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M. translator Hubbell(1) Paul David Tripp(2) Tedd Tripp(1) United States Conference ...(1) Giorgio Vasari(1) Birdsall S. Viault(1) Brandon Vogt(1) Ann Voskamp(1) Nicolas van de Walle(1) Jeannette Walls(1) Milton Walsh(1) Evelyn Waugh(1) Aaron Douglas Weaver(1) Richard M. Weaver(1) George Weigel(1) Christopher West(1) Monica Whatley(1) John White(1) Thomas Joseph White(1) Stephen Wiacek(1) Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks(1) Christine Wilding(1) Jen Wilkin(1) Dallas Willard(1) Douglas Wilson(1) Jonathan Wilson(1) Chip Wood(1) James S. Woodroof(1) Stephen Wood(2) Word on Fire(1) J. Harry Wray(1) N. T. Wright(2) Tom Wright(1) Pope Benedict XVI(1) Philip Yancey(1) John Howard Yoder(1) William P. Young(1) Howard Zinn(2)