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ACKROYD(1) Adams(1) Douglas Adams(2) Huxley A.(1) Allingham(1) Amis(2) anonymous-91(1) ASHE(1) Ashley(2) Isaac Asimov(3) Kate Atkinson(2) Margaret Atwood(1) Aubert(1) Aupelius(1) Austen(3) Desmond Bagley(13) Bagnold(1) Baigent(1) Nigel Balchin(3) Ballard(6) Balzac(2) Richard W. Barber(1) Barlow(1) Bartholomew(1) Barton(1) Bates(2) Batsford & Fry(2) Bauval(1) Cecil Beaton(1) D Beaty(1) Beazley(1) N.Y.) Bedford (Westchester County(1) BEEVOR(1) Antony Beevor(1) Benfield(1) Linda Bennett(1) Paul A. Bennett(1) E. F. Benson(4) Anthony Berkeley(1) bernieres(1) Steve Berry(2) Bertram(1) Geoffrey Best(1) John Betjeman(1) Billings(1) Black(1) Algernon Blackwood(2) Blake(1) Denys Blakeway(1) Bloom(1) Bloom(1) Blythe(1) E. Bogard(3) Dirk Bogarde(4) D. Ž Bor(1) Boswell(1) Bowen(1) William Boyd(7) Braddon(1) Braun(1) Simon Brett(7) Brinkley(1) Vera Brittain(1) J. Bronowski(1) Brooke(1) Brooke-Little(1) Michael Brooks(1) Brown(1) D. Brown(1) Dan Brown(2) Lee Brown(1) Theodore Brown(1) Bryant(9) Bryson(5) Bill Bryson(3) Buchanan(1) John Buchan(4) Bullock(2) John Bunyan(1) Burke(1) Robert Byron(1) M Caine(1) Calder(2) Caldwell(1) John Carey(1) John le Carré(3) Lewis Carroll(1) Rachel Carson(1) Howard Carter(1) C. S. Ceram(1) Chancellor(1) F. Spencer Chapman(1) Bruce Chatwin(3) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) Chedzoy(1) CHEETHAM(1) Chekhov(1) CHESNEY(1) G.K. Chesterton(1) Erskine Childers(1) Agatha Christie(16) Churchill(1) Clancy(2) Clancy(1) Alan Clark(1) Clarke(2) W. Clark(1) Brian Clegg(1) Clifford and King(1) Alec Clifton-Taylor(1) Colegate(2) Coleman(1) J Coleman(1) Colette(4) Norman Collins(1) Tim Collins(1) Wilkie Collins(2) Michael Connelly(3) Joseph Conrad(2) A Cooke(2) Alistair Cooke(1) Cooper(2) Corlett(1) Cormack(1) Patricia Cornwell(5) Costain(4) Basil Cottle(1) COTTRELL (Leonard)(2) Anne de Courcy(1) Coxford(1) James Gould Cozzens(1) Creswell(2) Crichton(5) Cronin(1) Cummings(1) P Cunnington(1) Curtis(1) Daniels(6) Danny Danziger(1) Davidson(4) Davies(1) P. Davies(4) Paul Davies(1) Peter Ho Davies(1) Richard Dawkins(1) Richard Deane(1) Defoe(1) Gerard J. De Groot(1) Len Deighton(9) De la Roche,(1) R. F. Delderfield(3) De Mare(1) Devenish(1) Colin Dexter(12) Dibner(1) Dickens(2) Dickens(5) Conrad Dixon(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(1) Doyle(1) Margaret Drabble(1) Duce(1) Dumas(1) Gerald Durrell(5) Dutton(2) Earle(2) Umberto Eco(1) Edwards(1) Emery(1) England(1) Ensor(1) Bergen Evans(1) Everett(1) Eysenck(1) Falkus (Hugh).(2) Falla(1) Julian Fellowes(1) Patrick Leigh Fermor(1) Fitzgerald(1) Fitzgerald(1) Flaubert(1) Flaubert(1) Linda Flavell(1) Flegg(1) Ian Fleming(2) Fletcher(1) Banister Fletcher(1) Foley(2) Forester(4) Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw(1) Forster(3) FORSYTH(5) Frederick Forsyth(1) Christopher F Fosse(1) Fosten(1) Stephen R. Fox(1) Foxton(1) Dick Francis(24) Pamela Frankau(2) Fraser(8) Antonia Fraser(1) Frayn(4) Terence