Auteurswolk voor zitojoea

Peter Abelard(1) Chinua Achebe(1) Mark Adams(1) Donald Harman Akenson(1) Edward Dreyer Alsberg, Dora Thea Hettwer, William R. McDaniel, Walter McElroy, H.H. Miller, Joseph Miller, Dale L. Morgan, Montana Lisle Reese, Ellen M. Rollins Mary Barrett Henry G.(1) Alex Polari de Alverga(1) Stephen E. Ambrose(1) Wayne Scott Andersen(1) Digby C. Anderson(1) Scott Anderson(1) Philip Appleman(1) Philippe Ariès(1) Karen Armstrong(1) Eberhard Arnold(1) Johann Christoph Arnold(2) Henry Warren Art(1) Suzanne Ashworth(1) Reza Aslan(2) Margaret Atwood(1) Saint Augustine(1) Joe Bageant(1) Bruce Bagemihl(1) Nick Bakalar(1) Donald L. Barlett(1) Simon Baron-Cohen(1) Patricia R. Barrett(1) William Bartram(1) Rosalyn Fraad Baxandall(1) Robert N. Bellah(1) May Berenbaum(1) May R. Berenbaum(1) A. Scott Berg(1) Georges Bernanos(1) Wendell Berry(1) Laura Donnelly Bethmann(1) Winifred Black(1) Eugen Bleuler(1) Dietrich Bonhoeffer(1) Daniel Boorstin(1) Marcus J. Borg(5) Alain de Botton(1) Allan M. Brandt(1) Richard Brautigan(3) Eric Brende(1) Charlotte Brontë(1) Margaret (Introduction by) C. Lane Bronte(1) Royal (Introduction) Emily; Gettmann Bronte(1) Rosalind Brooke(1) Van Wyck Brooks(1) Shannon Brownlee(1) Robert McAfee Brown(1) Bill Bryson(2) Charles Bukowski(2) Mikhail Bulgakov(1) Janine Burke(1) David D. Busch(1) Samuel Butler(1) Berta Cabanillas(1) Thomas Cahill(2) Erskine Caldwell(1) Stu Campbell(1) Albert Camus(1) Brian Capon(1) Thomas Carlyle(1) Willa Cather(1) Bruce Catton(2) Godfrey Cave(1) Noah Charney(1) Ann Charters(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) Anton Chekhov(1) Mary Chesnut(1) Allessandro B. Chiulosi(1) Noam Chomsky(1) Kate Chopin(1) John Cloudsley-Thompson(1) Christopher Cokinos(1) John Colapinto(1) Henry Shoemaker Conard(1) Don Congdon(1) Robert E. Conot(1) Joseph Conrad(1) Tim Pat Coogan(1) Blanche Wiesen Cook(1) David T. Courtwright(3) John Dominic Crossan(3) Barbara Crossette(1) St. John of the Cross(1) Thomas Davison Crothers(1) Antonio R. Damasio(1) Charles Darwin(3) Dorothy Day(2) John Dear(4) John G. Deedy(1) Daniel Defoe(1) Paul Dempsey(1) Kiko Denzer(1) William G. Dever(1) Najma Dharani(1) Charles Dickens(1) Emily Dickinson(1) Reader's Digest(2) Kramer Peter D.(1) Fydor Dostoevski(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(4) James W. Douglass(2) Clifford Dowdey(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(1) Will Durant(1) Will and Ariel Durant(1) Betsey Dexter Dyer(1) Umberto Eco(1) Bart D. Ehrman(2) George Eliot(2) Jason Elliot(1) Marc H. Ellis(1) Robert Ellsberg(3) John Emsley(1) David Enoch(1) Jeffrey Eugenides(2) Elizabeth Ewen(1) Lillian Faderman(1) Robert Famighetti(1) David R. Farber(1) Ritchie Farrell(1) William Faulkner(1) Armando R. Favazza(1) William B. Feis(1) Timothy Ferris(2) Leon Festinger(1) Gustave Flaubert(1) Joshua Foer(1) Tim Folger(1) Theodor Fontane(1) Geraldine Forbes(1) Ford Madox Ford(1) Patricia Foreman(1) Veronica Lorson Fowler(1) Peter France(1) Paul