classic tale, with elemental magic and 19th-century San Francisco.
  11. 10
    The Shadow of the Bear: A Fairy Tale Retold door Regina Doman (LucyClements)
    LucyClements: Great re-telling of the fairy tale Snow White and Rose Red.
  12. 21
    Mira, Mirror door Mette Harrison (Bonzer)
  13. 21
    Black Thorn, White Rose door Ellen Datlow (Larkken)
    Larkken: Both are modern re-tellings of fairy tales.
  14. 21
    Beastly door Alex Flinn (elliepotten)
  15. 00
    Het Spel der Tronen door George R. R. Martin (Anonieme gebruiker)
  16. 00
    The Beast's Heart: A Novel of Beauty and the Beast door Leife Shallcross (Becchanalia)
    Becchanalia: Let's face it Beauty's tale has been done to death. This is a retelling from the Beast's view and, ironically, comes out of it more emancipated than in any other telling I have read.
  17. 12
    Mirror Mirror door Gregory Maguire (PatMock)
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1-5 van 202 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
BEAUTY is a wonderful fairy tale adaptation. It is told by Beauty who is the youngest of a merchant's three daughters. When the merchant who owns his own fleet of ships runs into bad luck - storms, lost ships, lost cargo - it becomes necessary to sell everything and move out of the city.

Among the losses is the man the eldest daughter Grace loves. But the blacksmith who has been working in her father's shipyard and who loves the middle sister Hope has a solution. He has a chance to go back to the village where he was raised to open up the blacksmith's forge and offers to take them all with him.

They find the journey difficult and the new lifestyle without servants to be hard, but they do adapt with the help of the locals. Beauty misses her life of scholarship but adapts to being the one able to do the harder work along with Greatheart, the large horse a friend in the city gave her.

Time passes...Hope marries her blacksmith, Grace seems to be recovering from her grief for her lost sailor, and then word comes that one of their father's ships has made it home. He travels to take care of things and finds he has but a little money when everything is wrapped up. He buys a horse to take him home to his daughters. When he is nearly home, there is a sudden blizzard, and he gets lost in the magical forest that is near their home. He stumbles upon a mysterious castle and spends the night.

When he is ready to leave in the morning, he decides to take one rose from the garden since the only thing Beauty had asked him to bring back was seeds to grow roses. This theft angers the castle's owner, and he demands one of the man's daughters as payment.

Beauty, who was christened Honour, decides that she will be the one to repay her father's debt and finds herself in a magical castle complete with invisible servants, a library with books not yet written, and a lonely Beast.

I loved the lyrical language and the well-developed personalities of the characters. This is still one of my favorites by this author and one of my favorite fairy tale adaptations. ( )
  kmartin802 | May 25, 2024 |
Very engaging retelling of the classic Beauty and the Beast. I enjoyed it ! ( )
  LuLibro | Jan 22, 2024 |
I have loved this book since I was in high school. This Beauty really resonated with me - a not-really-beautiful bookworm who is, by her own admission, better suited to manual tasks than embroidery. Watching her relationship with the Beast change until she can at last admit to herself his importance to her is enchanting. ( )
  lsnow11 | Aug 1, 2023 |
I loved this. Beauty and the Beast is my favourite fairytale and this retelling is simply magic. Beauty was an extremely loveable character who is genuine and hardworking and honest and fair and practical. She is smart and caring and adaptable to bad circumstances. But it's not just her, her entire family are the stars of this book. All of the secondary characters are well drawn and fully developed. Hope and Grace and Ger and Father are all fierce and caring and loveable characters in their own right. All that besides, it was so nice to see a family portrayed as loving and caring and loyal and defensive of each other. There was no real bickering or animosity between them, they all supported and cared for each other and the amount of love was perfect.

Although a fairytale of love and acceptance, the romance itself is of little importance. Mainly the author focuses on developing the friendship between Beauty and Beast and showing how they come to care about each other.

Something about this book screamed more. As in more than anything else. I can't place my finger on what the more is but it's there. It just felt more fleshed out and emotive than many retellings. ( )
  funstm | Dec 1, 2022 |
Well crafted retelling and engaging to read. Sorta meh on the romance but thats just my usual attitude so. ( )
  mutantpudding | Oct 25, 2022 |
1-5 van 202 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Robin McKinleyprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Deas, MichaelArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Vallejo, BorisArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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to my mother,
because it will be a long wait for Kilkerran;
and to both Mr. Rochesters, for aiding Mahomet to go to the mountain.
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I was the youngest of three daughters.
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The sun shone through a window, then made its delicate, fawn-footed way across the broad inlaid floor, and found the Beast's blue velvet shoulders to set on fire.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

Kind Beauty grows to love the Beast at whose castle she is compelled to stay and through her love releases him from the spell which had turned him from a handsome prince into an ugly beast.

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Gemiddelde: (4.14)
1 12
1.5 2
2 52
2.5 18
3 273
3.5 70
4 582
4.5 70
5 694

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