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Rules door Cynthia Lord
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Rules (origineel 2006; editie 2008)

door Cynthia Lord (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
5,7385351,847 (4.25)98
Frustrated at life with an autistic brother, twelve-year-old Catherine longs for a normal existence but her world is further complicated by a friendship with a young paraplegic.
Auteurs:Cynthia Lord (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Paperbacks (2008), Edition: Reprint, 224 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:All Ages, novel, family, disability

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Rules door Cynthia Lord (2006)

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1-5 van 533 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This is a quick read and charming. Catherine is 12 years old with an autistic brother named David. Her family revolves around David and his needs and Catherine struggles to find her place and with the fact that sometimes she wishes David would disappear. She wants to be "normal" and fit in with other kids, especially Kristi her new neighbor. Then she meets Jason and her loyalty, compassion, and bravery will be tested. ( )
  asuttonpoulsboms | Jul 19, 2024 |
Rules follows the story of Catherine, a twelve-year-old girl who feels torn between her responsibilities as the older sister of David, who has autism, and her desire to make friends and fit in. As Catherine navigates the complexities of family life and middle school, she learns valuable lessons about empathy, acceptance, and the true meaning of friendship. Through her interactions with Jason, a nonverbal boy who communicates using a communication board, Catherine discovers the importance of embracing differences and being true to oneself. In the classroom, Rules can be used to promote discussions about empathy, acceptance, and understanding differences. Teachers can guide students in exploring the experiences of individuals with autism and discussing ways to create inclusive and supportive environments for people of all abilities
  TravisJ | Apr 24, 2024 |
Fantastic book to teach your students in upper elementary about acceptance, differences, respect and autism. Catherine is a 12 year old who wants to live a normal life. She has a brother with autism, named David, that is the family's main focus. Catherine helps her brother is this heartwarming book cope with having autism. She teaches his the "rules" about the real world, but was is normal anyways? ( )
  satnightfevre | Feb 16, 2024 |
It took me a long time to finally get around to reading this book! I liked it, but it was not what I expected.

First, I had this impression that it would be funnier and warmer, but it was very angsty. A book like this could easily be in the teen section of the library as well as the children's.

Second, Katherine (Catherine? I listened to the audio book) had a more interesting relationship with Jason, a boy around her age with cerebral palsy, than with her brother David who has autism. Jason can't speak and communicates by pointing at word cards. Katherine decides to make him more word cards, which was a great literary device and really contributed a lot to the theme of coping with disabilities. Still, I expected the book to be more about Katherine's relationship with her brother, and I was surprised that it wasn't the main focus and didn't change a lot through the course of the book.

Last, the audiobook narrator was, I think, the same actor who does the voice of Clementine. It made me think Catherine was so young! The narrator did a fine job (I wouldn't say she STINKS A BIG ONE), but it wasn't ideal for me because I've listened to several of the Clementine books.

( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
A great novel that I have read quite a few times. The main character Catherine is an appealing and relatable character who tries to balance her love for her special needs brother with her resentment of his special needs. She has believable growth through the story and comes to understand that her embarrassment is for herself rather than for her brother. It is an interesting story that sees Catherine realize that real friends will not judge her for her circumstances. ( )
  BrennaMarohl | Jul 4, 2023 |
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My deepest appreciation to:
Everyone at Scholastic Press, especially Marijka Kostiw, Kristina Albertson, Tracey Mack, and Leslie Budnick.

Tracey Adams, my wonderful agent.

The members of my critique groups, each of whom possess that rare combination of Charlotte the spider: a true friend and a good writer.

My retreat-mates who put me on the right track: Franny Billingsley, Toni Buzzeo, Sarah Lamstein, Dana Walrath, Mary Atkinson, Carol Peacock, and Jackie Davies.
With special thanks to Amy Butler Greenfield, Nancy Werlin, Amanda Jenkins, Denise Johns, Melissa Wyatt, Lisa Firke, Lisa Harkrader, Laura Weiss, Mary Pearson, Amy McAuley, and Kristina Cliff-Evans.

And to my parents, Earl and Elaine Lord, who gave me wings but always left the porch light on to show the way home.
To John, Julia, and Gregory
I love you more than words.
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"Come on, David." I let go of his sleeve, afraid I'll rip it. When he was little, I could pull my brother behind me if he didn't want to do something, but now David's eight and too strong to be pulled.
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I add another rule to David's list: Sometimes people laugh when they like you. But sometimes they laugh to hurt you.
"I wish everyone had the same chances," I say. "Because it stinks a big one that they don't."
Sometimes I wish someone would invent a pill so David'd wake up one morning without autism, like someone waking up from a long coma, and he'd say, "Jeez, Catherine, where have I been?"
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Wikipedia in het Engels (3)

Frustrated at life with an autistic brother, twelve-year-old Catherine longs for a normal existence but her world is further complicated by a friendship with a young paraplegic.

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Gemiddelde: (4.25)
1 3
2 22
2.5 2
3 134
3.5 45
4 358
4.5 67
5 443

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