Fussell(1) Raymond J. Gagne(1) Mattias Gardell(1) Theodor Herzl Gaster(1) Michael S. Gazzaniga(1) Dale Evva Gelfand(2) Vincent Genovesi(1) Grace Gershuny(1) Hamid Ghodse(1) Philippe Gigantes(1) Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1) Malcolm Gladwell(1) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1) Nikolai Vassilievitx Gogol(1) Doris Kearns Goodwin(1) Frederick Goodwin(1) Stephen Jay Gould(7) Dewey W. Grantham(1) Madelaine Gray(1) David Bonnell Editor Green(1) Graham Greene(1) Jonathon Green(1) Michael Foster Green(1) Alma Guillermoprieto(1) Gustavo Gutierrez(1) Sue Hakala(1) David Halberstam(1) Christopher Hale(1) Alexander Hamilton(1) Dirk Hanson(1) Thomas Hardy(7) Clifford Harper(1) Carl L Hart(1) Marc Hauser(1) Robert L. Heilbroner(1) Ernest Hemingway(2) Len Hilts(1) Christopher Hitchens(1) Russell Hoban(1) Adam Hochschild(2) John Hoffman(1) Evangeline Holland(1) Phillip Hoose(1) Albert Hourani(1) Eve L. Howard(1) Erich Hoyt(2) Donald M. Huffman(1) David Hulburd(1) David Hume(1) Dard Hunter(1) Keith Gibson Huntress(1) Zora Neale Hurston(1) Mark Hyman(1) Henrik Ibsen(1) Henry James(3) Kay Redfield Jamison(2) Flavius Josephus(1) James Joyce(2) J. Reese Voshell Jr.(1) Franz Kafka(1) Wynn Kapit(1) Robert D. Kaplan(1) David M. Katzman(1) Richard S. E. Keefe(1) James F. Keenan(1) Julia Keller(1) Matthew Kelly(1) Thomas a Kempis(2) Stanislaus Kennedy(1) David A. Kessler(1) David S. Kidder(1) Søren Kierkegaard(1) Andrew Kimbrell(1) Kenneth F. Kiple(1) Kenneth E. Kirk(1) Celia Kitzinger(1) Naomi Klein(1) Kim Knott(1) John Knowles(1) Aileen S. Kraditor(1) Richard Kraut(1) Anna Kruger(1) Paul Krugman(1) Hans Küng(1) Anne Labastille(1) Lester D. Langley(1) Erik Larson(2) Elizabeth P. Lawlor(1) D. H. Lawrence(2) Isabel Leighton(1) John D. Lenk(1) Aldo Leopold(3) Mikhail Lermontov(1) Penny Lernoux(1) Armand Marie Leroi(1) editor Mark L. Levine(1) Oscar Lewis(1) Martin Lindstrom(1) John Locke(1) Daniel London(1) Konrad Lorenz(1) J. Anthony Lukas(1) Staughton Lynd(2) Betty MacDonald(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) Burton L. Mack(1) Midge Mackenzie(1) Kim MacQuarrie(1) Charles C. Mann(1) Howard Markel(1) Christopher Marlowe(1) Gabriel García Márquez(1) Don Marquis(1) Stephen Marshall(1) Russell Martin(1) Dino J. Martins(2) Gabor Maté(1) W. Somerset Maugham(2) D.T. Max(1) Henry Mayer(1) Pam McAllister(1) Cormac McCarthy(2) Wendy McClure(1) Carson McCullers(1) David McCullough(3) Thomas P. McDonnell(1) McKenna(1) Terence McKenna(1) Bill McKibben(1) John McPhee(1) Martin Meredith(1) Thomas Merton(4) Annie C. Meyers(1) Howard Miller(1) Jonathan Miller(1) John Stuart Mill(1) Molière(1) Warren King Moorehead(1) Edward (editor) Thomas; Surtz More(1) H. Wayne Morgan(1) Edmund Morris(2) Brian Moynahan(1) Mark Muller(1) Melinda Myers(1) National Conference of Catholic Bishops(1) Helen Nearing(1) Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer(1) Susan Niditch(1) Friedrich Nietzsche(1) Nicolette Hahn