Frisby(1) FRITH(1) Fulford(2) Galbraith(1) Paul Gallico(2) Galsworthy(3) John Galsworthy(1) George Gamow(3) Gardner(1) gardnerm-1(1) Elizabeth Gaskell(1) Gemmell(1) George(1) Elizabeth George(3) Peter George(1) Gibberd(1) John Gillingham(1) Andrew Ginger(1) Gloag(1) P. V. Glob(1) Glover(1) Robert Goddard(18) Golding(3) Gordon(1) Martin Gorst(1) Elizabeth Goudge(1) J GOULD(1) Grahame(1) Graves(1) Peter Van Greenaway(1) greeneb-1(1) Graham Greene(7) Joyce Grenfell(1) John Gribbin(2) Grimble(1) Grisham(2) Bill Gunston(1) Hackforth-Jones(1) H. Rider Haggard(1) Hailey(2) Hake and Button(1) HALLAM(2) Hamsun,(1) Hanley(1) Neil Hanson(1) Thomas Hardy(16) Hargest(1) Hargreaves(1) Harling(1) R. Harre(1) Harries(1) Harris(2) Harris(1) Harrison(1) Robert Harris(1) Harvey(1) Harvey(2) Max Hastings(4) Hawkes(1) Hawkins(1) D. Hawkins(1) S Hawkins(1) Hayward(1) Heller(1) Henriques(1) Stephen Herbert(1) James Herriot(8) Hersh(1) Herzog(1) Hessayon(2) Hesse(1) Rachel Hewitt(1) (1) Hibbert(2) Jack Higgins(2) Patricia Highsmith(1) Hillaby(1) Hillary,(1) Reginald Hill(11) Susan Hill(8) Andrew Hodges(1) B. Hoffmann(1) Hole(1) C Hole(1) Holland(1) Holmes(3) Holtby(1) Richard Hooker(2) Horne(1) Horton-White(1) Hoskins(1) Hough(1) Geoffrey Household(2) Howell(1) F. Hoyle(1) W W Hudson(1) Hughes(2) Hugo(1) Richard Humble(1) Humphries(1) Hunt(1) Huout(1) Douglas Hurd(1) Huxley(2) Hyde(1) Hammond Innes(11) Innes-Smith(1) Irving(1) IRWIN(2) W. W. Jacobs(1) C. James(2) Clive James(1) P. D. James(12) Jenkins(5) Johanson(1) Johnson(2) Jones(2) Dan Jones(1) S. Jones(1) Sadie Jones(2) Judd(1) Kaftan(1) Michio Kaku(1) Edward Kasner(1) Katz(1) Ka-Tzetnik 135633(1) Molly Keane(2) Keegan(1) Ruby Keeler(1) Jim Kelly(1) Ludovic Kennedy(1) A. Kent(5) Kenyon(1) KERSH(1) Kershaw(1) Ian Kershaw(1) Kersley and Cosh(1) Keyes(1) Kipling(2) Hans Hellmut Kirst(6) Kirwan(1) Knight(1) Koenig(1) Kranzfelder(1) Lawrence M. Krauss(1) Lacey(1) Laing(3) Lancaster (N.H.)(1) Lander(1) Lapp(1) D Larkin(1) Laurie(1) D Lavallee(1) David Lavender(1) Laurie Lee(1) Erwin Leiser(1) Ira Levin(3) Lewis(1) Little(1) David Lodge(2) Elizabeth Longford(1) Lord(1) Lorenz(1) Lovell(1) B Lovell(1) J Lovelock(1) James Lovelock(1) Peter Lovesey(7) Lowe(1) Gavin Lyall(1) (1) A. G. Macdonell(1) Macken(1) Mackenzie(1) A. MacLean(5) Donald MacLean(1) Charles Eric Maine(2) A Mallinson(1) Malory(1) Manzoni(1) Marcus(1) MARLOW(1) Andrew Marr(1) Marshall(3) Mason(1) A. E. W. Mason(1) MASSIE(1) Matbury(1) Matthew(1) Maugham(6) W. Somerset Maugham(2) Guy de Maupassant(5) Daphne du Maurier(7) Ed McBain(14) Mccourt(1) Val McDermid(1) Ian McEwan(3) McKee(1) A.C. McLean(1) Meadows(1) Melville(1) Middlebrook(1) Middlemas(2) Miller(2) Mitchell(1) Nancy Mitford(2) Santa Montefiore(1) R. Moody(1) Moore(2) Patrick Moore(1) Morgan(3) Morris(1) Desmond Morris(3) Mortimer(1) John Mortimer(1) Kate Morton(1) Moss(1) Kate Mosse(3) R. Muir(1) Iris Murdoch(1) NAIPAUL(1) V. S. Naipaul(3) Needham(1) Newby(4) H.W. Newton(1) Nicol(1) Niven(2) E Northrop(1) Northy(1) P. O'Brian(5) J. O'Connor(1) O'Donnell(1) Olivier(1) Maggie Oman Shannon(1) George Orwell(8) Frances Osborne(1) Stephen O'Shea(1) Vance Packard(4) Peter Padfield(1) Palin(1) Palmer(1) Parker(1) Parkinson(2) parkinson-2(1) PARTRIDGE(1) Eric Partridge(1) Paton(1) Jeremy Paxman(1) Jack Pearl(1) Hesketh Pearson(1) Dan Pedoe(1) Vladimir Peniakoff(1) Ellis Peters(8) PEVSNER (N).