Niman(1) Nobile(1) Henri J. M. Nouwen(3) Flannery O'Connor(1) John O'Hara(1) Sigurd F. Olson(1) William L. O'Neill(1) David S. Kidder and Noah D. Oppenheim(1) George Orwell(1) Ovid(1) Lawrence M. Page(1) Elaine Pagels(1) Charles Panati(1) Ed Park(1) Ken Park(1) Francis Parkman(3) Peggy Pascoe(1) Alan Paton(1) Thomas Gilbert Pearson(1) Kathy Peiss(1) Samuel Pepys(1) Vicente Pérez Rosales(1) Dexter Perkins(1) Pheme Perkins(1) Noel Perrin(1) Tony Perrottet(1) Steven Pinker(3) Plato(1) Barbara Pleasant(1) Rhonda Hart Poe(1) John Polkinghorne(1) Michael Pollan(1) Neil Postman(2) Wendy Potter-Springer(1) Anne Powys(1) William H. Prescott(1) Reynolds Price(1) V. S. Pritchett(1) Professor O.S. Fowler(1) W. R. Miller,S. Rollnick W. R. Miller Phd S. P Rollnick PhD(1) DK(2) Storey Publishing(2) Thomas Pynchon(1) David Quammen(2) Margaret Quigley(1) Charles Reade(1) Ann Reilly(2) Glenda Riley(1) Sogyal Rinpoche(1) Mary Roach(1) Marilynne Robinson(2) J. I. Rodale(2) Rosemary Radford Ruether(1) Anneli Rufus(1) Oliver Sacks(1) J. D. Salinger(1) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration(1) Richard T. Schaefer(1) Philip Schaff(1) Stacy Schiff(1) Thomas J. Schlereth(1) Michael Schut(1) Stephen W. Sears(1) David Sedaris(2) Percy Bysshe Shelley(1) Althea R. Sherman(1) Margot Lee Shetterly(1) David K. Shipler(1) Kenneth Silverman(1) Adelma Grenier Simmons(1) Isaac Bashevis Singer(2) Patwant Singh(1) Gary Smith(1) John Snelling(1) National Audubon Society(1) Rebecca Solnit(1) Andrew Solomon(2) Pence; Turkle Spillard, Brinton (illustrator) William J.; James(1) Lawrence E. Spivak(1) John Shelby Spong(3) Michael Squeglia(1) Stephen M. Stahl(1) Robert C. Stebbins(1) Jay Stevens(1) Elinore Pruitt Stewart(1) Donald W. Stokes(1) Jessica Stonecypher(1) Jean Strong(1) Anthony Summers(1) Jonathan Swift(1) Wiliam C. Harvey M. S.(1) Maia Szalavitz(1) Gay Talese(1) Booth Tarkington(1) Edmond Taylor(1) Robert Lewis Taylor(1) John Tayman(1) Edwin Way Teale(1) Studs Terkel(2) Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o(3) Janet Thomas(1) Lowell Thomas(1) W. M. Thomson(1) Henry David Thoreau(1) John Thorne(1) Leo Tolstoy(2) John Kennedy Toole(1) tracysarah(1) Geoffrey Trease(1) Anthony Trollope(1) Barbara W. Tuchman(2) Colin Tudge(1) Deborah Tukua(1) Ivan Turgenev(4) Mark Twain(1) Mary Twitchell(2) Laurel Thatcher Ulrich(1) Unknown(3) unknown author(2) J. D. Vance(1) Robert E. Van Voorst(1) David L. Wagner(1) Gilbert Waldbauer(5) David Wallechinsky(2) Christopher Ward(1) Ethan Watters(1) Andrew Weil(1) Simone Weil(1) Simone; Simone Weil (Introduction By Leslie Fiedler) Weil(1) Jonathan Weiner(1) Nathanael West(1) William L. White(1) Walt Whitman(1) Eliot Wigginton(1) Thornton Wilder(1) Bell Irvin Wiley(1) Edward O. Wilson(2) James Q. Wilson(1) Simon Winchester(1) Walter Wink(1) Catherine Wolff(1) Janet Wolf(1) Maryanne Wolf(1) Mary Wollstonecraft(1) Olwen Woodier(1) Richard Wright(1) Ronald Wright(1) Stephen M. Wylen(1) Carl Zimmer(1) Howard Zinn(1) Lennard Zinn(1)