(3) Pfister(1) Pilcher(1) Plumb(1) Austin Lane Poole(1) Pope(1) D Pope(2) Porter(1) Potter(2) Rob Powell(1) Anthony Powell(14) Powys(1) Joe Poyer(1) Price(1) J. B. Priestley(6) Charles Prince(1) Martin Pugh(1) Mario Puzo(1) Magnus Pyke(1) Marjorie Quennell(2) Jonathan Raban(2) Ian Rankin(10) Mark Rascovich(1) F Reekie(1) Douglas Reeman(3) Martin J. Rees(1) Kathy Reichs(1) Ruth Rendell(57) Rhodes(1) Richards(1) Richardson(1) richardson-10(1) Phil Rickman(9) Ridley(1) Ian Ridpath(1) R Rigby(1) Stella Rimington(3) Roberts(1) Robinson(1) Peter Robinson(6) Roget(1) Romer(1) Roper(1) M Rothman(1) Rowley(2) M Rule(1) Russell(2) Edward Rutherfurd(1) Michael Sadleir(1) C. Sagan(1) Saki(1) C. J. Sansom(4) Sassoon (S)(2) Saunders(1) Rex Sawyer(1) W. W. Sawyer(1) Sayers(3) Dorothy L. Sayers(1) Scarisbrick(1) Simon Schama(1) Scott(1) Senior(1) Gerald Seymour(4) Sharp(2) Tom Sharpe(6) Shaw(1) William L. Shirer(1) H. de S. Shortt(1) Shub(1) Nevil Shute(1) Nevil Shute(2) Daniel Silva(1) Simpson(1) John Simpson(4) J. Singh(1) S Singh(1) SITWELL(TOIM.).(5) Slocum03(1) S.M.A.R.T.(1) Smith(3) Delia Smith(2) Dodie Smith(1) G. Smith(1) Michael Smith(1) C.P. Snow(1) Sobel(1) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn(1) Somerset(1) Muriel Spark(3) Albert Speer(1) SPRING 2003(3) Roy Spring(1) Terence Stamp(3) David Starkey(1) Steinbeck(2) STENTON(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(2) Stonier(1) Strachey(1) J. W. N. Sullivan(1) W Sullivan(1) Summers(1) Kate Summerscale(2) Han Suyin(1) Symons(1) Tannahill(1) Taylor(4) Taylor(1) Josephine Tey(7) Thackeray(1) Toby Thacker(1) Theroux(3) Paul Theroux(3) Dylan Thomas(1) Leslie Thomas(12) Thubron(1) Colin Thubron(1) Thurber(1) James Thurber(2) Tolstoi(1) George Macaulay Trevelyan(1) Trollope(13) Tuchman(2) Barbara W. Tuchman(1) Warren Tute(1) Mark Twain(1) Tweedale(1) Ullman(1) Unknown(2) P Ustinov(1) Vale(1) Valliant(1) Van der Post(3) Various(2) Verdt(1) Jules Verne(1) Vezey Fitzgerald(2) WACHER(1) Waddell(1) D Walder(1) Wallace(1) Wallington(2) Walpole(1) Minette Walters(10) Warren(1) Keith Waterhouse(1) Watson(1) J. Watson(1) E Waugh(10) Weaver(1) Wedgewood(1) Wedgewood(1) S. Weinberg(1) (Author) A. Weir(1) Wells(2) H. G. Wells(4) R. West(2) Wheeler(1) Joseph Whitaker(1) White(3) Whitelock(1) Whitlock(1) Oscar Wilde(1) Williams(2) Linda Williams(1) Wilson(1) Angus Wilson(1) Wilts Womens' Institute(1) Winstone(2) R Winstone(1) Winter(2) Winton(1) John Winton(1) P. G. Wodehouse(9) C Wood(1) Woodforde(1) Cecil Woodham-Smith(1) Woodruff(1) Woods(1) Ward Wood(1) Woolley(3) Herman Wouk(1) Wroe(1) John Wyndham(4) Young(3) Carlos Ruiz Zafón(2) Zola(2)